so i'm trying out ocaml (after doing a fair bit of haskell).. is there anything wrong with the type signature fun : int -> int -> unit, or something along those lines? ocamlc complains about a syntax error at the " :" characters
(this is followed by let rec fun = ...)
goltrpoat: val: int -> int -> unit
eehh sorry
goltrpoat: val name: int -> int -> unit
tried that, it doesn't seem to like val
the function is let rec sierpinskiTri x y size = ...
tried both val sierpinskiTri : int -> int -> int -> unit and sierpinskiTri : int -> int -> int -> unit
(compiles/runs fine without the type signature)
compile with ocamlc -i to display the inferred signatures
yes, do that :)
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something along the lines of ocamlc graphics.cma c:/ocaml/test.ml -o -i test.exe ? sorry about the dumb questions, just started looking at it today
(that doesn't seem to print out anything)
er. -i -o test.exe
just: ocamlc graphics.cma -i test.ml
yah i get the same type signature i was using
val sierpinskyTri : float -> float -> float -> unit (i typed int when i meant float earlier)
than you were using the correct signature :)
yah but that doesn't compile :)
did you put it in a *.mli file?
oh.. no, it's an .ml file
than it wont work :)
ohh i see
type signatures have to be in an .mli ?
doh! thanks :)
so, dumb question #2: how do you write a lambda expression with more than one free variable? eg function x y -> stuff, except correctly? (in other words, is there shorthand for function x -> (function y -> (function z -> ... )) )
function x y -> stuff
should work :)
function x y -> x*y;; gives a syntax error at y in the REPL
you have to use "fun" instead of "function"
a bit confusing.. :/
what's the difference?
other than the multiple free variables i mean
i think "function" does multiple pattern-matching
and fun does not
oh i see
but in the revised syntax "fun" is used for both cased, as far as i know...
well I also did prepa, I might have known yours
which prepa ?
(you did prepa in france ? :o
yes Henri IV in Paris
ho ho :)
(half of this chan is french, Fallenou :p)
very good prepa
so you speack french =)
yes :)
ça m'entraine a l'écrit
however we keep it in english for the other half of the chan
but that's supposed to be an english speaking channel, that's uncool for those who don't speak french not to do so
well it doesn't work :p
evalt [|"-3";"abs"|];;
#Exception non rattrapée: Invalid_argument "vect_item"
you're trying to access an element too far in the vect I guess
ok i see the problem
have you only been told about imperative features of the language ? that code doesn't look too "camlish"... arrays, references,... and only ints and strings...
s/size/size - 2
they told us basic instructions like for, while, match, if
avec some operators
i have experience in C, and php
it shows ;)
i started caml 2 months ago i think
or a little more
I though the info option started sooner
it works
it seems they did s/Pascal/caml light/g over their old courses
the info option started with the 2d "trimestre"
during the first one i did SI
we had to choose after 3 months
wether info (without having done it) or SI
so i have to add the operator feature
what I mean is, if you code matches what you're being told about the language, it's sad
yes :s
oh yes it seems to work :)
it evaluate postfixed algebric expressions
maybe your professors made their last efforts to learn new languages in around '75
just like in old HP calculator
my professor is MP* math professor
so informatic is not his speciality
it probably explains the problem, rather than justify it
is there a lot of "nopaste" websites supporting ocaml syntax hilighting ?
first has no ads, second keeps settings between pastes, pick your poison ;)
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*.dial* ... gloups
dialup connection ? :s
(it's .fbx.proxad.net, usually)
finally it works very good !
thank you very much to all who helped me :) ( smimou zmdkrbou pango ! )
* zmdkrbou
didn't help, so np :D
"smimou zmdkrbou pango" should be the name of an alcoholic beverage.
dylan: after usage
pango: what?
dylan: maybe how it's spelt after a few drinks
hmm, I am not sure how to pronounce smimou or zmdkrbou.
with difficulty
rhoo, smimou is easy
damg|food is now known as atla^isn^nup
I'm imagining the vowel sounds are not what I'd assume.
zmdkrbou: yes, that's just how the whole catenated thing looks like
zmdkrbou: "zemdarkerboo"?
Fallenou: is there something about functional programming panned in your info courses ? That wouldn't look out-of-place, coming from a math prof
dylan: there's a simple trick : someone (damn him) compressed my nickname because it cas too long, so you can pronounce the original one : themadkaribou
(much easier to say, huh ? :p)
(i don't understand very well the question in english :s)
Fallenou: your caml code looks like imperative programming
imperative ?
like C
Fallenou: functional programming has strong mathematical background (and in fact looks as much as mathematics as a programming language can)
well i program in caml like i program in c i think :s
So, "Samuel Mimram Mad Karibou Pango Bang liquor, for that authentic lambda flavor."
