thelema: I get what look like server side errors (Lwt-related)
thelema: Can you get to the oasis-db/odb site?
HaikuUser: Obj.magic is always the wrong answer :-)
If they want feedback on reasoning they are free to ask of course
The reason is up to HaikuUser to decide :-)
This is only possible if those types are somehow wrapped
HaikuUser wants to define a function that can return multiple types
It sounds reasonably well specified
_habnabit: Doubt...?
HaikuUser: Where "something similar" would probably be more verbose than using a variant
HaikuUser: You would need to create a variant with all of the possible options or something similar.
HaikuUser: 'a -> 'b is only possible with Obj.magic and similar type system-breaking functions
adrien: I think ocamlfind's destdir interpretation is the second version
adrien: I'm only asking you to wait for you to write it :-D
hcarty: concatenation of heredocs works but is quite verbose because one has to close the first here-doc, put the conditional, open a here-doc, close it, put an else, an empty string, open another here-doc
adrien: Concatenation of heredocs should work out of the box I think
adrien: Without that the c_sources block would need to be pulled out into a prior interpolated string.
adrien: Of course, xstrp4 could be expanded to support templates or template support could be built on top of xstrp4.
adrien: I think I agree with thelema at this point. You would probably be better off with some form of templates.
caaakeeey: files.metaprl.org/doc/ocaml-book.pdf is a somewhat more modern OCaml book
hcarty: maybe just conditional printing: "%{BuildDepends:}" (Option.is_some dec)
I've had instances where I've wanted to do something similar, so it's probably a reasonable addition if it can be done cleanly.
adrien: If you have a suggestion for how to do it and a clean patch I'll certainly take a look :-)
Ah. You could do something more complicated to make it work inline, but you may be better off lifting that out of the interpolation.
adrien: If you are using Batteries then you will want to use Batteries-like %a printers, if you are not then you will want stdlib-like %a printers.
hcarty: but I have the "BuildDepends: " prefix that I only want to print if the option is Some x
adrien: Or you can create some similar, shorter equivalents.
adrien: If you use Batteries then you can use the Batteries printing functions
hcarty: about xstrp4, I have a "string option" and I want to write "BuildDepends: ${library.build_depends}" inside a here-quotation (library.build_depends is of type "string option")
you need xstrp4 (haven't tested it with hcarty's version yet)
adrien: The first for bytes may tell you, if it's not a library.
Sorry, wrong window
hcarty: right; I realized odb wouldn't be fine for distrbution packages as I was writing my questions ;-)
adrien: Or a switch to oasis as a build system
adrien: There is no lablgtk2 package for odb yet. This would be eased if lablgtk2 were to have native ocamlfind support when ./configure && make && make install'ing it
adrien: odb is probably not appropriate for creating Linux distribution packages, but oasis is/will be/can be.
adrien: :-) that is
adrien: The odb quickstart guide is waiting for your contributions :-
_habnabit: I or hcarty have to promote it
This is mostly guessing, but you can probably replace any instance of fun with function + some extra code; the same is likely true in reverse.
But let and fun are limited to a single match case, while function and match allow for multiple cases.
Dasuraga: fun can do pattern matching in some forms (the same way let can). For example, (fun (a, b) -> a + b) is pattern matching.
everyonemines: I don't think so, but you'd have to look at the assembly/intermediate code to be sure
hcarty, thelema: oasis remains my top priority project, if I had choice to make, it'll be the last project I'll discard
hcarty: I start on 1st November
gildor: That's good to hear. And have fun at Google :-) When do you start?
hcarty, thelema: I will even resume my work on it while at google
hcarty, thelema: I REALLY don't plan to drop it
hcarty, thelema: my new job means 'almost' nothing to oasis
kuscotopia: I think OCamlMakefile can automate most of the process if you have trouble getting it working for your code
I'm fairly sure the oasis-db server code is available. It may be reasonable to continue using that as the primary metadata creation system.
It may make sense to split the .tar.gz repository from the metadata repository
thelema: All packages could be managed under a single repository if you want to go all-out. That repository could be cloned anywhere, providing a mirror.
hcarty: other option is to get vcs support in odb - ocaml odb.ml github/batteries
gildor: What does this mean for the future development of oasis?
eikke: But it Batteries is an acceptable dependency then its printing functions tend to be quite useful and simple to extend.
eikke: There are a few camlp4 extensions which provide something similar - deriving, one for s-expressions, one or more for JSON
limited subset *of what is presented in* those two articles
thelema: pa-do's macro extension looks like a limited subset of those two articles
thelema: pa-do may be something to point someone to as an implementation example, particularly if macros are the goal
hcarty: hacker news
thelema: HN?
