rproust: I got the "launch thread from mainloop" part working. Now I am worrying about the "redirect process to output file" part, with which I am probably not waiting enough (or correctly)
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NaCl: can you paste the code smwhere?
yup, moment
rproust: actually, I think I'm going to need to "threadify" this function. lemme try this first...
once you started using a monad (and Lwt is one) you need to monadify everything. That's the most annoying thing with monads…
oh. wonderful
how would a non-threaded part of the code get access to the result of a thread?
thx NaCl & rproust :)
that's the tricky part… the result of a thread is in the monad (it is under the type of Lwt.t)
Julien_T: np
NaCl: because of this, the only way to use it is with the bind or map operators
Julien_T: np
a non-monadified function can be monadified easily: let monadify f = fun x -> return (f x)
this function itself is called under ignore_result
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func returns ()?
if it's a job, wouldn't it makes sense for it to return unit Lwt.t?
yes, it would
then line 11 should read: func () >>= fun () ->
actually, the job has a result
what do you want to do with the result?
save it for future jobs
(different) jobs
(slightly different)
like, say, put in an other queue?
if the other queue is named result_queue then you can replace line 11 by: func () >>= fun result -> Queue.put result_queue result; Lwt.return () >>= fun () ->
you execute the job (func ()), you wait for it to end (>>=), you bind the result (fun result ->), you use the result (Queue.put), you get back in the monad (return ()) and you loop again
or even simpler
func () >>= fun res -> Queue.put result_queue res; loop ()
rproust: what's the difference between open_process and with_process?
in Lwt_process
does with_process call the command, wait for it to finish, then call the function on the resulting "process" value?
or does it start the process and do whatever immediately? It seems to be undocumented
I think the difference is similar to open_file and with_file (in Lwt_io)
these two are slightly more documented
ah, cool
I haven't actually used Lwt_process so I'm not but it seems that open_process is used to obtain a process while with_process can create a process, use it and clean up afterward
ah, there's LWT people in here
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:( ocamldep doesn't work on .mll and .mly
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* NaCl
seems to be breaking ocaml
with my bad code. :P
Nobody would happen to know what "xcb_io.c:221: poll_for_event: Assertion `(((long) (event_sequence) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." means? :P
I assume there's a function poll_for_event in xcb_io.c that's raising that assertion
I think it means you received an older event sequence from X than what the code expected
I don't even know what xcb is from.
I'm spawing processes that have nothing to do with X. xD
well, xcb is an X library
do you use X?
yeah, it's a lablgtk app
if you do, then perhaps you need to make sure that you close the X connection fds when you fork
I think it would seem very likely to me that at some point you have two processes using the same X connection
and Xcb (used by xlib) gets confused
* NaCl
doesn't know hiw ti di that
*how to do
how do you spawn a new process?
NaCl: are you forking?
using lwt
strace -f might reveal something
I thought that lwt was single process... hmm
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thelema_: I'm launching another program
maybe lwt has hooks for running stuff when making a new process
or maybe you can it by adding code just after the fork (I don't know the interface)
a race condition between forking and handling X events?
but then you would find the X connection FD from lablgtk and close it
actually, there might be some glib functions to deal with this matter as well
in any case, strace -f might be able to confirm if this is the case.
flux: glib is using the lwt mainloop
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* NaCl
monadifies the code more
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actually, if you use Lwt_processm then it can spawn processes
and that's probably what confuses xcb
rproust: seems taht some of the problem is the fact that the Lwt process handling functions seem to want to hold on to the fd and don't like sharing it
because I just got whatever mess of code I got here to work
hmm, ignore the bit about forking (mispaste, I think)
the url is still for you, and may help with monads
* NaCl
doesn't know how to read haskell all that well yet
* ski
. o O ( "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?" -- Wadler )
What's "Some" ?
NaCl: type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
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NaCl : a monad is just any type supporting a particular interface
`t' is a monad if you can define operations
val unit : 'a -> 'a t
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
satisfying a few reasonably laws
how concise
e.g. `t' can be `option', or `list', or more interesting things like `Lwt.t'
there are monads for expressing parsers, for expressing (angelic) nondeterminism, for expressing (cooperative) concurrency (which is what `Lwt' does)
there are monads for expressing state, for expressing exceptions, for expressing computations using continuations, for expressing expressing-trees
it's a very versatile concept, and therefore usually a bit hard to get a grasp of, initially
of course, O'Caml already has native state and exceptions, so one would typically not use monads for that in O'Caml
NaCl : i'm not sure if this made anything much clearer. i just wanted to note that it's probably wrong to say that "monads do X", for any particular task "X" that you think of
ski: It's fine, I'll read up a bit.
