The same operators could then be used in List.Infix, Array.Infix, Seq.Infix, etc.
Regarding the Enum operators - I'm of the opinion that most, if not all, of them should be moved from Batteries to Enum.Infix (and maybe Enum)
bluestorm: Hello
hcarty: well, probably related since it works at home and one of the difference is that my home machine do not support dynlink. I replaced ocamlfind+makefile by custom compile.sh and now it works :)
rixed: Maybe it's not linking dynlink.cma? Just a guess though.
And going with n = 500000000 puts Seq slightly ahead of Enum in speed
For a large n of 100000000 or so
thelema: http://vpaste.net/BSpWK? -- the speed difference between Seq and Enum may be negligible. s/Seq/Enum/ in that paste and the runtime doesn't really change on my system
Seq makes more sense/acts in a more expected manner when programming in a functional way
I do think Enum should remain - it's a useful module
Can that actually be done?
The memory used would be the source list + a bit of Seq overhead
Only the element currently being used is kept around
I don't think the whole list would be kept in Seq
I don't know how significant the speed differences are between Seq and Enum. I think I tested with something trivial like summing a large sequence of integers.
File.lines_of could either be surprising in a good or bad way with Seq
Seq was slower (I don't remember how much) last time I checked
If Seq.( -- ) were defined like the Enum equivalent
An imaginary let a = Seq.(1 -- 10) in Seq.iter print_int a; Seq.iter print_int a would print 1 through 10 twice
From the start of the sequence
You can't backtrack with marching through the sequence to the desired element
The large_list example is probably better.
I'm not sure it really makes sense with that example...
So (I think?) you could do File.lines_of "large_file.txt" |> Seq.reduce ( ... ) with a Seq-based implementation
Seq isn't consumable, but any used elements can be GC'd
That's my understanding of the implementation at least
thelema: I think Seq acts like Enum as far as GC-ability goes
_habnabit: I think ( & ) can be used for the reverse order. I think ocamlbuild defines it that way by default (let ( & ) f x = f x)
_habnabit: I defined that in all of my code (and then in my mini extend stdlib) before moving to Batteries
let ( |> ) x f = f x
hcarty, yeah, I don't have batteries, though.
You could go all out and build a mail reader in OCaml, using the SQLite bindings + SQLite's full text search support :-)
My main complaint with the alternatives is that you trade imperfect seach for no (or very slow) search
I would love to find a mail server, supporting IMAP or similar, with reasonable support for server-side search. Something to dump everything in to and still have Gmail-like search available
Though those all have their potential troubles
I'm thinking more from a phone, family member's home or work :-)
I've wanted to try sup, but that would require me to give up easy access to my email from anywhere
And/or copy the mail to be read locally using offlineimap or similar
adrien: You can use mutt to connect to Google's IMAP server(s) directly
hcarty: I'm probably going to use mutt, but what I need some time to get a nice setup (plus I need to download all my emails, which will take some time...)
Assuming mutt offers some method to wrap long lines
adrien: If you're feeling keyboardy, you could use mutt to connect to gmail through IMAP
It seems rather complex for what it's doing. I haven't looked beyond the documentation intro yet though.
The automated man-ification is an interesting touch.
hcarty: at least once, someone with permissions to that file (root/staff) will have to add an entry in that file
odb seems very much like a cpanminus/perlbrew-light
hcarty: to install a C stub library, the file `ocamlc -where`/ld.conf has to point to the install dir
Why else would findlib allow a user to specify multiple library locations?
thelema: I insist that f[x]'s opinion is flawed :-)
hcarty: binaries have to go there. f[x] insists that if you don't have permissions to the configured findlib repo, you shouldn't be installing packages.
