hcarty: since odb is working on local information, there's a chance it'll do extra work. if the deps are just A -> B -> C, then recompiling A will recompile B and then C If there's triangles, some duplicate recompilation is possible with the current strategy
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are methods with optional arguments that are actually unsupplied sometimes possible?
it seems like type inference likes to open the object type and close the method type to disallow non-use of optional arguments. i assume this is for subtyping purposes?
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is there any particular reason why there're no 3.12 win installers?
I'm looking for a native port here, not cyg
so if someone has install instructions for the vs-based port, or even a bin, could be helpful
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follow the readme, it is not hard
or there are unofficial automatically built mingw binaries for current svn
What's the minimum amount of information required by ocamlc to compile an ".ml" file referencing a module M? A ".mli" file to be accessible? a ".cmi" file?
a .cmi-file
thanks, flux
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Hi. What does "of info" mean in a variant type declaration? type term = TMTrue of info | ... | TmIf of info * term * term * term
(I know Haskell, sort of, so that'd be a good thing to build an analogy on.
They have a very similar syntax there, haskell and ocaml
maybe in haskell you don't have "of" at all?
type t = A of int is Haskell's data t = A int
No "of" in Haskell
(or something like it, I'm not 100% confident in Haskell's part)
okey, thank you very much.
What does * mean? Are the values later on constructed like TmIf * t1 * t2 * t3 or what?
it's the tuple kind constructor
it's for tuple types (AKA product type)
in Haskell I believe a comma is used
Ah! Thank you.
* refers to the type being a product type
saves me some hours of fidding VS build script debugging here
I hate building in VS things that were originally developed on Linux. The build system never works
something is always missing, etc.
is someone here able to compile ocaml on minix? or can someone tell me a way to just compile with nums library and without unix, str, etc.?
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minix only supports the minimum set of POSIX functions and definitions to be compatible and it seems it contains barely nothing (and most notable no complete set of) extensions like sockets
which makes it break
on compilation
flux, so to compile (-c) an ".ml" file against a library, in general I need the set of "*.cmi" files that were produced when that library was compiled?
chegibari, yes. you need a .cmi-file, which requires only an .mli file (and its dependencies) to produce.
in other words: distributing a library for development means distributing the ".cma" file and the set ".cmi" of the units included in the library
also do remember .cma
and some libraries can come with separate .cmo/.cmx-files that need to be linked in. for example lablgtk has one I think.
that's because modules in .cma-files aren't evaluated unless you refer to them
so if you don't refer to some initialization module in a .cma-file, it won't get evaluated
and lablgtk wants to sidestep the issue by providing a .cmo-file that is linked and evaluated always
oh about the evaluation, that is nice to know
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I'm making a building system for ocaml that works like Visual Studio's build system so I need to copy the right stuff around
cool, there is ocaml-backend for ragel
it's a state machine compiler
wish it didn't concentrate on supporting octets only though.
but I guess that's its main use
state machine compiler is nice if you need to parse modem input in a robust manner
chegibari: why not use ocamlbuild ?
hmm - does it do anything nifty a normal fsm generator doesn't do? or is it more generic than just tokenization?
matthias19, hmm, normal fsm generator like what?
most people just use fsm-generators for parsing (most I know I should say)
yeah, I was just making sure you weren't referring to push down automatas ;)
oh -- I belong to the people who know the difference in computation power and can even prove the difference without much trouble or looking into books ... :-)
I don't think it's any more powerful than for example ocammlex is. but it support multiple targets.
maybe it provides nicer ways to control the fsm, as it is not geared towards lexing programming languages
I've written myself a library some time ago which supports negation and difference of REs for constructing scanners, which IMHO is a nice thing to have
always missing that in some of the scanner generators
although the page has a lexer for a C-like language ;)
C itself is a bit too nasty to parse anyway
context sensitive languages can suck a bit in that regard
"sockopt.c: 167: error: field 'lg' has incomplete type" <-- *grr* want to disable Unix module/library as it just don't want to compile on minix
hmm we have currently a thesis where someone is implementing a LR(k)-parser generator in Objective Caml going
which fits quite nice in topic at the moment (as this is #ocaml and we are talking about scanners/parsers)
gildor, because I ignored it and because I won't use it only for ocaml. I just hated "make"
gildor, I'm reading about ocamlbuild now
flux, input alphabet is not constrained to bytes
and I'm talking about real LR(k), not just LALR(k) or even just LALR(1) which is the case for yacc/ocamlyacc
(but for ocaml it is limited to chars for now)
chegibari: you can use oasis on top of ocamlbuild to ease description of what need to be compiled, but this targets OCaml only projects (maybe not your goal)
it is much more powerful and pleasant to use than ocamllex
I'm doing the same for GLR. but it's not a thesis
I'm just learning OCaml and parsing
actually, I'm rewriting the same things in C#, F#, now OCaml and probably Haskell after that
well - the student is implementing the parser presented on ICALP 2010 (polynomial in the size of the grammar instead of exponential as was the best known before); checking if it is pratically feasible in terms of constants
and it is just "Diplom-thesis"
sorry, I didn't mean to sound as if I was despise his work
I didn't think so
was just clarifying
but this saving in space requirements is really neat
you do not really need to rewrite your grammar if it needs more than k lookaheads
of course this is always possible as LR(k)=LR(1), but sometimes you just do not want to rewrite
as "language programming" becomes more popular having more friendly parsing tools is important
and vice-versa
ocamlbuild's users manual is very... short :)
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what is language programming? compiler building?
