meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub57> [opal] vais pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub57> opal/master ad51202 Vais Salikhov: Method#to_proc returns a proc that is bound to the method's receiver
<GitHub57> opal/master 44fdce9 Vais Salikhov: Follow Opal $$ convention for internal JavaScript properties on objects
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<GitHub57> opal/master b5ef3c6 Vais Salikhov: Merge pull request #1008 from vais/method-to_proc...
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<GitHub102> [opal] vais pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub102> opal/master 6d879e7 Vais Salikhov: Fix lexer bug whereby `<<self` in `class <<self` is seen as a heredoc
<GitHub102> opal/master d18909f Vais Salikhov: Merge pull request #994 from vais/lexer...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2874 (master - b5ef3c6 : Vais Salikhov): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2875 (master - d18909f : Vais Salikhov): The build passed.
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<GitHub130> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to 0-8-stable:
<GitHub130> opal/0-8-stable e066f95 Elia Schito: Prepare for v0.8.0 release
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2877 (0-8-stable - e066f95 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub18> [opal] elia tagged v0.8.0 at 52f9967:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2878 (v0.8.0 - e066f95 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub177> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub177> opal/master fdfe1c9 Vais Salikhov: Implement Proc#curry...
<GitHub177> opal/master f5f2c5c Elia Schito: Merge pull request #1011 from vais/proc-curry...
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2879 (master - f5f2c5c : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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