That's one of the nicer things about it
thelema: I hope odb.ml isn't going to stop putting things under ~/.odb ...
rwmjones: #use for .ml, #load for .cmo or .cma
chegibari: I'm glad you found the issue!
hcarty, and that caused the mismatch
hcarty, as a consequence, a default .mli file was being generated
hcarty, my build system was not copying a handwritten .mli file to the working directory
hcarty: great -- thx -- ill try that :)
hcarty, thanks
chegibari: So Z may have been updated and compiled, but X and/or Y have not been recompiled against the new Z
chegibari: It usually (always?) happens when something hasn't been recompiled properly
vivanov: It has very nice time and date handling
zsparks: For programs made up of only a file or two, ocamlscript can be a nice option as well
zsparks: The most popular options are probably ocamlbuild, OCamlMakefile, omake, oasis or autoconf
gildor: fileutils gets my vote
gildor: I was able to build and install fileutils with odb and fileutils-0.4.2-oasis6 as thelema_ said
hcarty: I don't think that's it, otherwise I'd be getting warnings on the admin panel
hcarty: fileutils needs love esp regarding oasis, it is a shame that I didn't find the time to do it myself
odn calls for ounit, but odb expects oUnit
Ah, I see part of the problem
hcarty: concerning odn, the bundle I released is just the result of a partial test (i.e. part of the ounit test suite of oasis-db), I'll upload odn 0.0.4 in my test suite to get it in the bundle
hcarty: thank you
odb does look like it is cleaning up nicely
thelema_: odn depends on ounit, but odb doesn't know this. Packaging/_oasis error I presume.
hcarty: the command line has -d for dependents, but it returns the package itself as a dependent. I'm now just cheating and filtering anything that starts with the package name from the list.
thelema_: I think you can find dependent modules with the findlib API, but I don't know if you can from the command line interface
Reaganomicon, zorun: There is a syntax extension. I don't know if it's maintained.
thelema_: fileutils fails during build, but that looks like a packaging issue
thelema_: Thanks, I'll give it a try
hcarty: fix pushed. i'll be back in 15
thelema_: I tried to install odn with odb, but I get a version parsing error: Exception: Failure "Could not parse version 1.5.0".
gildor: The oasis bundle doesn't work under a GODI 3.12 install as odn is not available
gildor: Thank you, and no apology needed! I'm looking forward to getting a chance to try out oasis with a few of my own projects.
hcarty: sorry for the delay, I don't have enough time to work on everything at once, but stay tuned, I will do it (except if someone do it before me -- which would be great)
gildor: Understood - thank you for all of your effort
hcarty: esp. regarding type-conv and ocaml-data-notation
hcarty: I need to fix a bunch of deps before pushing oasis to 3.12
gildor: Could you push the oasis package to the 3.12 section in GODI?
hcarty: since odb is working on local information, there's a chance it'll do extra work. if the deps are just A -> B -> C, then recompiling A will recompile B and then C If there's triangles, some duplicate recompilation is possible with the current strategy
In this case, I guess C would need to depend on B and A.
For example - update package A. Package B depends on A, and C depends on B. Will B be updated/reinstalled before C, or is this undefined?
thelema: I haven't had a chance to try it yet - but does the odb update recompile packages in a dependency-respecting order?
thelema: Thank you - I certainly will
hcarty: initial version committed. It may be a while before we can really test this, but if you see any obvious bugs, fix them or let me know.
thelema: If I get the time to, I certainly will :-)
How much work would it be to support multiple package repositories? For example, official and local repositories.
That's reasonable for now
print_endline "Some dependent packages are not available through odb: localfoo localbar localbaz"
thelema: Bonus points if it points out packages which depend on the package "foo" but which are not installed/installable with odb
That plus an auto-upgrade flag would be excellent
hcarty: would it be sufficient if, after upgrading camomile, odb gave the command line to update everything that depends on camomile?
hcarty: working on the dep issue - maybe easily solvable
Since compilation will break with "foo and bar make inconsistent assumptions..." errors
Until it can handle that, I don't know how usable it is beyond an initial install
thelema: Possibly so. Can it do updates? (ex. Camomile 0.7 -> 0.8 upgrade also upgrades Batteries)
hcarty: I worry that the only missing critical part of odb is the database of installable packages
I think that oasis-db/odb is the right idea. It just isn't complete yet.
thelema: I agree, but until something CPAN-like comes along, where anyone can develop and add packages, oasis-db/odb won't be enough.
ocp: github vs gitorious vs sf vs other hosts have the same visibility issues though
ocp: The Hump is something along those lines
It's a bit of a trade off between discoverability for people who don't use OCaml and people who do
ocp: That's a fair point
hcarty: I don't think gildor can do that even with 48 hours in a day.
github certainly provides a cleaner and prettier interface than the forge. Possibly even cleaner than gitorious.
