
<hcarty> I've only noticed it in here
<hcarty> rwmjones: generally fixes it
<hcarty> rwmjones: Are you autheticated with NickServ? I get the same "Cannot send to channel" error at times, and doing a /msg NickServ identify <password>


<hcarty> dark: There are libraries for json and s-e
<gildor> hcarty: OASIS generates a META file on its own and use ocamlfind for everything
<hcarty> gildor: That's wonderful news! As long as the end result is accessible with ocamlfind I'm happy.
<gildor> hcarty: ok I browse your patch, OASIS can handle almost everything (at least compiling native and installing it)
<hcarty> gildor: That would work well for GODI
<gildor> hcarty: and if it is defined this way in _oasis file
<gildor> hcarty: oasis basically compile the native version if ocamlopt is available
<hcarty> If you'd rather not add that it's not a problem. I can have GODI apply a patch if it's required.
<hcarty> gildor: It's not needed, but it is recommended for GODI's packaging
<gildor> hcarty: why do you need to separate opt/byte building ?
<hcarty> gildor: Thank you for considering the patches. I fully understand that oasis will negate some of these changes - and I'm looking forward to it :-)
<gildor> hcarty, junis: my blog post is not really a patch, more an ugly workaround to the most common bug in omlet
<gildor> hcarty: I will of course accept a patch against ocamlmpi, but I will probably port it to OASIS as well, so basically the makefile target will change as well
<hcarty> Those vim support files are updated more often, but they don't provide quit as nice indentation or folding support
<hcarty> junis: Also, check out the bottom of http://www.ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html
<junis> thank you very much hcarty ... i'll try it
<hcarty> junis: If you do stick with omlet, there is a patch here which may improve it - http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?2010/09/10/65-dirty-fix-for-omlet-vim-extension
<hcarty> gildor: I just submitted a patch to add findlib support to ocamlmpi (META file, "make install" uses ocamlfind)
<hcarty> gildor: The changes would be renaming a few targets, and not building the native code target by default.
<hcarty> gildor: Would you accept a patch against ocamlmpi to make the "make" targets a little more GODI-friendly?


<hcarty> thelema: I can't offer much help, but I'm happy to provide what I can
<hcarty> thelema: Thanks - I would most likely end up pulling in something which requires Camomile anyway, so I should probably just ping the GODI Camomile maintainer to see if they're willing to provide an update
<thelema> hcarty: yes, but even BatIO depends on Camomile. Some reorg could fix this if it's a big deal.


<hcarty> adrien: Ah, right - thanks
<hcarty> thelema: On a related note - is it possible to avoid the Batteries-based binaries dependency on Camomile's data files by avoiding certain Bat* modules?
<hcarty> lluvia: You don't need any packages, from what I know, unless the compiled binary uses external libraries
<lluvia> hcarty: do you know packages than can run binaries and don't contain compilers and other stuff?
<hcarty> OCaml compiled to bytecode may require a bit more (ocamlrun and ...?)
<hcarty> lluvia: Those extras aren't required for native code binaries, only if you want to compile OCaml code
<hcarty> You could use that to split a string on against a regexp
<hcarty> lluvia: Pcre.asplit?


<hcarty> gildor: I replied back :-) Sorry for the poor wording on my part - your reply is exactly what I'm hoping for.
<hcarty> I have some projects coming up which, I hope, will give me a chance to try out Lwt
<gildor> hcarty: BTW I answered your bug on the forge
<hcarty> gildor: Thank you. I certainly will if anything comes up
<gildor> hcarty: I will probably try to adapt it to lwt
<gildor> hcarty: don't hesitate to bug me, I plan to do some works on ocaml-fileutils in a mid-term future
<hcarty> gildor: Indeed!
<gildor> hcarty: do you plan to use ocaml-fileutils?
<hcarty> gildor: Neither do I
<gildor> hcarty: don't know who he is
<gildor> hcarty: it is gremlin
<gildor> hcarty: wait a second
<hcarty> gildor: I plan to once I get back to my computer - I don't have my GODI access setup on this system
<gildor> hcarty: have a look in the commit of the svn
<hcarty> The package lists you as the maintainer. I'm not sure if there is a way to check who actually added it.
<hcarty> gildor: Ok, thanks
<gildor> hcarty: AFAIR, it was to package ocaml-getttext
<gildor> hcarty: I don't know who upload ocaml-fileutils to GODI
<gildor> hcarty: no
<hcarty> gildor: Are you the maintainer of the ocaml-fileutils package in GODI?
<hcarty> http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ocaml/branches/implicit-unpack/ -- This looks like it could make first class module syntax a bit easier to work with, if I understand it correctly.