writing full-fledges compiler/interpreters or part of them or similar activities
metaprogramming, okay
antlr and stuff
Anyone from INRIA watching the channel now?
Smerdyakov: maybe thomasga
metaprogramming is something different than writing a compiler or interpreter
I'm no more at INRIA :-)
thomasga, are you Thomas Gazagnaire?
Just wondering!
(wow I'm famous :-)
(ha, just saw who you are, hi Adam :-)
Hello. I'm sitting in Paris trying to figure out what to do today. :)
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wishi, metaprogramming is usually intended as the set of techniques used when you write code that generates codes that solves your actual problem. So, in a very broad sense writing a full-fledged compiler is "metaprogramming" but not in the technical meaning. Using C or Scheme macros, or T4 or Linq expressions or System.Reflection.Emit in C# are what you mean for metaprogramming, usually
or metaocaml
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oh noez... I need to build from src... http://code.google.com/p/idaocaml/ - not too sure why, but too many details spoil the fun ;)
chegibari: ah, that makes sense. thanks for making that clear.
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hello, how can I get the value at index i for an a'*b'*c' etc type
notk0: in general you can't, as 'a, 'b and 'c will have different types and the return value has to be a single type
the right way to get at the components of a tuple is pattern matching: let (a,b,c) = (3,"foo",8.2)
notk0: does that make sense?
thelema_, yes it does, I just explicitly declared it's form
if you want to index by an integer, you can use an array, but all the components have to be the same type
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gildor: Could you push the oasis package to the 3.12 section in GODI?
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hello, let's say I have an object that I am sure to be of a type Constructor(value) is it possible to get that value without using an match s with Constructor(v) -> ?
f[x], because it requires less code?
f[x], thank you, that was very helpful
notk0: let Constructor v = Constructor(value) in v + 3
if it turns out at runtime that the part between the "=" and "in" isn't a Constructor, you'll get an exception. You'll also get a compile time warning if you do this. Better to use match.
thelema_, can you give me an example with type t = TInt of int; and let x= Tint(5);;
let Tint y = x in y = 5
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hcarty: I need to fix a bunch of deps before pushing oasis to 3.12
hcarty: esp. regarding type-conv and ocaml-data-notation
gildor: should the admin/odb error be fixed now?
gildor: got it. work on what you need to.
thelema_: this is fixed
at least I can see the admin panel
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gildor: seems fixed for me too. Thanks
thelema_: you can even see my 2 latest upload
* thelema_
doesn't see his latest upload - batteries 2.0beta
thelema_: when did you upload it ?
thelema_: I see batteries 1.3.0
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no problem - I can re-upload easily.
don't know, maybe you get caught in my battle with backup restoration
ah, maybe I had the version number in the _oasis file wrong
the download says batteries2.0beta, but the version says 1.3.0
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* gildor
can do "oasis upload ocaml-data-notation-0.0.4.tar.gz" from his computer now ;-)
I should bump the alpha version of oasis-db
gildor: Understood - thank you for all of your effort
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hcarty: sorry for the delay, I don't have enough time to work on everything at once, but stay tuned, I will do it (except if someone do it before me -- which would be great)
gildor: Thank you, and no apology needed! I'm looking forward to getting a chance to try out oasis with a few of my own projects.
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gildor.TODO#push(Make package errors in admin/odb repository-local)
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thelema_: I don't work with objects
ok, gildor.TODO.push "..."
thelema_: could you give me a more precise description of what you want ?
sure, on the admin page, the errors are global.
while if I promote a package to testing without its deps, there's no error
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I'd like to see a dep error if a package in testing or stable doesn't have all of its deps in testing or stable, respectively
thelema_: ok, maybe open a bug, I won't do it right now and don't want to forget
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thelema_: BTW, it uses to work this way, but the deps computation code has changed a lot and I maybe miss something in the odb panel
btw, good job putting a link to the bug tracker right on the top of the page. I was about to ask where that was...
also, any chance of having the uploader just take a URL and auto-download the current file at that URL?
