rwmjones: Are you autheticated with NickServ? I get the same "Cannot send to channel" error at times, and doing a /msg NickServ identify <password>
dark: There are libraries for json and s-e
hcarty: OASIS generates a META file on its own and use ocamlfind for everything
gildor: That's wonderful news! As long as the end result is accessible with ocamlfind I'm happy.
hcarty: ok I browse your patch, OASIS can handle almost everything (at least compiling native and installing it)
gildor: That would work well for GODI
hcarty: and if it is defined this way in _oasis file
hcarty: oasis basically compile the native version if ocamlopt is available
If you'd rather not add that it's not a problem. I can have GODI apply a patch if it's required.
gildor: It's not needed, but it is recommended for GODI's packaging
hcarty: why do you need to separate opt/byte building ?
gildor: Thank you for considering the patches. I fully understand that oasis will negate some of these changes - and I'm looking forward to it :-)
hcarty, junis: my blog post is not really a patch, more an ugly workaround to the most common bug in omlet
hcarty: I will of course accept a patch against ocamlmpi, but I will probably port it to OASIS as well, so basically the makefile target will change as well
Those vim support files are updated more often, but they don't provide quit as nice indentation or folding support
gildor: I just submitted a patch to add findlib support to ocamlmpi (META file, "make install" uses ocamlfind)
gildor: The changes would be renaming a few targets, and not building the native code target by default.
gildor: Would you accept a patch against ocamlmpi to make the "make" targets a little more GODI-friendly?
thelema: I can't offer much help, but I'm happy to provide what I can
thelema: Thanks - I would most likely end up pulling in something which requires Camomile anyway, so I should probably just ping the GODI Camomile maintainer to see if they're willing to provide an update
hcarty: yes, but even BatIO depends on Camomile. Some reorg could fix this if it's a big deal.
adrien: Ah, right - thanks
thelema: On a related note - is it possible to avoid the Batteries-based binaries dependency on Camomile's data files by avoiding certain Bat* modules?
lluvia: You don't need any packages, from what I know, unless the compiled binary uses external libraries
hcarty: do you know packages than can run binaries and don't contain compilers and other stuff?
OCaml compiled to bytecode may require a bit more (ocamlrun and ...?)
lluvia: Those extras aren't required for native code binaries, only if you want to compile OCaml code
You could use that to split a string on against a regexp
lluvia: Pcre.asplit?
gildor: I replied back :-) Sorry for the poor wording on my part - your reply is exactly what I'm hoping for.
I have some projects coming up which, I hope, will give me a chance to try out Lwt
hcarty: BTW I answered your bug on the forge
gildor: Thank you. I certainly will if anything comes up
hcarty: I will probably try to adapt it to lwt
hcarty: don't hesitate to bug me, I plan to do some works on ocaml-fileutils in a mid-term future
gildor: Indeed!
hcarty: do you plan to use ocaml-fileutils?
gildor: Neither do I
hcarty: don't know who he is
hcarty: it is gremlin
hcarty: wait a second
gildor: I plan to once I get back to my computer - I don't have my GODI access setup on this system
hcarty: have a look in the commit of the svn
The package lists you as the maintainer. I'm not sure if there is a way to check who actually added it.
gildor: Ok, thanks
hcarty: AFAIR, it was to package ocaml-getttext
hcarty: I don't know who upload ocaml-fileutils to GODI
hcarty: no
gildor: Are you the maintainer of the ocaml-fileutils package in GODI?
hcarty: it might be amusing to have auto-vivifying maps (like perl has)
hcarty: probably not so generally useful
Since Hashtbl already has a find_all function.
I run in to situations where it would be somehow useful to use Map rather than Hashtbl
Would a Map.accum function (http://codepad.org/fad9wc0Q) be generally useful enough to add to Batteries?
Fisherman: Hello
hcarty: one day this will be the reality
hcarty: thanks, for now this is just something written in the technical specification
gildor: Oh, that sounds really cool
hcarty, adrien: I plan to create an "install" submodule for OASIS
I could use libcurl for the download, not sure about a file size check
I don't really - I could use the libcurl bindings for example. I need to query a remote file's size
The documentation looks a little ominous with regard to how reliable it is
Has anyone here used the ocamlnet FTP client modules?
In that case, I don't know :-) I'm still waiting/hoping for a project where I can take advantage of Lwt
hcarty, well, not really, rather like Thread.create
flux: As in a Unix.fork?
Testing with that level of granularity, that is
Something testing across multiple architectures and OSs would be very cool
With git
I saw a post recently about a local auto-test-on-commit for Perl modules
adrien: That would be quite cool
Here as well, sadly
That may be a nice option to have in oasis(db), along with some form of reporting based on those results.