<thelema> hcarty: it might be amusing to have auto-vivifying maps (like perl has)
<thelema> hcarty: probably not so generally useful


<hcarty> Since Hashtbl already has a find_all function.
<hcarty> I run in to situations where it would be somehow useful to use Map rather than Hashtbl
<hcarty> Would a Map.accum function (http://codepad.org/fad9wc0Q) be generally useful enough to add to Batteries?


<hcarty> Fisherman: Hello
<gildor> hcarty: one day this will be the reality
<gildor> hcarty: thanks, for now this is just something written in the technical specification
<hcarty> gildor: Oh, that sounds really cool
<gildor> hcarty, adrien: I plan to create an "install" submodule for OASIS
<hcarty> I could use libcurl for the download, not sure about a file size check
<hcarty> I don't really - I could use the libcurl bindings for example. I need to query a remote file's size
<hcarty> The documentation looks a little ominous with regard to how reliable it is
<hcarty> Has anyone here used the ocamlnet FTP client modules?
<hcarty> In that case, I don't know :-) I'm still waiting/hoping for a project where I can take advantage of Lwt
<hcarty> Ah
<flux> hcarty, well, not really, rather like Thread.create
<hcarty> flux: As in a Unix.fork?
<hcarty> Testing with that level of granularity, that is
<hcarty> Something testing across multiple architectures and OSs would be very cool
<hcarty> With git
<hcarty> I saw a post recently about a local auto-test-on-commit for Perl modules
<hcarty> adrien: That would be quite cool
<hcarty> Here as well, sadly
<hcarty> That may be a nice option to have in oasis(db), along with some form of reporting based on those results.
<hcarty> I think the CPAN client can also report user build + test results
<hcarty> adrien: CPAN provides that I believe, including running any available test suite
<hcarty> With luck, the oasis-related tools and infrastructure will help smooth all of this out
<hcarty> "godi_console perform -build some-package" is another method
<hcarty> It looks like godi_install has a different purpose
<hcarty> No, apparently not
<hcarty> flux: Does it need a godi_install as well? I haven't used the godi command line tools beyond godi_console that much
<hcarty> adrien: Thanks! That's the message I was looking for.
<hcarty> So I may be getting that mixed up with custom package sources
<hcarty> adrien: I think that there is also a way to specify an outside patch source, but I haven't found that message
<hcarty> I'm looking through the mailing list now - I think I saved a message talking about this
<hcarty> flux: There is a way to specify a local patch source for GODI IIRC
<adrien> hcarty: ok, sounds good, I'll definitely help with the testing =)
<hcarty> adrien: I'm hoping to give deriving a try in the coming weeks/months - if I get it working I'll let you know
<adrien> hcarty: but it doesn't matter a lot for me: I'm already generating code from .x (xdr, for sun/onc rpc) and it's easy to add that
<adrien> hcarty: I was asking because deriving did not work on my computer, I should spend more time on it but I don't have that much (well, I guess I could find some...)