rgrinberg: It is common to see all operators passed that way ( + ) ( - ) ( / ) for consistency
rgrinberg: The required work-around is to use ( * ) instead of (*)
thanks hcarty
rgrinberg: They also work nicely with the Printf.* functions: Printf.printf "%a" (List.print Int.print) [1; 2; 3]
rgrinberg: The Batteries printing functions are intended to be composable. So you can print a list with: List.print Int.print stdout [1; 2; 3]
_habnabit: Yes, that too :-)
rgrinberg: Followed by where you want the output - stdout for example
hcarty: where is your xstrp4 fork? and have you announced it?
hcarty: thanks
adrien: You could try sub-packages. I think there is an example in the oasis source tree illustrating their use. My xstrp4 fork uses them as well.
adrien: I'm guessing it's because you are effectively asking oasis to create three META files in the same location
thelema: odb + windows
hcarty__: biggest challenge to what? replacing godi with odb?
adrien: :-)
adrien: The biggest challenge is probably providing the external dependencies or replacing them with libraries used in a static odb binary
devinus: Have fun!
emmanueloga, hcarty thanks, will check these out tonight
Jason Hickey's book is well written and the chapters on modules and the object/class system are particularly helpful.
devinus: There were publication complications, from what I understand
devinus: And a second to emmanueloga's comment about the manual - it's generally quite accessible
thelema: I think it did change some number of months ago
thelema: It may be a good idea to make the Batteries wiki pages more visible. They cover a lot of getting started questions like sheleh's.
hcarty: and rebase, amend commits, rewrite history, delete branches and replace them with different ones which only share the name
gildor: Of course :-)
adrien: I think you do need to add FindlibName if you want one. I think this is in part to support nested findlib names.
hcarty, adrien: oh, and of course, when I see some tags missing, I fix the generation process directly in oasis ;-)
gildor: That's an even better plan :-) Thanks for the tip!
adrien: Branch, but immediately after branching delete the original branch. Burning bridges, all the cool kids are doing it.
:-) They do serve a purpose from time to time
adrien: With several repetitions of the last two steps in order to get everything working properly
My oasis conversions have generally gone along the lines of: git checkout -b oasis && rm build_system_files && oasis quickstart && vim _oasis && oasis setup
As long you have a backup, yes. oasis will generate one which you may need to modify, depending on your project.
oasis would hopefully allow for easier future growth.
adrien: Or you could wrap a thin Makefile around your ocamlbuild setup.
adrien: oasis, as long as it supports what you need
adrien: Just to provide another data point :-)
adrien: odb is still on typeconv 2.3.0 by default at least in part to keep odn (and oasis) compatibility
f[x]: It may not be the only 3.11-able approach, but wrapping f in a record will work: type f_t = { f : 'a. 'a -> unit }
f[x]: I had to do something similar for ocaml-hdf
f[x]: Got it :-)
But it is not likely be a trivial task.
everyonemines: Not to discourage you from trying!
everyonemines: Integer sizes, separate compilation, first class modules, the class/object system
hcarty: I'd be interested in info about those kind of differences.
everyonemines: The language's make different assumptions about how the internals work. There was a presentation from the mlton folks which (jokingly?) mentioned ocamlton.
thelema: Any luck tracking down the oasis-db bugs/issues you were seeing a few days ago?
thelema: I added an odb-installable ocamlscript package if you get a chance to test
Have a good evening
thelema: I'll check the logs later to see if there is anything I can do to help with the odb trouble
Not bad
Ack... I can't type. s/the/they/
thelema: The files in testing/pkg/info/ look like the have the correct content for hdf4
Odd. "ocaml odb.ml hdf4" works here
Although I thought I had put in the original URL when I uploaded it.
thelema: What's the problem with hdf4? I only see one source for the .tar.gz on the oasis-db site.
Only when I notice a new package and am able to test it
I haven't done it with many packages
I've promoted packages to testing as well, but also only ones I've packaged.
I haven't tried installing any of them before now
thelema: Did these work in the past?
benchmark could probably be uploaded again. Which others are failing?
thelema: It looks like it isn't downloading properly
thelema: Failure "Could not extract tarball for benchmark(benchmark-1.0.tar.gz)".
hcarty: can you `odb.ml benchmark`?
hcarty: I should announce such a thing on the mailing list. And I should merge any commits to the 1.x branch to the v2 branch
thelema: Do you have any thoughts/plans on what is required before a Batteries 2.0 release?
hcarty: Noted.
preyalone_: The comment stands, but is not directly applicable to this topic :-)
thelema: Ah, oops.
hcarty: try ... with _ -> ()
Or, rather, let you know if you are ignoring a non-unit value
preyalone_: It will let you know if you're ignoring something you don't intend to.
preyalone_: let () = ... is generally safer than let _ = ...
thelema: Thanks for updating the package!
thelema: Done.
hcarty: I'll promote gsl to testing.
hcarty: great. Can you put a comment in oasis-db about that?
thelema: I was able to install ocamlgsl through odb.ml
hcarty: Thanks.
thelema, preyalone_: -linkpkg should be sufficient
It's an odd approach to a relatively odd task
I like it
thelema: True re: the instructions
hcarty: not if compiled as instructed
thelema: It could be scriptedmain.ml or scriptedmain.exe...