I think the CPAN client can also report user build + test results
adrien: CPAN provides that I believe, including running any available test suite
With luck, the oasis-related tools and infrastructure will help smooth all of this out
"godi_console perform -build some-package" is another method
It looks like godi_install has a different purpose
No, apparently not
flux: Does it need a godi_install as well? I haven't used the godi command line tools beyond godi_console that much
adrien: Thanks! That's the message I was looking for.
So I may be getting that mixed up with custom package sources
adrien: I think that there is also a way to specify an outside patch source, but I haven't found that message
I'm looking through the mailing list now - I think I saved a message talking about this
flux: There is a way to specify a local patch source for GODI IIRC
hcarty: ok, sounds good, I'll definitely help with the testing =)
adrien: I'm hoping to give deriving a try in the coming weeks/months - if I get it working I'll let you know
hcarty: but it doesn't matter a lot for me: I'm already generating code from .x (xdr, for sun/onc rpc) and it's easy to add that
hcarty: I was asking because deriving did not work on my computer, I should spend more time on it but I don't have that much (well, I guess I could find some...)
hcarty: ya, I put the type annotations in my code
roconnor: That will clamp down the type a bit. Or you can apply all of that in an interface.
let f (x : baz) : foo option = match x with | #foo as y -> Some y | #bar -> None;;
Glad I could help - I learned something here too, so thank you as well
That gives something closer to what you want :-)
... | #foo as y -> Some y | ...
roconnor: "as"
I don't know what you mean by pattern variables
As a result, so is None
Some x is a qux potion
x is a qux
roconnor: Right right - None has to unify? with Some x
According to the typechecker at least
roconnor: Not that I know of - None in this case is not a foo option
I'm not sure of the proper terminology
I think that would work - polymorphic variants are not automatically ... specialized? ... in that way
let f (x : qux) = ...
roconnor: You would have to specify that
hcarty: wait maybe not
roconnor: Does that answer your question?
with type foo = [ `a | `b | `c ] for example
val f : ([> foo ] as 'a) -> 'a option = <fun>
# let f x = match x with | #foo -> Some x | _ -> None;;
roconnor: Try it? It wouldn't have type foo - it would be an option
adrien: Were you able to get a version of deriving working?
adrien: It looks like deriving should be able to do Foo -> "Foo", looking at the Google Code page
adrien: I thought deriving did that, but I'm guessing not since you're asking :-)
hcarty: bluestorm wrote the deriving godi package it seems (at least, that's what is written on the page :P )
robthebob: The Batteries Print module + syntax extension is a very nice option for custom printers (regarding your earlier question)
But it will hopefully provide a useful start
adrien: I don't remember who wrote the bits for the deriving package, or if it works
Sorry if that was sent twice. I think my client logged out and back in, so I had to reauthenticate with NickServ
hcarty: hi, I was looking for a META for deriving and saw that a godi package had been done during the packaging sprint last year, but it seems it's not available in godi, or am I missing something?
thx alot, hcarty and adrien
yezariaely: << and >> have special meanings with camlp4 IIRC. I didn't think they would cause problems in comments.
hcarty: hmm it is only an excerpt of the whole AST. I use the following command to compile it. maybe that is the problem?!
adrien: I agree
lablgl seems to get pulled in by everything...
hcarty: still doable by hand but I'd really like to have this in godi: I spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out how I ended up requiring lablgl once
yezariaely: It works here, replacing the first "and" with "type" and the second "and" with "let"
adrien: It doesn't catch packages further down the chain, unfortunately.
hcarty: it's brute force but it works ;-)
adrien: That's probably the best approach using existing tools - I think all of the dependency information is in the GODI Makefile
flux: "godi_console dep -help" may be a start, but it's not obvious to me how/if this would help.
I was only interested in a small number of packages at that point, so it didn't take long
flux: I've run in to that before - the solution I came up with was trial and error :-)
emias: But they're still waiting for the code to finish running! Woo!
Anarchos: It can't handle anything OCaml can't, from what I understand.
hcarty is jocaml able to deal with concurrent C threads calling back ocaml simultaneously ?
JoCaml adds concurrency primitives to OCaml and it has some support for distributed processing
I'm unfamiliar with BOINC
hcarty: I see, is there a port to BOINC for haskell
I don't know how well that does or does not carry over to spreading the work across CPUs. OCaml does not have a parallel GC, so using multiple processors requires forking, MPI or other non-thread-like approaches.
poincare101: OCaml has reputation for being faster than Haskell for single-threaded operations
adrien, avsm: Thanks for the reminders :-)
adrien, avsm: I've been wanting to take a look at both ocaml-annot and MarcWeber's vim modifications.