<roconnor> hcarty: ya, I put the type annotations in my code
<hcarty> roconnor: That will clamp down the type a bit. Or you can apply all of that in an interface.
<hcarty> let f (x : baz) : foo option = match x with | #foo as y -> Some y | #bar -> None;;
<hcarty> Glad I could help - I learned something here too, so thank you as well
<hcarty> That gives something closer to what you want :-)
<hcarty> ... | #foo as y -> Some y | ...
<hcarty> roconnor: "as"
<hcarty> I don't know what you mean by pattern variables
<hcarty> As a result, so is None
<hcarty> option
<hcarty> Some x is a qux potion
<hcarty> x is a qux
<hcarty> roconnor: Right right - None has to unify? with Some x
<hcarty> According to the typechecker at least
<hcarty> roconnor: Not that I know of - None in this case is not a foo option
<hcarty> I'm not sure of the proper terminology
<hcarty> I think that would work - polymorphic variants are not automatically ... specialized? ... in that way
<hcarty> let f (x : qux) = ...
<hcarty> roconnor: You would have to specify that
<roconnor> hcarty: wait maybe not
<hcarty> roconnor: Does that answer your question?
<hcarty> with type foo = [ `a | `b | `c ] for example
<hcarty> val f : ([> foo ] as 'a) -> 'a option = <fun>
<hcarty> # let f x = match x with | #foo -> Some x | _ -> None;;
<hcarty> roconnor: Try it? It wouldn't have type foo - it would be an option
<hcarty> adrien: Were you able to get a version of deriving working?
<hcarty> adrien: It looks like deriving should be able to do Foo -> "Foo", looking at the Google Code page
<hcarty> adrien: I thought deriving did that, but I'm guessing not since you're asking :-)
<adrien> hcarty: bluestorm wrote the deriving godi package it seems (at least, that's what is written on the page :P )
<hcarty> robthebob: The Batteries Print module + syntax extension is a very nice option for custom printers (regarding your earlier question)
<hcarty> But it will hopefully provide a useful start
<hcarty> adrien: I don't remember who wrote the bits for the deriving package, or if it works
<hcarty> Sorry if that was sent twice. I think my client logged out and back in, so I had to reauthenticate with NickServ
<adrien> hcarty: hi, I was looking for a META for deriving and saw that a godi package had been done during the packaging sprint last year, but it seems it's not available in godi, or am I missing something?


<yezariaely> thx alot, hcarty and adrien
<hcarty> yezariaely: << and >> have special meanings with camlp4 IIRC. I didn't think they would cause problems in comments.
<yezariaely> hcarty: hmm it is only an excerpt of the whole AST. I use the following command to compile it. maybe that is the problem?!
<hcarty> adrien: I agree
<hcarty> lablgl seems to get pulled in by everything...
<adrien> hcarty: still doable by hand but I'd really like to have this in godi: I spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out how I ended up requiring lablgl once
<hcarty> yezariaely: It works here, replacing the first "and" with "type" and the second "and" with "let"
<hcarty> adrien: It doesn't catch packages further down the chain, unfortunately.
<adrien> hcarty: it's brute force but it works ;-)
<hcarty> adrien: That's probably the best approach using existing tools - I think all of the dependency information is in the GODI Makefile
<hcarty> flux: "godi_console dep -help" may be a start, but it's not obvious to me how/if this would help.
<hcarty> I was only interested in a small number of packages at that point, so it didn't take long
<hcarty> flux: I've run in to that before - the solution I came up with was trial and error :-)


<hcarty> :-)
<hcarty> emias: But they're still waiting for the code to finish running! Woo!
<hcarty> Among other things
<hcarty> poincare101: pa_do provides some nice syntax for working with the Num module adrien suggested
<hcarty> Oops, I thought both of those extended Num and Big_int. Apparently only Batteries does
<hcarty> poincare101: Two common extensions to the standard library are OCaml Batteries (http://batteries.forge.ocamlcore.org/) and Jane St.'s Core (http://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/13)
<adrien> have a look at Num maybe (in the link hcarty gave)
<hcarty> poincare101: The standard library is here - http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/index.html
<hcarty> poincare101: What do you mean by transparent?
<poincare101> hcarty: Thank you.
<hcarty> poincare101: And Jason Hickey's book is very good - http://www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs134/cs134b/book.pdf
<hcarty> The tutorial in the official OCaml manual is very well done
<hcarty> poincare101: http://www.ocaml-tutorial.org/ has a tutorial and links to several others