If the forge needs to be improved for that to happen, then it will hopefully be improved to the point where it is polished enough.
I think that, for a project which wants to be an important part of the OCaml community, it would be ideal if it were hosted on the forge.
thelema: You hear a voice in the back of your head. It calls out, "Use the Forge, Edgar!"
If it is then a better competitor to github, so much the better.
Also, providing a better services on the forge is, in general, a good thing
Those are pretty signifcant parts of a project
hcarty: migration path away? i.e. we're locked into using github?
thelema: github does not, as far as I understand
thelema: gitorious provides a migration path away from a host
hcarty, gildor: What's the problem with github? Its not being open source seems to be the best argument against it, and even that is a pretty weak argument
gildor: An instance of gitorious on the forge would be very nice. It provides a clean interface, and would hopefully entice more projects to move over from github.
preludeml has a short OCaml program which converts the prelude.ml source from CamelCase to underscore_separated. It may be usable with Batteries as well.
thelema: I understand - I'll either put a patch together soon or suck it up and deal with the consequences
Nativeint, Printexc, Bigarray are all unfortunately named, I agree :-)
They would probably be used as aliased replacements for the matching unlabeled module
Again, though - I'd argue that the *Labels modules are not going to be used directly all that often.
I wouldn't expect the Bat* modules to be used directly all that often, given that they are often incomplete
No, but I like Multi_map more than MultiMap
I'm not terribly concerned though... individual module names tend to be short
But less efficient to read!
thelema: Cool, I'll take a look. I'm sad to see that CamelCase won out :-)
hcarty: new v2 pushed for testing
It is quite a nice language and compiler
hcarty the best tool to use to focus on programming, and get efficient binaries :)
hcarty and i thank them for the wonderful compiler
nantralien: The OCaml team does provide means to provide financial support for OCaml's development
hcarty i agree
nantralien: In an ideal case, the university would be focused on research rather than bringing in money
hcarty i agree, i was speaking about general behaviour of universities
nantralien: I'm not sure I follow - a community OCaml bundle would, presumably, be distributed without charge
hcarty yes it's a pity that all the good things that universities create, they let other develop it and get the money....
hcarty: new v2 pushed
A community bundle can address stdlib limitations
nantralien: That may be, but given how little full-time paid time OCaml gets, it's probably better that it stays small
hcarty i know but my opinion about small is 'not so small' !
nantralien: The OCaml authors want to keep the bundled stdlib small to make it easier to maintain
And _oasis
thelema: It's probably not a big deal yet, but Camomile can be removed from README's list of requirements
nantralien: It's worth knowing about!
hcarty: no, I guess I should do one more merge from master
thelema: What is the state of the v2 branch? Is it up to date with the development in master?
That too, but I was thinking about all of the resource files Camomile needs at run time
hcarty: Hopefully yoriyuki is amenable to having his ulib folded into batteries.
thelema: Primarily because it would (I think?) remove any dependencies on outside files
thelema: A Camomile-less Batteries would be wonderful in my opinion
hcarty, not really. because it is useful for any language! there'll be competition!
I wonder if we can get OCaml up and running in this, to provide yet another Try OCaml From Your Browser option: http://bellard.org/jslinux/
_habnabit: Or if you want to get fancy and use syntax extensions: (Print.printf p"%{int list}" [1;2;4]) also prints "[1;2;3]"
adrien: The biggest downside to GODI is that its packages are rather heavy. godiva helps, but there is still a fair amount of effort involved.
adrien: That said, I haven't taken the time to learn the command line syntax for GODI's tools. My guess is that doing everything through godi_console slows me down.
adrien: I agree. It's just a little heavy to get setup initially.