(i suppose in some cases, a val delayed : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a t operation could be handy as well, since O'Caml is strict)
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Isn't that what the Lazy module is for?
well, this would be related to `Lazy', yes
NaCl: this would be a different way to do lazy
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`Lazy' only (directly) provides operations on it's own `Lazy.t' type
(also, possibly one could want `delayed' to not be cached, in some cases)
(but yes, `Lazy.t' should be a monad)
of course, for doing most simple things, one would probably not gain very much by using `Lazy.t' monadically
hm, maybe reusing some generic monadic operations, i suppose
might be an interesting monad to apply a monad transformer to
not sure how common monad transformers are in ocaml. i'm betting not very
actually... are they even possible?
jmcarthur: using functors, probably
* NaCl
seems to have started a discussion that he doesn't entirely understand
* ski
type ('a,'m,'s) state_t = Mk_state_t of ('s -> ('s * 'a) 'm);;
Syntax error
ho hum ..
not that way - you can't have a (foo 'm)
maybe there's some way to apply a type variable to a type, that i'm not aware of ..
i don't think you are allowed
hm, but is higher-kinded types allowed ?
not that i am aware
module X (Cont: sig type 'a t) = struct type foo = int Cont.t end
sometimes annoying, but usually you really mean a type with functions that act on values on that type, and functors do that.
without type classes, I can't see higher kinds being useful
(imho, both functors and higher-kinded type expressions would be useful to have at the same time)
hm, no. probably not that extension. but something similar, for `type' declarations
even without type classes i think it's useful
you might e.g. want to do things like
val freeze : ('a,ref) t -> ('a,identity) t
this means i couldn't define something like (excuse me if my syntax is bad) type ('f,'a) free = Return of 'a | Roll of ('f,'a) free 'f
i suppose a functor can get me there, maybe
i'm still very new to this ocaml stuff
val typeCheck : identity t -> type_annotation t
ski: I agree that those are useful, but without functions specific to the container type, you can't do anything to it.
* NaCl
is going to have to mega-reorganize this program
thelema_ : of course these are meant to be specific to `t'
jmcarthur: module F(C:sig type 'a t end) = struct type 'a free = Return of 'a | Roll of 'a free C.t end
ski: ah, I didn't recognize ref, identity and type_annotation as other than abstract types.
thelema_: i guess that isn't so bad
thelema_ : my point was that one could easily define operations on ('a,'f) t that were polymorphic in both 'a and 'f but particular to a certain t
jmcarthur: you'd have to add more functions inside C that you would use in F to actually do anything to an 'a free, but yes, it's not bad at all
thelema_ : whether those were abstract or not doesn't matter
ski: how's that different from regular polymorphic types like 'a option?
or ('a, 'b) Map.t
thelema_ : 'f there could be (instantiated to be) a "type constructor" (or whatever you call it), like ref or option
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ski: ah. But then how would you know to use ref functions for 'f = ref and option functions for 'f = option?
i don't see what's worrying you
the internals of such a higher kinded function would need to call different code for different types, no?
it would be polymorphic
just like `map' is polymorphic in the element types
map can do that because the element types are just single words, and are not manipulated at all.
(otherwise a functor would probably be more appropriate, i agree)
adrien: I don't think I'm only using your "add row" routine now
thelema_ : yeah, the same can apply to 'f above :)
adrien: bah, I'm only using your add_row routine, most of the rest of your code has been "ignored" :P
ski: so you're just skipping writing the type parameters on ref/option -- ('a, ref) t == ('a, 'b ref) t
no, i am not
# type 'a ref_list = 'a ref_cell ref
and 'a ref_cell = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a ref_list;;
take this type declaration, and now abstract out the `ref' part
i want to be able to write both
('a ref) list
val freeze : ('a,ref) indirect_list -> ('a,identity) indirect_list
well, ocaml doesn't have this except through functors, as to use such a data structure with the ref part abstracted out would be impossible, as you need code from ref to understand it.
well, some parts of the algorithms might be independent of whether you're using `ref' or `Lazy.t' or `option' or whatever
so, it makes sense to be able to abstract out the common part
and yes, functors can get you much of this
true, but you need some magic like typeclasses or objects to resolve the dependent parts of the algorithms without generating code for every possible type
but i don't think it can give you all -- at least it would in many cases be more convoluted than what feels necessary
you don't need type-classes
you can just pass ordinary arguments/records, e.g.
objects would work, and whole program compilation would work.
you need type-specific code
like the two mapping arguments to `map' above
this means passing around that code in some sort of structure or resolving it all at compile time
one maps 'a into 'b , one maps 'f into 'g
thelema_ : yes
just like the function argument for the ordinary `map' for lists, e.g.
hmm, okay, for the map example, the needed code seems to be provided
type classes just make it so you don't have to explicitly specify the record of methods to use, everywhere
yes, similar to objects
(and make sure you can have at most one such record associated with each type, for a particular type class, to remove ambiguities
to some extent, i suppose :)
just the code dictionary part
consider my free example earlier... you can define (('a -> 'b) -> 'a 'f -> 'b 'f) -> ('a,'f) free -> ('a -> ('b,'f) free) -> ('b,'f) free without knowing what 'f is
(using my not-valid-ocaml version)
* ski
. o O ( s/free/free_monad/ )
that first function would normally be defined by haskell's Functor type class, but here it's just an argument
* ski
thinks jmcarthur example might be better, in that it's not higher-ranked
ok, type classes aren't required
thelema_ : i suppose i'm just saying that there are cases in which it'd make sense to abstract on "non-concrete" types like `ref'
i agree that functors are great to have, and you're probably right that in many cases they suffice perfectly well
(i'm often missing functors in Haskell)
i am in no position to criticize or praise functors yet
i can only complain that i can't do it the way i'm used to
(that's probably both good and bad : it's an opportunity to try to learn some alternate approaches and ideas)
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any lablgtk experts here? I have to make a procedurally generated treeview
I have row_expanded hooked to add children, but it can't be called if there's no children, as there's no expander triangle
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figured it out: needed to add children when their parent was expanded.
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