<hcarty> Anarchos: It can't handle anything OCaml can't, from what I understand.
<Anarchos> hcarty is jocaml able to deal with concurrent C threads calling back ocaml simultaneously ?
<hcarty> JoCaml adds concurrency primitives to OCaml and it has some support for distributed processing
<hcarty> I'm unfamiliar with BOINC
<poincare101> hcarty: I see, is there a port to BOINC for haskell
<hcarty> I don't know how well that does or does not carry over to spreading the work across CPUs. OCaml does not have a parallel GC, so using multiple processors requires forking, MPI or other non-thread-like approaches.
<hcarty> poincare101: OCaml has reputation for being faster than Haskell for single-threaded operations


<hcarty> adrien, avsm: Thanks for the reminders :-)
<hcarty> adrien, avsm: I've been wanting to take a look at both ocaml-annot and MarcWeber's vim modifications.
<hcarty> Does ocamlspotter have vim support?
<hcarty> th5: If you find anything interesting, please let me know. It looks promising, and among the first questions I get about OCaml is "Does it have an IDE?"
<hcarty> I don't know if there is a way to get it to use ocamlfind or some other custom compiler/build system.
<hcarty> Pcre.pm<Ctrl-Space> brings up pmatch, for example.
<hcarty> But the completion works well
<hcarty> The autoindent and code folding don't seem to work, at least not the way I have it setup
<hcarty> I
<hcarty> th5: I've installed it and toyed around with it a bit, combined with a GODI install of OCaml 3.12.0
<th5> hcarty: Never tried it. If you try it, please post to caml-list. I'd like to hear how it compares to the others. I think IntelliJ is the best IDE for Java. I'm just waiting for the day when I can ditch emacs for something better (for OCaml).
<hcarty> It looks similar in functionality to the Eclipse plugin
<hcarty> Has anyone here tried http://code.google.com/p/intellij-ocaml/?


<hcarty> I didn't create a custom toplevel. I ran it all from a normal toplevel.
<robthebob> you ran Enum.force (TestIntegerMap.IntBoxMap.enum TestIntegerMap.IntBoxMap.empty);; in the resulting toplevel hcarty ?
<hcarty> I'm not sure. It works here for me on OCaml 3.11.2 + Batteries 1.2.2 as well
<hcarty> Batteries 1.2.2 and OCaml 3.12
<hcarty> robthebob: This may have been fixed in a more recent Batteries. That same code works here for me


<hcarty> It should give you a backtrace which points to the location of the error
<joewilliams> thanks hcarty
<hcarty> joewilliams: Compile with debugging (-g) and run it again
<hcarty> joewilliams: export OCAMLRUNPARAM=b
<hcarty> MarcWeber: Batteries provides ( -- ) which gives an integer enumeration


<hcarty> roconnor: Yes, that is correct. Unless you return the reference itself to the caller.
<hcarty> What adrien said
<hcarty> The Arg.current value you pointed out is global
<roconnor> hcarty: oh, how do I localize references?
<hcarty> Sorry for the outburst :-)
<hcarty> Nevermind - I see what you're talking about
<hcarty> roconnor: They don't have to be global


<hcarty> Or perhaps they won't. The others may have been loading from a cache.
<hcarty> Other sites of the forge will load for me, but not this particular one.
<hcarty> Is the Calendar library's page on the forge accessible? http://calendar.forge.ocamlcore.org/


<hcarty> Exception: Stack.Empty.