_habnabit: Still perhaps non-standard code, but a bit easier on the eyes
_habnabit: I removed the ... non-standard indentation and "rec" from main
adrien, hcarty: to answer my own question, OcalIDE (like its Java counterpart) builds continuously, i need to go to Project -> Properties and add the ocamlbuild targets there
Ah, of course.
thelema: It doesn't? I thought toplevel phrases were evaluated in the linked module(s).
thelema: On the topic of premature optimization - I was going to grumble about always requiring threading IO-overhead in Batteries before the recent module split you made for 2.0. Then I realized I've been using threaded Batteries almost exclusively without trouble.
There are btree implementations on github if not in Batteries.
Not that I would complain if functors suddenly became performance-hit-free in OCaml :-)
It also makes the compiler more complex and makes performance less predictable
thelema: Right
Or, OCaml doesn't do that in general.
OCaml doesn't do that. MLton does for SML.
everyonemines: Polymorphism as it exists in polymorphic comparison goes against how most of OCaml works
Core may
I don't think Batteries has anything like that yet.
I guess you could write type-specialized min and max functions using type-specific compare
hcarty: nope, min and max are plain ocaml functions, no special optimization
thelema: There aren't many more grossly polymorphic functions in OCaml
thelema: No - I had thought min and max might be, but maybe not.
hcarty: do you know of any other functions improved by type knowledge?
hcarty: anything else?
thelema: That's my understanding
hcarty: the builtin polymorphics, compare and (=), are improved by knowing types
hcarty: not true for most functions. Compare is special because the compiler will insert specialized code for a few types.
Polymorphic comparison is slow in part because it dives into the underlying structure of values. Most other functions involving polymorphism don't need to do that.
I doubt List.map suffers terribly. But <, >, =, compare, etc. all dig into the dirty underbelly of OCaml to do what they do
Every polymorphic function that is
Is that true for every function?
everyonemines: I don't know how well it's advertised in general, but there are a fairly large number of blog posts, mailing list posts and other sources talking about optimizing inner loops in OCaml by eliminating polymorphic comparison
everyonemines: Polymorphic comparison is one example
everyonemines: Some are slow relative to optimized type-specific versions
kizzx2: I haven't used it in a long time, but I think the simplest approach is to create a project with OcaIDE's ocamlbuild support and then compile however Eclipse does its compilation
flux: I think there is a Jane St blog post or two on that topic
ohwow: The OCaml standard library isn't meant to cover every possible use case - it's meant to be enough to get by, with the intent that more general functions/libraries will be developed externally
thelema: Removing the syntax extensions, or at least moving them to a separate project seems like a reasonable step in 2.0 or 3.0.
hcarty: good to know. I wonder who will complain if the next batteries has no camlp4
thelema: I stopped trying to use estring and extensions derived from it after running into too many edge cases and unexpected incompatibilities.
ohwow: "let f = function Some x -> true | None -> false" is like writing "let f x = match x with Some x -> true | None -> false"
"function" is kind of like "match"; "fun" is useful when creating anonymous functions
ohwow: fun and function do two different things
hcarty: I guess I should use markus's version - I got this one off the original author's site
hcarty: yes, lots of bugs still.
Rather than ocamlgraph
^^ "ocamlfind remove gsl"
thelema: Also, the uninstall command should probably be
I think Markus Mottl's version fixes several bugs in the original 0.6.0 release
thelema: Which ocamlgsl package did you use as the source for your oasis'd version?
hcarty__: yes, this is what I'd like to understand better. Maybe it's a misunderstanding based on older batteries
The external dependencies are pretty limited, more so with 2.0 and the elimination of Camomile requirement
thelema: I'm not sure I understand the heavyweight argument against Batteries, particularly since each piece can be picked individually. There are of course some dependencies between modules.
Cool, thanks for the pointer
Ok, so internally it is similar to what I described earlier - accumulate the bytes in a buffer, then get the bytes when the reading is done.
thelema: If I write ten megabytes of data to the output returned by IO.pipe, what happens to those bytes between writing and reading from the IO.pipe's input?
kurtosis: Or in a module in a function
thelema: Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Is any buffering performed by IO.input/IO.output streams?
thelema: With the output created internally in the function
thelema: So a function of source_t -> input?