(I pronounce ! as 'bang')
Fallenou: caml il more about "let f x = blabla in f something" kind of things
yes my teacher uses this sort of coding
but i dislike ^^"
rhoooo :)
yes i am very "C coding fan"
that's such a nice programming style :)
i create a function
i use it after
you also do this in ocaml
but you compute values instead of using side-effects
someone want my code to evaluate postfixed algebric expressions ?
like in old HP calculators
like "3 3 +" = 6
"3 4 5 + -" = in fact 3 - (4 + 5)
and "3 4 sin +" = 3 + sin 4 :p
that's a classical exercice :)
ok lol
my teacher didn't told us to do it but i wanted to do so
that's a good idea ... why don't you re-do it in a functional style ? :p
* zmdkrbou
functional zealot
and uses lists instead of arrays ;)
stacks are trivially implemented using lists
(or using Stack in stdlib :p)
we just begin to study stacks
before doing this i will implement it in C :p
it will be harder without "match with" of caml :p
# let rec evalt = function
| "+" :: a :: b :: q -> evalt (addf a b :: q)
| ...
yes i can be shorter than mine
and more beautiful and "caml look"
(addf taking care of string <-> int conversions; it would be even better to use a list of variant types, of course)
# type stack_element = Number of int | Operator of string
let rec evalt = function
| Operator "+" :: Number a :: Number b :: q -> evalt (Number (a+b) :: q)
| ...
too hard for me :p
we did't study how to make types
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actually you only need a stack for partial results, not for the "program"
pango: thanks for your help on my paste earlier this morning
is the "program" necessarily a string array ? again a string list could help
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mikeX_ is now known as mikeX
it could be a string array or a string list or a string with " " to separate
then a string list is better : List.fold_left is the best function in the universe :)
what does it do ?
if applies a function on all the elements of a list, keeping a value that is modified on each call and passed to the next call ...
(not very good explanation :s)
but it's very powerful
hum ok :o
your teacher will explain you this better than me i think :)
with my small knowledge i am happy that my fonction works :p
i expect :p
thank you very much
i have to go, my math book is calling me :p
I'm having problems with this "as" stmt... also I think my attempt to use not is going to fail as well... help needed: http://ocaml.pastebin.com/729744
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You have a MS in CS and you don't know what the question is asking?
metaperl: you should check the definition of vertices and edges, because you already answered that question :)
insert_vtx inserted a vertex, but how could you insert a vertex... ah
you would just insert 1,[]
to insert a vertex
an edit would have that list non-empty I take it
does anyone know why this movie "The Davinci Code" is so popular?
recursivity is involved there too ;)
how many of you French people actually think that France beat Brazil in World Cup 98?
I mean, as opposed to Brasil laying down because they were paid to lose?
Zidane is a great player and those were some great headers... but...
the more I hear and think about it, the less I believe that France won as much as I think that Brasil was paid to lose
is it explained in davinci code, too ?
I hope I can still get IRC help from the French people here after this controversial statement
i believe so :)
after all Thierry Henry is one of my favorite strikers
metaperl: no problem, my opinion on the subject is something like ... "football sucks polar bears" :)
pango: if you look carefully at the position of the players on the field at some point of the match, the brazilians were drawing a large $
another chocking statement: I'm quitting OCaml, I'm going Erlang
that's not (yet) truc
love-pingoo: appfffffffffff
love-pingoo, have you used Concurrent ML, in OCaml's Event module or elsewhere?
but I'm sick of Ocaml's problems with threads and signals
I never use signals. Why do you care about them?
Unix.alarm uses a signal
love-pingoo: as long as this is just for liq ...
There are more idiomatic Concurrent ML ways to accomplish Unix.alarm's functionality; namely, the timeout event.
here's a simple thing I do: install a handler on siglarm, which does exit 2, then schedule an alarm in 20 seconds, then start downloading some file
and it works.. until some of these processes simply freezes
Doesn't seem to be present in OCaml's Event, but it is in the "real" CML.
then I use a thread, which does (Thread.delay 20. ; exit 2)... same story
love-pingoo, really, signals are garbage. Try CML..
Smerdyakov: I have difficulties believing that the Event module behaves better than a simple Thread.delay
love-pingoo, I don't know. Since it doesn't have timeOutEvt, probably not. But if you switch to SML, I believe this would work perfectly.
at this point it's too late
You simply create a compound event, waiting for one of the file download to finish or a timeOutEvt.
sml's threads are native ones ?
It's an implementation issue, but the SML/NJ and MLton CML implementations both use lightweight user-level threads.
maybe Ocaml should, too, since its threads cannot really execute concurrently
Everything that runs on UNIX should!
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you may also use select from the Unix package
so, seriously, I might take a look at Erlang some day, at least that's an interesting success story
Schmurtz: Thread.delay is a call to Unix.select
Schmurtz: indeed
love-pingoo, Concurrent ML has everything that Erlang has, but with awesome additional features enabled by static typing.
select has nothing to do with threads
strange and sad and tiring :(
Smerdyakov: Erlang runs some real-world applications
love-pingoo, so does SML..