It's probably not a pressing issue at this point in odb's development
thelema: For example, "ocaml odb.ml --replay" could print "ocaml odb.ml batteries camomile ..."
thelema: A 60% solution could be to provide a way to have odb dump a command line which would replicate the currently installed packages
thelema: I've added three examples using ocamlscript - one with vanilla Batteries, one with a syntax extension and one with threaded Batteries (but no thread use)
I've started a lot of projects with ocamlscript, then transitions to ocamlbuild once the initial idea was properly tested
ocamlscript is more an ocamlbuild replacement for smaller projects (maybe up to a few files) than it is something you would us in addition to ocamlbuild
I'll add the ocamlscript example to the wiki
On a side note - the syntax Yaron Minsky shows in the comment bluestorm linked to from the Batteries list is rather nifty looking
I've used ocamlscript with the syntax extensions from Batteries, for example
thelema: It works well. I believe it enables camlp4 by default
hcarty: its support of findlib does produce a 90% solution. I wonder how/if it works with camlp4
thelema: ocamlscript could potentially be used as a basis for that kind of operation
hcarty: one way to deal with compilation troubles is to unify dependency handling between the toplevel and compiled programs
Having a four or five line "Hello world!" which uses Batteries and requires no explicit compilation step could remove a few hurdles.
On a tangent - ocamlscript would be a wonderful thing to use in OCaml tutorials. It avoids many of the compilation troubles many OCaml beginners can have.
But it's just a suggestion - it really may not be worth it
I'm thinking three or four Not_found's in to the future :-)
thelema: You could use it for odb development, then fall back to bare ocaml once everything is done
thelema: I highly recommend it. It's a very nice tool.
hcarty: thanks. I guess I should look into ocamlscript
thelema: Someone did release a patch to allow backtraces in the toplevel
thelema: It is when using ocamlscript, but I don't think it is (without patching OCaml) when using the ocaml binary
hcarty: thx
gildor: Congratulations :-)
gildor: Ok, thanks - that makes sense
hcarty, thelema: I think the current batteris tarball don't include an _oasis, that is the reason of the problem
thelema: Ok, thanks
thelema: I get a 404 on the admin page
Is it possible to upload new packages?
thelema: Was that in one of the links gildor gave ~a few weeks ago? I don't have them handy at the moment.
thelema: The _oasis file in the archive, or something else?
hcarty: you're right.. huh.
gildor: ping
For batteries or, as far as I can tell, anything else
oasis-db only provides the source archive in the info file
thelema: Yes
hcarty: what server doesn't provide dependency information? oasis-db?
The help both in gnuplot and on the website it good
DOUK: I'm not sure - I haven't used gnuplot in a while
hey hcarty how can i use names on the x axis instead of numbers
I'm on an older Ubuntu (10.04), so not at the moment
Using GODI + 3.12.0 + GODI's lablgtk2 + native code your program works here
kaustuv: I believe so. I checked the distribution files directory and the lablgtk2 source package there is 2.14.2
kaustuv: GODI package version that is
kaustuv: I think that GODI version is equivalent to 2.14.2
hcarty: the one on github is the latest.
thelema_: Is odb on github the right one to use/start with, or is there a different home now?
hcarty: what it needs is .tar.bz2 support and... maybe just more love.
hcarty: other than that, I don't really know what works and what doesn't. I think maybe batteries is installable at the moment. Dunno about anything else.
hcarty: I've not worked on odb significantly since the default repo became oasis. I spent a bunch of time trying to get the repo set up, and got distracted
It isn't intended for general use as it pokes directly into the program's internals
redfire: The Obj module is somewhat intentionally left undocumented
hcarty: unfortunately, I have already looked at this web sites, but there are not enough information :-(
thelema_: What is the current state of odb?
redfire: I don't know if anyone has done what you're trying to do, but you can look at the OCaml Java project for some bytecode documentation.