<Anarchos> hcarty as i intend to write a first order logic prover, i guess i will need it !
<hcarty> Anarchos: It's certainly an interesting tool.
<Anarchos> hcarty i never played with camlp4, maybe i should give it a try !
<hcarty> mfp: Do you know if it is possible to specify formatting options to pr_o.cmo? Or where I would look to find out?
<hcarty> mfp: Perhaps - the last time I tried camlp4o it ate comments, among other things. But I may have been using it incorrectly.
<mfp> hcarty: camlp4o pr_o.cmo foo.ml ?
<hcarty> Is there an OCaml equivalent to perltidy, or something close?
<hcarty> adrien: Even more true :-)
<adrien> hcarty: I'm tempted to say it sounds very similar to Fabrice Le Fessant's CDK: Caml Development Kit ;p
<hcarty> OCamlPro? That sounds very similar to thelema's Community OCaml.


<hcarty> dark: Batteries is largely backwards compatible with the OCaml stdlib, but there are some differences. Internally, it is built on top of OCaml's standard library.
<dark> hcarty: a new Set.S? hmm, backwards-compatible with ocaml's own?
<hcarty> dark: Batteries does provide Set.S.map, along with a polymorphic Set (and Map) module
<hcarty> It was 3.11 still for a while after 3.12 was released, but it has been updated
<hcarty> No, it's 3.12
<dark> hcarty: isn't this the 3.11 manual?
<hcarty> And written
<hcarty> dark: The standard tends to be spaces only from the code I've read


<MarcWeber> hcarty: Next time try the mailinglist of Vim :)
<hcarty> I came to the same conclusion when trying it myself a year or few ago, knowing OCaml but not vim scripting :-)
<hcarty> I think omlet and tuareg (emacs) get it right the first time, but I agree that <c-t> to fix is quite acceptable
<hcarty> MarcWeber: When writing the code initially
<MarcWeber> hcarty: So give me a case in which it behaves bad
<hcarty> MarcWeber: So thumbs up for a much-appreciated first step
<hcarty> MarcWeber: I tried the indentation patch from your project. It does avoid bad automatic reformatting (ex. gg=G), but it doesn't get the indentation correct when writing the code initially.


<hcarty> MarcWeber: No, I apologize - I have not had a chance.
<MarcWeber> hcarty: Have you trie dmy patch?
<hcarty> ocamlspotter may only be for local code. There are tools which display the contents of a .cmi
<hcarty> MarcWeber: There are a few tools which do something similar. ocamlspotter is one
<MarcWeber> hcarty: If you have time provide some feedback and tell me wether hack solves your annoyances with VIm indentation
<MarcWeber> hcarty: I don't feel like knowing ocaml enough yet to fix it - however I found a workaround: Dont' change indentation of those lines. So the annoying reindntation should no longer apper
<hcarty> http://codepad.org/RZmasl3S for example
<hcarty> But multiple lines of extra arguments should probably not be indented further.
<hcarty> I'm not sure of the correct way to detect it. A line which does not end with " in" or ";" should be followed by an indented line perhaps...
<MarcWeber> hcarty: So how should the indenting plugin know whether y is an argument or whether its a call?
<hcarty> MarcWeber: The ( is not required. Here is a slightly more complex and complete example: http://codepad.org/bQaohrXS
<hcarty> The (f + 1) is lined up with print_int in the current version
<hcarty> MarcWeber: A very short example: http://codepad.org/PqnP4zYP
<hcarty> MarcWeber: Yes, that is where "markus-vim" lives
<hcarty> Ah, I didn't know that. I know that omlet.vim is in the markus-vim tree, but I didn't know that it used any pieces of omlet
<gildor> hcarty: they use the one from markus-vim
<gildor> hcarty: the indentation was too complex in omlet, I think
<gildor> hcarty: the two was joined, omlet is a dead project
<hcarty> markus-vim does seem to be updated more often than omlet. It would be nice if the two could be joined at some point.
<gildor> hcarty, MarcWeber: 100% agreed, that would be very kind of you
<hcarty> MarcWeber: If you can fix the indentation in markus-vim, that would be excellent.
<gildor> hcarty: and I only use it for 1 day before getting annoyed
<hcarty> MarcWeber: In reference to the ZZZ in gildor's comment
<gildor> hcarty: last week I switch back to markus-vim (because my file was full of Pcre string that makes omlet crash)
<MarcWeber> hcarty: ZZZ ? WHat's that?
<gildor> hcarty: it makes the code unreadable
<gildor> hcarty: agreed
<hcarty> gildor: The lack of indented ZZZ in the mottl-vim is an annoyance.
<gildor> hcarty: omlet_indent_let variable I think
<hcarty> flux: Ridiculous! :-)
<hcarty> Ah, I prefer it without the extra indent :-) But I think omlet allows both options.
<gildor> hcarty: YYY
<gildor> hcarty: let x = XXX in
<gildor> hcarty: I don't like the way this markus' script indent works
<hcarty> gildor: Thank you, I'll give it another shot. I've been using Markus Mottl's OCaml vim indentation + highlighting.
<gildor> hcarty: but so far I was able to write 1kLoC per file without problems (if you know how to prevent bugs in omlet it is fine)
<hcarty> MarcWeber: I would run in to it on every new line, but this was quite a while ago - probably over a year at this point
<gildor> hcarty: the main bug with omlet is that it tends to take into acccount extraneous "*)" and fails badly with it
<MarcWeber> hcarty: Usually you don't indent the whole file. Do the speed issue also occur when coding?
<hcarty> IIRC it was due to some issue with auto-indentation.
<hcarty> gildor: Do you run in to speed problems with omlet? I found that it would slow down to the point be being unusable with files longer than ~100 lines.
<hcarty> Other libraries do provide some functions/modules to ease working with option types. Batteries, Core and ExtLib all have useful Option modules.


