does a bare coma has any meaning between list elements?
i've placed some here and there seemingly out of habit, and it seems to not affect the program at all...?
it is a read macro, which places the next item into the *Uni global
This is normally used for strings to be localized
Look up "read macros" in the ref, and the *Uni global
So yes, there is no visible effect :)
: *Uni
will show something though
starting with PicoLisp is a surreal experience in that some of expected functionality isn't really there, or is handled in unexpected ways. like binary file read/write
tho that's not a bad thing, as per the epigram #19 "A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing."
I see :)
hi dexen, welcome
thank you, thank you
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i send a reply through GitHub as with the previous pull request
Hi dexen, tankf33der, aw-!
In fact, I don't know rlook well, I did not write it
I think it was Jon Kleiser
I can gladly take the patch
What does it fix?
i'll try it now, i think it fixes the search issue in new browsers
tankf33der, I tried to find out why pil21 is so much faster on divisio
but cannot see a simple reason
Regenaxer: ok
Mysterious ;)
nope doesnt fix
Regenaxer: im not sure what that patch fixes, dexen would need to explain
The focus at the end is commented
for UX, i want the docs to give focus to the search <input>. sadly the "autofocus" attribute doesn't seem to work with frames
Besides that, only the order of the attributes in the text field are changed?
so instead i added a short JS that focuses the search <input>. the comments are to handle older browsers that don't like JS/CSS. it's similar to how previous block of JS and CSS in the same file is commented out
but isn't "IIwindow.document.getElementById('search').focus..." commented out?
it's not. there are 3 lines inside the new <script> tag. first line is a HTML comment (for old browsers), second line is the actual JS code without comment marks; 3rd line is again HTML comment for old browsers.
tbh i wouldn't do the HTML comments on my own, but that's how it is done in other documentation code in those files
I see
So for me anything is fine
(I never read docs in a JS-enabled browser anyway)
If nobody objects, I take your version, ok?
later on i'll probably also skip the HTML/JS documentation and plug something directly into my IDE (Acme) but for starting, the HTML/JS docs are pretty good
What can I write into doc/ChangeLog?
A short note
and credits to?
"... by dexen"?
it changes nothing
still doesn't auto-focus for me
aw, what is your environment? i've only tested it on the (latest) Firefox and Chromium
linux suckless 'surf' browser
alright let me install and check it out
version surf-2.0 hopefully? or an older one?
can't get to it now, as i'm having trouble compiling dependencies for the browser. sorry
No problem!
Shall I postpone the change for now?
recommend "Reference lookup search input autofocus", and "by dexen" is fine
All right! Good
Will be in the next release. Thanks!
great thank you
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the (port) function seems to work only with IPv6...? or am i reading it wrong.
asking because it bombs for me with "IP socket error: Address family not supported by protocol"
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dexen_ is now known as dexen
(port) does work fine with IPv6, but it needs a dual stack at runtime
... works fine with IPv4 I mean
so, the OS must support it
alright, makes sense
is there a way to modify the stdin/stdout file descriptors - like the unix dup2() function - so they are attached to different socket for the subsequent (exec ...)?
Not without 'native' calls I think
'pipe' does something like that internally
You mean an (exec ..) after a (fork)?
yes. trying for a very basic functionality; a TCP listener that forks off worker processes and assigns them the connected socket as the stdin/stdout
I think this can be done with pipe plus exec
I find here stuff like: (pipe (exec 'java "-cp"
i'm getting there, but still having trouble properly propagating the eof state up & down the chain
Just close the file descriptor/socket/pipe etc. The Lisp side receives NIL then
i'm probably doing something very silly; i wanted to indicate to the child process that there's no more content to *read*, and to switch to *writing* the response instead
but using (out Pipe (eof T)) seemingly made the pipe closed in *both* directions
hmm (eof) is a pure input function
Closing the file descriptor here is not a good idea
Better send some dedicated message
Anyway (eof T) does not close anything
it sets the *input* status to indicate EOF upon ext read. Very seldom needed
What kind of child process is that? Is it under your control?
yes tho i would like not to change it too much. the idea is to learn picolisp better, so i'd rather understand what i'm doing wrong :D
(rd) without count reads "one item", what does that mean? and is there a helper to convert the large integer into smaller integers suitable for (wr) ?