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thelema_: yes, it should work using something called uscan, that we use in debian to track upstream release
ah, sounds like fun. as long as you've got it on your todo list somewhere...
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gildor: looks like the oasis server clock is a bit slow: tar: ocaml-fileutils-0.4.2: time stamp 2011-05-24 17:46:36 is 37.425989033 s in the future
gildor: you're right about dep handling being wierd - I just uploaded fileutils and there's still errors about various packages needing it.
thelema_: that is normal, you don't describe libraries provided in the _oasis file of fileutils
-oasis2, here I come
you should have sections Library "fileutils" ....
then the Name: should be ocaml-fileutils?
seems kinda redundant, but I guess it fits the rest of your libraries
BTW, I will use your _oasis to create fileutils 0.4.3
thelema_: it is redundant in case you ship a single library, but not in case of multiple libraries per package
well thanks. I hope you fix the bugs I leave, as I'm sure it'll be broken somehow
hmm, I should put [Library "batteries"] somewhere in batteries' _oasis file?
yes, as well, with build deps
except I'm using Custom for building
build deps are here to tell oasis-db your deps, not only the build system
Batteries' deps are in the global section... or at least were, when it had deps
BuildDeps of the global section are just a shorthand to set deps to libraries/executable
you should have a least one lib/exec section to be able to apply them
- : Str.split_result list = [Text "1.5.0"]
I was expecting [Text "1"; Delim "."; Text "5"
ah, regexp_string is wrong...
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hcarty: fix pushed. i'll be back in 15
thelema_: Thanks, I'll give it a try
thelema_: fileutils fails during build, but that looks like a packaging issue
lol, that's me too. I'll keep working on its package.
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hmm, why doesn't XCustomConf: ./configure result in configure getting run when I do "ocaml setup.ml -configure"
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ah, clearly I need to set ConfType: custom
now I have to deal with the missing setup.data
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Wow, lots more people in here than in #sml :(
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I've got a few questions about ocaml's build system, if y'all can answer them
It appears that foo.ml is automatically turned into a module Foo with the definitions in foo.ml, and similarly for foo.mli (but with signatures and FOO instead of Foo)
What if I want to make a functor? Is this supported, or do I have to do something different?
functors have to be within files.
(or am I building my files in some arcane way and there's a much better way of doing things? ;P)
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see the stdlib's Map and Set for examples
thelema_: How so?
Oh, so I can make, like, a wrapper module around a functor
but I can't make a standalone functor?
map.ml: module Make (Foo: Comparable) = struct <set definition here using Foo> end
no, functors have to be enclosed with a module
hmm, okay, thanks
let say I have a type t = Tint of int; and I have a variable x that I know is of Tint, how can I get it's value without doint a match x with Tint(i) -> i ?
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notk0: let Tint i = x in ...
# type t = Tint of int;;
type t = Tint of int
# let x = Tint 3;;
val x : t = Tint 3
# let Tint y = x in y+2;;
- : int = 5
thelema_, you're my HERO
thelema_, YOUR MY HERO
I <3 U
you're going to need bodyguards to protect your from fans thelema_ :P
now I'm more than famous -- I'm infamous.
kerneis, is it true that you work at Paris 7 University?
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does anyone know how to query ocamlfind for all packages that depend on a module?
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"Successfully installed oasis" yay! back to where I was back in april, but with the oasis-db backend.
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:( can't install janest-core, as it needs 3.12 (and the version on the server doesn't even have an _oasis file, so the odb module doesn't know the deps)
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Is there an OCaml equivalent to Haskell's "where"?
yeah, I think so
but maybe this is a syntax extension
"pa_where" I guess
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Reaganomicon, zorun: There is a syntax extension. I don't know if it's maintained.
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Well, pa_where is 2 years old but it's a start. Cheers
can you execute some arbitrary ocaml script from another ocaml script?
I mean, using the interpreter
thelema_: I think you can find dependent modules with the findlib API, but I don't know if you can from the command line interface
something like execfile() in Python
hcarty: the command line has -d for dependents, but it returns the package itself as a dependent. I'm now just cheating and filtering anything that starts with the package name from the list.
chegibari: probably, although you'll have to dig a bit into the toplevel controls, this functionality isn't exposed for normal use.
chegibari: the normal way to do this: [#use "filename.ml"] doesn't take variables as argument
I'm trying to use the Num arbitrary precision library, but it appears to be lacking a num_of_float function -- is there a different version of Num that does have this? (or alternatively, a better arbitrary precision arithmetic library?)
chegibari: look at the toplevel/ dir in the ocaml compiler source
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zsparks: the usual way to do this is to go through string.