I don't think so, since I don't have a IO.input value to work with
The input comes one string at a time
With the buffer implementation then becoming a wrapper around the IO-based form.
It currently uses Buffer.add_string and I'd like to move to IO.nwrite
I'd like to make something more flexible so the input can be held in a value or piped directly to some other location.
This is for file reading/copying. The previous implementation used a Buffer.t to hold the input data temporarily.
thelema: Ah, right. That may make sense in this context...
thelema: For example, Foo.get : source_t -> string vs. Foo.get_? : source_t -> IO.output -> unit
thelema: Is there a Batteries standard or semi-standard for naming functions which write to output streams?
Sounds reasonable
Is this coming in 2.0?
Mutex and friends live in Batteries_thread in this case?
hcarty: that's a findlib limitation as far as I can tell
Manual intervention on each compilation and toplevel use, that is.
The only pain is that "-thread" needs to be manually specified somehow. Can that be addressed in the META file, without requiring manual intervention?
thelema: re: threads or no threads
thelema: I've been away for a while, but I'm happy to see that some conclusion was reached on how to unify the Batteries module.
everyonemines: That has it
The documentation for one of the components includes a description of the bytecode format
And there are some other pieces as well
Another is a replacement for ocamlrun
Ack, ocamlc rather
One is a replacement for oca lc
everyonemines: There are several pieces
everyonemines: In the documentation for one of the sub projects I think
everyonemines: I think there is information somewhere in this project on the bytecode format - http://ocamljava.x9c.fr/
and preferably hcarty's updated version
hcarty: I first tried emacs on a laptop which had Ctrl and Fn keys inverted, making Ctrl even harder to reach (it also taught me that my fingers didn't like contortionism at all, even with a properly placed Ctrl key)
hcarty: first of all, i highly recommend you to use el-get ( https://github.com/dimitri/el-get ) which simplifies package management.
adrien: That's why I stopped my last emacs experiment and came crying back to vim :-)
larhat: I'm only slightly familiar with emacs and have been meaning to give it a try again
larhat: An example .emacs (or whatever the default emacs local configuration file is) with caml-mode and tuareg enabled
hcarty: you didn't know about mmap and writing? that was mentionned on the caml-list some time ago (less than a year ago, probably in 2011) but I haven't tried it nor have much knowledge of it
hcarty: what do you mean by "ocaml-friendly"? tuareg-mode is pretty useful and has many features. And you can use utop as emacs-toplevel
Does anyone here have pointers to example OCaml-friendly emacs configurations
adrien: I did not know that... I'll have to look up why that is the case
hcarty: they do work on windows (well, there is windows-specific code for them) but mmap() on *nix is not a good way to write data afaik so I avoided that
adrien: Maybe not any better than Marshal though, depending on your specific use case.
adrien: Do the mmap functions in the Bigarray modules work in Windows? That may provide a simple way to serialize groups of integers.
Oh cool... utop supports completion on labeled function arguments.
I'd love to figure out camlp4's internals well enough to make a perltidy-like tool for OCaml
Maybe they will pick up something like ocamleditor or OcaIDE and add polish
adrien: Agreed
It's nice to see these somewhat secondary tools getting attention.
There have been a large number of smaller camlp4 and ocamlbuild bug fixes over the past few months.
adrien: Ah, I misunderstood the version number.
adrien: There were a number of camlp4 changes wrt the new 3.12 syntax over the course of 3.12.1's development. It could be a bug which was fixed between your snapshot and 3.12.1final
hcarty: ok, going to do so but didn't want to duplicate things in case you had already done it
adrien: I haven't done anything with it beyond test it with my own code, where it seems to work. If you get a chance a bug report on the forge would probably be best.
hcarty: did you do anything with that possible fix for cairo_gtk so far?
hcarty: I tried testing for memory leaks by triggering lots of redraws (resizing or moving the window)
hcarty: =)
adrien: Thanks for testing that!
adrien: I tried your patch and it works well here. I haven't checked for memory leaks or anything of that sort, but the assert not longer happens.
adrien: That makes sense. I recall reading something along those lines in the Cairo documentation.
hcarty: that solves the issue but I don't know if it's the best way to do it (although #gtk+ seemed to say so)
adrien: If you have a patch I can try to get the change in as well. I have commit access but I'm not likely to get to it before the end of the week either.
hcarty: no, not yet: I tried that last change right before going to bed
adrien: Have you sent a bug report or patch to the cairo2 project?
hcarty: cairo2's cairo_gtk C stubs should increase the reference count of the surface associated with the cairo context
adrien: Bug confirmed in ocaml-cairo2 (OCaml), Cairo (C), or through some other path?