probably you need to add -lapr to the command line there ... there's a Fedora meeting this evening, and if that goes well then I'll be packaging up mod_caml in a day or two anyway
there are other, known problems with mod_caml & apache 2.2 at the moment
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hi. is there a library or so which provides random numbers following a distribution other than uniform?
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probably ocamlgsl
rwmjones: evening
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G evening
or lunchtime as it is here :-)
I must go back and read all the ocaml stuff on the fedora lists
had an exam last week, but for some reason I'm even busier now ;)
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kelaouchi, if you use 'nm -D' on the various libraries which Apache has installed, you should be able to list out the symbols they provide until you find the one needed
for example:
nm -D /usr/lib/libapr-1.so.0.2.7 | less
as an example has:
000000000000fed0 T apr_file_open
which means that apr_file_open is provided (as a 'T'ext symbol, so it's a function)
and also has:
U closedir
which means that closedir is 'U'ndefined (ie. provided by another library - in this case, glibc)
T = text (functions), D = data, U = undefined (required by this library, provided by another library)
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thx rwmjones ;)
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not sure this mod_caml is ok anyway
not sure it is up to date
to be able to work with apache v2
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kelaouchi, there are some known bugs. If you contact Joel Reymont, he's got it working with latest Apache. I'll be trying to do the same later this week.
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Can anyone think why you must specify "rec" for a recursive call in (Oca)ML?
shadowing - let a n = print_int 1; let a n = a n;
I don't know the rationale, but I sometimes like to reuse identifier within functions, and if they were recursive, it wouldn't quite work
however, for shadowing top-level definitions is what has bitten me a few times, I don't like it :)
s/for //
Yes, I'm thinking the shadowing thing is annoying. The only reason I can come up is that there are different formal semantics for recursive method calls and non-recursive.
..And you might need some hand-waving rule so that a prover chooses the right one if you didn't have it explicit.
lamby, it's common to want to redefine previous definitions
I often write code which looks like:
let xs = List.map (...) xs in
let xs = List.map (...something else...) xs in
where 'xs' is being passed through a series of transformations
so you need to be able to tell the different between let (above) and let rec (not used nearly so often)
so compile that one and see what the speed difference is
rwmjones is now known as rwmjones_away
tsuyoshi, which ray.ml did you base that on?
the minimal one
oh haha I forgot there are a whole bunch of versions on there
I took fork.tar.bz2
top only displays one process taking 99% cpu
running forkray?
so what am I doing wrong_
ah, only ray
oh ray is the original
..so I can just use that and not get anything from ffconsultancy..
34.695s for the original
./forkray > ray.kuva2 34,96s user 0,24s system 196% cpu 17,923 total
and it produces the same picture
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hm, somehow the length of fork.ml surprises me, but I suppose 130 lines is ok
the version without select was a lot simpler
I think actually it was a mistake to use an array to store the children's state
should go back to using a map
why can't it use Array.init instead of that Obj.magic-trick?
Obj.magic? Sounds like someone wants a language with type-level computation.
flux: no suitable default value
init doesn't need default value
you provide it a default initialization function
and as far as I can see, you could replace that for-loop with Array.init
which one?
the first one in map
I tried that actually
it doesn't work because you can't fork in the middle of an Array.init
or maybe you can, but both the child and the parent options have to have the same type and I couldn't get it to compile
oh, I can see what the problem was, but I fixed it
the child process doesn't actually ever return.. so if you could fool the type checker into accepting it...
assert false will tell that
(formatting is bad, but I minimized the length of the patch)
assert false?
assert false.
it clearly tells that this point of code cannot be reached :)
and from the type inference point of view it is 'a
Just one of many ways of building an expression that has any type.
oh really
ohh that's much nicer
I think a map would still be better than an array though
It would be even nicer in a more advanced type system where "assert false" requires a proof of unreachability.
I did a binary search but.. it seems kind of awkward
I suppose using array for that specific purpose is ok
Smerdyakov: what language would have that type system?
mbishop, Coq does, but you can have even simpler language designs that have similar properties.
flux: what kind of system do you have?
tsuyoshi, dual athlon 1900+ MP
someone running this on osx got 16 seconds extra system time in the forking version
..with linux
2.6 series
I wonder if that means the osx scheduler sucks
do you think of trying out how a version that uses marshalling both ways would perform?
that would be a bit more complicated.. would add another child state for writing
but it would allow using less than n processes
I was also thinking of pipelining it
less than n processes?
well, I suppose you could get that in other means too
where n is the length of list to process
oh it's already doing that
the first argument to map is the number of processes
I didn't look that closely :)
but the case I was really thinking was doing pmap under pmap
it would need some manager process
that is pretty cool that it gets a nearly 50% speedup though
well, yes.. but one cannot just search/replace map with pmap in an application and expect it to work (it will however if you avoid side effects), or get performance boost :). but I believe it has its uses.
years ago I wrote a class for c++ that provided fancy syntax for doing for-loops in parallel (forked in constructor and waited in destructor), but it required the result data would be placed in shared memory
didn't ever use it for anything, though :)
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how can List.for_all throw a Division_by_zero exception eventho I dont do division in the function it calls?
dont worry.
Isn't it funny: You just have to write a single sentence, end it with a question mark and press enter. Then it reveals itself.
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what did flux say his system was again
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He said it was fantastic.
oh I'll just say an athlon running linux
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after reading jon's new code I figured out I had a bug in mine
I've only been closing half of the pipes
that's what gave me the error before
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hmm.. what is he comparing to when he says "faster than any language that uses a concurrent GC"
you could use this same method in any language, really
it would be pretty easy in lisp, for instance
if someone hasn't already done it
And if someone has already done it, it will be really, really hard.
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hmm.. now what if I made it autodetect the number of processors