Does ocamlspotter have vim support?
th5: If you find anything interesting, please let me know. It looks promising, and among the first questions I get about OCaml is "Does it have an IDE?"
I don't know if there is a way to get it to use ocamlfind or some other custom compiler/build system.
Pcre.pm<Ctrl-Space> brings up pmatch, for example.
But the completion works well
The autoindent and code folding don't seem to work, at least not the way I have it setup
th5: I've installed it and toyed around with it a bit, combined with a GODI install of OCaml 3.12.0
hcarty: Never tried it. If you try it, please post to caml-list. I'd like to hear how it compares to the others. I think IntelliJ is the best IDE for Java. I'm just waiting for the day when I can ditch emacs for something better (for OCaml).
It looks similar in functionality to the Eclipse plugin
hcarty as i intend to write a first order logic prover, i guess i will need it !
Anarchos: It's certainly an interesting tool.
hcarty i never played with camlp4, maybe i should give it a try !
mfp: Do you know if it is possible to specify formatting options to pr_o.cmo? Or where I would look to find out?
mfp: Perhaps - the last time I tried camlp4o it ate comments, among other things. But I may have been using it incorrectly.
hcarty: camlp4o pr_o.cmo foo.ml ?
Is there an OCaml equivalent to perltidy, or something close?
adrien: Even more true :-)
hcarty: I'm tempted to say it sounds very similar to Fabrice Le Fessant's CDK: Caml Development Kit ;p
OCamlPro? That sounds very similar to thelema's Community OCaml.
dark: Batteries is largely backwards compatible with the OCaml stdlib, but there are some differences. Internally, it is built on top of OCaml's standard library.
hcarty: a new Set.S? hmm, backwards-compatible with ocaml's own?
dark: Batteries does provide Set.S.map, along with a polymorphic Set (and Map) module
It was 3.11 still for a while after 3.12 was released, but it has been updated
dark: The standard tends to be spaces only from the code I've read
hcarty: Next time try the mailinglist of Vim :)
I came to the same conclusion when trying it myself a year or few ago, knowing OCaml but not vim scripting :-)
I think omlet and tuareg (emacs) get it right the first time, but I agree that <c-t> to fix is quite acceptable
MarcWeber: When writing the code initially
hcarty: So give me a case in which it behaves bad
MarcWeber: So thumbs up for a much-appreciated first step
MarcWeber: I tried the indentation patch from your project. It does avoid bad automatic reformatting (ex. gg=G), but it doesn't get the indentation correct when writing the code initially.
MarcWeber: No, I apologize - I have not had a chance.
hcarty: Have you trie dmy patch?
ocamlspotter may only be for local code. There are tools which display the contents of a .cmi
MarcWeber: There are a few tools which do something similar. ocamlspotter is one
hcarty: If you have time provide some feedback and tell me wether hack solves your annoyances with VIm indentation
hcarty: I don't feel like knowing ocaml enough yet to fix it - however I found a workaround: Dont' change indentation of those lines. So the annoying reindntation should no longer apper
gildor: Thank you, I'll give it another shot. I've been using Markus Mottl's OCaml vim indentation + highlighting.
hcarty: but so far I was able to write 1kLoC per file without problems (if you know how to prevent bugs in omlet it is fine)
MarcWeber: I would run in to it on every new line, but this was quite a while ago - probably over a year at this point
hcarty: the main bug with omlet is that it tends to take into acccount extraneous "*)" and fails badly with it
hcarty: Usually you don't indent the whole file. Do the speed issue also occur when coding?
IIRC it was due to some issue with auto-indentation.
gildor: Do you run in to speed problems with omlet? I found that it would slow down to the point be being unusable with files longer than ~100 lines.
Other libraries do provide some functions/modules to ease working with option types. Batteries, Core and ExtLib all have useful Option modules.
hcarty: I see a META file in the xmlm directory, but no joy with ocamlfind. Is there something equiv to ldconfig that has to be run for ocaml?
UKCoder: It may be worth trying GODI which builds OCaml and a large number of libraries from source. It has a few XML libraries available in its package list.
UKCoder: xmlm may not provide a META file (extra information needed by ocamlfind)
That likely has something to do with it
|marius|: From what I understand, 'when' clauses are not used in checking for potential missing pattern matches
That's a good point, thanks
flux: Ah, ok
hcarty, the same issue can often occur with (!): !foo.bar
hcarty, well, pretty sure precedency is something that cannot be fixed..
(-. value.field) works
flux: Indeed - I'm not sure if it's reasonable or a bug
Or rather OCaml gives that error
(~-. value.field) says "has type value_t but an expression was expected of type float"