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hmm.. small discrepancy with pil21.tgz, it seems bin/pil is missing.. i notice in picolisp.tgz there is 'pil' and 'bin/pil', both are slightly different.. but my scripts break because 'bin/pil' is not present in pil21
and the INSTALl instructions for picolisp.tgz: '# ln -s /usr/lib/picolisp/bin/pil /usr/bin'
so, those instructions won't work for pil21
i tried to 'ln -s /usr/lib/picolisp/pil /usr/bin' but then it always searches for '/usr/bin/bin/picolisp' instead of '/usr/bin/picolisp'
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Thanks tankf33der for the compile research!
aw-, pil21 is not a complete release yet
bin/pil will probably be the same in the future
Most notably the documeentation is missing. I want to update many parts in it
Regenaxer hi
no problem
i notice @lib/btree was missing as well ;)
and @lib/db.l i guess you didn't finish those yet
yeah, and all gui stuff
tankf33der: Instead of modifying the O_ASYNC line, we could somehow define O_ASYNC as 0 for SunOS
O_ASYNC is needed for SIGIO, which is not in SunOS, right?
(I forgot the details)
check pil32 code
it was wrapped somehow
lets avoid porting as discussed before
not yet
Just that I want to keep the code free from #ifdef's
this unofficial steps enough. no community.
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As we are using Jitsi in PilCon so far, I'd like to hear your opinion. Is Jitsi still considered a good choice?
I notice quite some problems
Yesterday I had a meeting with someone in Germany, and it was unusable
I wonder if people in PilCon have such problems too
Hi Regenaxer
Hi mtsd!
It has worked well for me at least, so far
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Not sure if the problems yesterday were Jitsi's fault
The other problem is that the Android app does not support screen sharing
(and seems not to be planned for the near future)
Ok, that complicates things
There was something mentioned about using Firefox causing problems, a while ago?
Apparently causing problems for all participants
Not sure if it was firefox yesterday. Should have asked
I use firefox, and it seems to have worked for PilCon though. Maybe problems in older versions?
On the desktop I always started up Chromium for that (I never use it normally)
Do we have any alternatives to Jitsi?
For me screen sharing on the app is important
I don't want to start the desktop
I don't know much about alternatives, but I could check
IIRC somebody mentioned here
beneroth perhaps?
In principle I like Jitsi very much
The problems yesterday could well have been due to network problems
But I'd prefer to use only the app
Regenaxer, was the other participant in a enterprise network?
No, home office
But in south Bavaria, sometimes bad network
the bulk of the firefox problems should have been resolved a few updates ago (mainly updates in firefox)
good to know
enterprise networks often block the WebRTC used by jitsi
yes, that we noticed too
He used a VPN for a while and Jitsi stopped
In the end we resorted to telephon
alternatives: I wanted to look into "Big Blue Button", it is a videoconferencing/school-teaching software, comparable to jitsi but more functionality afaik (e.g. whiteboard to collaboratively draw on)
german foss, SaaS, afaik
and did only screens in Jitsi
but haven't had the time yet
VPN might also be disturbing the WebRTC..dunno
yes, big blue you mentioned
afaik only 2-3 persons: peer-to-peer connections, more participants: everything goes over the server
I thought jitsi works somehow like that
some weeks ago I had the problem that sound didn't work when I joined 4 others... only my audio (in and out) didn't work (seemed working to me, and so to the others, but I couldn't hear them and they not me)
an update and server reboot later: no more problem
1:1 I had never problems
Well, let's stay with Jitsi
seems best so far
I update/reboot the server now
no jitsi updates
I'll experinment a little more
Not needing Chromium would simplify things a little
T, but you can just forget about that
about Chromium?
Mozilla is dying, and Chromium is the de-facto web standard for the foreseeable future
oh, right
html/js/css and even this fancy new http stuff is basically just standardizing what google is doing.
welcome back in 2003
if EU would be serious about wanting to get IT business here, they would fork Firefox and Rust now from Mozilla and make into a real tech/user-focused project again
Yes, too bad about Mozilla
but I guess all those politicians statements is only about getting money to their crypto fantasy friends
aye, it's a shame
I don't have chromium installed, feel a little reluctant to add it
I hate it, it does not behave correct in fvwm window manager
But since google funds Mozilla to a large extent, my feelings against chrome are not that rational
and I can't keep firefox for more than a few days, it crashes, bugs in video playing or memory leaks all over the place
I see
mtsd, well Mozilla did nothing good with this money, and now Google might not extend the contract
that's why they kicked out the techies
True. They dropped the ball, so to say
We might be back to having just one browser again. This time Chrome instead of internet explorer
they earned over a billion in recent years, could have put that into and index fund and pay 50-100 good developers forever, but now... CEO takes 2.5 million a year and the rest is put into non-firefox stuff
mtsd, nono, you can have a ton of browsers... just all based on chromium. but you know that is different, not a monopoly, no no...
Cory Doctorow, one of the best thinkers of our times
You can have all the browsers you like. Based on our tech.
he argues it all comes done to Monopoly and lack of Monopoly regulation since the 70s
beneroth mtsd hi
mtsd, yep. and trust our servers
try suckless 'surf' browser
hey aw-
yeah, tried, not bad
i like it
"Links" is also getting traction
Hi aw-
havent tried with anything heavy
I have to write something myself. Either based on "Links" or by making a web app kinda...
aw-, I'm a heavy browser user. I like to have thousands of tabs open.
When it is about just reading something on the web, I tend to use w3m a lot
i see
But then again, I am not such a heavy web user. Not anymore
I'm a heavy reader, all over the place
I use the PilBox browser when w3m does not suffice
I never had facebook, nor twitter. I read twitter sometimes. but mostly just HN and random wild stuff
but it is chrome-based too :(
No facebook or twitter here either. I read some RSS feeds here and there, using a simple, textbased, reader
Like a person stuck in the previous millenium ;)
Knuth gave up on email, while he was certainly one of the first users...
that is not backwards, that is focused :)
He should switch to Delta :)
I should, maybe
though privacy could be better
yeah, not perfect
Dark Mail just has to become a thing
Optimal would be Briar, but it is sooo tough to establish the contacts
I used it 2 years ago or so
it is tor based
there is not one tool for everything. Tools should be chosen according to needs. Sometimes you need to be able to chat with strangers, sometimes secure communication is top priority
ideally everything is as secure as possible, and the secure stuff should not only be limited to things which might spark interest of malicious parties
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mtsd: what rss reader do you use? i'm also stuck in the 90s, i still use Pine for my email (now called Alpine), not to be confused with Alpine Linux
I use a reader called newsboat
It works well for my needs. It is a fork from an earlier reader called NewsBeuter
curses based, good
I use mutt to read email, been reading about Alpine but never tried it
I use mutt too
Perfectly configurable
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same generation
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Regenaxer, bigbluebutton is LPGL, can be self-hosted, and has much more features than Jitsi. It's truly for online teaching. But looks also a lot harder to setup well.
so for the long run probably worth switching to
there are multiple existing hosters, one is listing a price of 150$/Month (100 concurrent users) for the lowest tier, all others have no price listing, they want clients to get in contact
trying to setup a server is on my list, but not so high priority...
Thanks for all then info!
Sounds good
Regenaxer, maybe interesting for you (probably not): "Precision Opportunities for Demanded Bits in LLVM", https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1714