<UKCoder> hcarty: I see a META file in the xmlm directory, but no joy with ocamlfind. Is there something equiv to ldconfig that has to be run for ocaml?
<hcarty> UKCoder: It may be worth trying GODI which builds OCaml and a large number of libraries from source. It has a few XML libraries available in its package list.
<hcarty> UKCoder: xmlm may not provide a META file (extra information needed by ocamlfind)
<hcarty> That likely has something to do with it
<hcarty> |marius|: From what I understand, 'when' clauses are not used in checking for potential missing pattern matches


<hcarty> That's a good point, thanks
<hcarty> flux: Ah, ok
<flux> hcarty, the same issue can often occur with (!): !foo.bar
<flux> hcarty, well, pretty sure precedency is something that cannot be fixed..
<hcarty> (-. value.field) works
<hcarty> flux: Indeed - I'm not sure if it's reasonable or a bug
<hcarty> Or rather OCaml gives that error
<hcarty> (~-. value.field) says "has type value_t but an expression was expected of type float"
<hcarty> Does this look like a bug? http://vpaste.net/CH5vT?


<travisbrady> hcarty: thank you
<hcarty> travisbrady: If/when he is around, rwmjones is likely the best person to ask


<roconnor> hcarty: ah good, that helps a lot
<hcarty> roconnor: http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/2004.05.18.html -- Scroll down to "Counting bits in a big_int" for some discussion on Nat
<gildor> hcarty: this will be just a beta for now, I will wait for your suggestions about improvements
<hcarty> gildor: That's wonderful news! Thank you for all of your work on oasis and oasis-db


<hcarty> Hooray for an official 3.12.0


<hcarty> Looking at the Subversion repository, it doesn't appear to have been touched since somewhere around the beta1 release.
<hcarty> camlp4 3.12+rc1 still plays badly with the toplevel... that's disappointing.
<hcarty> adrien: I think that's pretty much a tie :-)
<adrien> and as hcarty said: -g
<hcarty> krankkatze: Compile with -g and run the program after setting the environment variable OCAMLRUNPARAM to "b"


<hcarty> Which happens to come with a pretty cool enhanced toplevel
<hcarty> dark: Yes
<dark> hcarty, so that you can ensure the expression return unit?
<hcarty> than let _ = ... as that can accidentally hide mistakes