let num_of_float x = Num.num_of_string (string_of_float x)
it's not pretty, but it works
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thelema_: yeah, that's what I've been doing
but I die a little inside each time I use it :(
yes, I understand
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And is there a math library for Nums? There appear to be a lot of things in there already, but I need to be able to compute the tangent
(and ideally, random numbers in various distributions, but I figure trigonometric functions are probably more likely to exist)
well, as nums are either big_ints or ratios of bigints, tangent is inherently excluded
thelema_: odn depends on ounit, but odb doesn't know this. Packaging/_oasis error I presume.
odb does look like it is cleaning up nicely
oh. I guess the install of oasis worked for me because something else had a dep on ounit and installed it
hcarty: thank you
hcarty: concerning odn, the bundle I released is just the result of a partial test (i.e. part of the ounit test suite of oasis-db), I'll upload odn 0.0.4 in my test suite to get it in the bundle
Ah, I see part of the problem
odn calls for ounit, but odb expects oUnit
hcarty: fileutils needs love esp regarding oasis, it is a shame that I didn't find the time to do it myself
hcarty: I don't think that's it, otherwise I'd be getting warnings on the admin panel
gildor: well, fileutils-0.4.2-oasis6 seems to work, although I had to hack a bit around setup.data
thelema_: janest-core, sexplib et al have an _oasis file, but they applied a patch to add a field (Pack: true, to create module pack) that raise a parsing error, I need to be able to ignore unknown fields when parsing _oasis file and re-extract Jane Street _oasis file
gildor: is there a way to run ConfType= internal, custom?
gildor: I was able to build and install fileutils with odb and fileutils-0.4.2-oasis6 as thelema_ said
thelema_: ConfType: internal, custom, no but you can use PostConfCommand:
gildor: that might work... one sec
thelema_: Libraries "str" FindlibParent: fileutils Path: src/ in fileutils
ok. not that anyone's likely to depend on fileutils.str and not fileutils, but sure
it's one step closer to proper oasis-ification of the library
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okay, -oasis7 uploaded
oasis7 fails
any way to get --prefix passed to PostConfCommand?
I put my work of tonight on vote: fileutils vs oasis bundle
5 minutes to vote ;-)
what is fileutils for?
gildor: fileutils, as odb >> bundle
fileutils is a set of function like cp, touch, mv in ocaml
(i.e. an API)
pdhborges: ^^^
gildor: fileutils gets my vote
and what is oasis bundle?
thelema_, yes, my first try was #use with a variable but it failed miserably
thelema_, thanks for the suggestion
thelema_, I'm using python now but I really wanted to use ocaml
chegibari: most likely, what you're trying to do isn't the right way to do things. "exec" is rarely the right way to do things
"oasis bundle" takes a tarball that contains an OCaml software and _oasis file and create another tarball that contains this very same program + all its dependencies and a script to build them in order
pdhborges: ^ ^ ^
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tht looks more usefull
chegibari: what are you trying to do?
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ok, 2 votes for fileutils, 1 for bundle
lets work on fileutils
+1 for bundle
not fair!
ygrek: too late. :P
argh, you make it balanced ygrek
that was the intent!
gildor: are you Sylvain?
but I will work on fileutils, I have done too much bundle for today
pdhborges: yes
whoa nice!
gildor: is the target code for oasis factored out or is ocamlbuild hardcoded?
grr, *way* too many steps to test a new _oasis file in odb
pdhborges: ocamlbuild is a plugin for oasis, you should be able to replace it by omake or ocamlmakefile
gildor: -oasis9 works and has all the fixes I know how to make.
thelema_: thx for your work, will use it for fileutils 0.4.3
gildor: I'll have to check that out
(hates ocamlbuild with a passion)
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pdhborges: when I say you should, it doesn't mean it is actually possible, I didn't yet code this part
pdhborges: it's possible to simply set configure, build, install, etc. commands directly and oasis will just run those.
pdhborges: why the hate for ocamlbuild?
gildor I understood
thelema_: ocamlbuild spits files all over the place
umm, it contains all the files it makes in _build/
thelema_: the files with hashes
and the other stuff
is side by side with source code
pdhborges: are you sure you're thinking of ocamlbuild? it doesn't put *anything* side by side with source code that I know of
thelema_, zorun: It's still my build system of this morning, where I use some python (but I'd prefer ocaml) code to define a project
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thelema_: What about the mllib files?
pdhborges: ah, you're talking about how the build instructions (.mllib, .itarget, _tags) usually get splattered through the project. That's true. Of course it's possible to put them all in a single folder, except for _tags and myocamlbuild which go in the project root
you can write custom rules and do not have mllib files and etc
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in the extreme, all the logic to build your project can be put into myocamlbuild.ml and you don't need any other files.
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thelema_: how do I set oasis to build such myocamlbuild?
pdhborges: that's a gildor question.
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pdhborges: for now we focus on the classical setup of ocamlbuild
pdhborges: but if you have the motivation, you can patch the oasis' ocamlbuild plugin to do that
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