Smerdyakov: I disagree about user-level threads. Using user-level threads means that all of your execution will get stuck if one thread gets stuck in kernel space. They are a valid implementation choice, but not inherently superior to using, say, 'clone', where available.
Smerdyakov: with weird freezes such as the one I depicted, I'd say it's a bit tricky to get something running
love-pingoo, what does that have to do with SML?
ah, sorry
Smerdyakov: any link to such applications ?
just curious..
http://hcoop.net/ dynamic web sites and user-level management tools are all written by me in SML.
creichen: I was looking for some multithreaded stuff, servers and so on.. I'll look at hcoop
theorem provers are not really relevant examples ...
love-pingoo: Sorry, I thought you only wanted "real-world apps".
zmdkrbou, I guess based on your definition of "real world"?
zmdkrbou, big processor manufacturers do use computer theorem proving tools as part of their standard quality control procedures today.
Smerdyakov: sorry but that doesn't convince me.. is there a single daemon running for months and bearing heavy load written in SML ?
love-pingoo, no
or nifty applications like wyrd, unison, and ml-donkey? :)
what about Smerdyakov himself ? :)
love-pingoo, I've done that before, though, but I don't know about measuring the heavyness of the load.
Smerdyakov: the problem is just that the people who code theorem provers are almost the same as those who design functional languages : all research people ...
Smerdyakov: actually I don't care about load, but I do want stability for months
and it doesn't use much threads and stuff like this
love-pingoo, I don't have any reason to doubt the stability of a daemon compiled with MLton.
btw, speaking mldonkey: the daemon is reloaded every 24 hours
they have a script to do that, they say it's safer..
love-pingoo: for the love of... pingoo, why?
more because of memory usage than stability...
pango: is it so poorly coded that I has memory leaks in spite of the Gc ?
ahahah years and years of research and you still end up with dirty hacks...
love-pingoo: the script is also not provided with mldonkey
yeah but it's in the debian installation
love-pingoo: debian provides year old version
wouhou : fight!
I'd love to hear that it's not needed anymore
I'm not fighting, I just want my programming to be easier
is that so old ?
2.7.6 is on freshmeat today
(2.7.3 = 19 Jan 2006)
mmmh, no better on gentoo
wow they release more often than us :D
I can't really provide examples of high uptimes, I'm testing new patches all the time ;)
but current uptime is > 5 days, RSS 60MB...
that's a constant, it takes ~ 50MB after a few minutes
well firefox or thunderbird tend to take that much too
I remember upgrading the box from 256MB to 512MB few years ago because of serious leaks at the time... I can't say they're all gone, but it's now in "acceptable range" again ;)
hey, project idea: rewrite firefox in OCaml :)
then go on with openoffice ;)
Then Pong !
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first, do we have a text editor ?
efuns is dead
bed !
* zmdkrbou
the problem is that you need some "critical mass" of devs and users for a projet to survive
there are enough OCaml developers..
haskell has the yi editor
boarf, it depends on the project
language of implementation is not in the "top features list" of most users, so you must provide more than just the reimplementation of something that exists
pango: you're right actually
I was half kidding.. but I'm surprised nobody tried, except efuns
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(mldonkey barely reaches the critical mass of devs btw)
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does it really do more than other existing software
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well it has nice core/frontend separation for one thing
yes... the multi users support that's in the making will probably be another unique feature
several clients now have multi networks supports, but it was a unique feature for some time, too
I'm not sure that's such an important feature
do you really use many networks at the same time ?
and its "unixish" touch (works as a daemon, as already mentionned; but also telnet interface with internal commands interpreter, hooks for calling external scripts...)
mikeX: let () = ... is used when you have something that evaluates to unit
isn't that like 'let _ = ...'?
except it has to be unit
while _ can be anything
so it is more specific
oh ok, cause let () messes up the toplevel
# let () = print_string "hi";;
# let _ = print_string "hi";;
hi- : unit = ()
where is the mess?
hmm, I must be missing something
# let () = ();;
# ();;
- : unit = ()
there is no "response" from the system in case of let () = ...
yes indeed
still I find it confusing (using () as an l-value)
it is better than using _
as type errors will be caught..
yes I understand that, what confuses me is the very notion that you can do it
(use it as an l-value)
it is pattern matching...
just like you can do: let (a, b) = ...
or: let (hd::tl) = ...
i see
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mikeX: you can even do: let 5 = 5;;
well that complains
while: let 5 = 7 will result in a Match_failure
about the matching not being exhaustive
yes it complains
(first thing I tried, and I actually used 5 )
but it is just a warning
it is not an error
i think it's starting to sink in
still Match_failure is a run time error
and run time errors are evil
that is why there is a warning :)
mikeX: These things are normally used when you're in a hurry and you know parts of the structure you're going to expect. That structure being different means that something screwed up-- the Match exception (or whatever Ocaml calls it) is then akin to an assertion failure.
I usally write _ -> assert false or some such.
Smerdyakov: Congratulations on your paper, by the way!