huh, in the first paste it says Foo iso is not a subtype of T ref. Where did it get iso from?
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doublec: Thanks for the review. Yeah, I'm confused.
Just so I understood, I thought `T.test()` would basically call the constructor with no args, and then call `.test()`
Perelandric: you're right it does
OK, good. I double checked with `T.create().test()` just to be sure.
So maybe I should just file an issue on this one.
Perelandric: Yes, I think that's a good idea
doubled: Super, will do in a few hours. Just about to crash (again).
Thanks again for the review and confirmation.
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so to anyone who sees the above. There's a problem in that code. You have some type T that you want to be able to call a constructor for and then test() the existence of test() is guaranteed. There's no guarantee that `T` will have a 0 arg constructor.
in the original version there's another issue that I see... MyTrait test returns a MyTrait
I could create a GenericTest of Foo. And the Array would expect a Foo but, Foo can return a Bar or any other MyTrait and be legal, but that wouldn't be legal in GenericTest.
In "let b: T = a", because it's generic code T might not be something that Foo can assign too.
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* doublec
is too used to template systems that fail only when actually expanded for the failure case
The joys of being a polygot programmer - forgetting what works where
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not sure if this is the right place to report this, but I am following the ponylang tutorial and it compiled from source fine, but when I try to compile the hello world example I get a "Pass 'Move heap allocations to the stack' is not initialized. Verify if there is a pass dependency cycle. Required Passes: Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error
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doublec: heh, This weekend, I was writing Java, [xml!], Ruby, [graphviz], bash, pony, javascript, [html], [css]. Not the same project mind you...
Candle: I remember going from doing a lot of lisp to doing c++. I was constantly writing (if (do this) ...)
The java I was writing was a maven plugin to handle pony. Mostly because I thought I knew Maven pretty well, and I was fed up with trying to do pacjage management some other way.
There are issues with Maven, it doesn't solve every problem, but it has to be better than nothing.
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Candle: did you get it working?
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doublec: Mostly, i need to re-discover my ability to publish to maven central.
I'm also hoping that the --path option to ponyc can be specified multiple times!
Given I was going to package a library as a zip/tar.gz (decision as to which is to be made) I need to work out where I'm going to unpack said archive so that it can be passed to --path.
Finally, I need to document a whole load of decisions I've made, and my rational for choosing that option!
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SeanTAllen: Thank you, that makes sense. Though it would seem like making the trait generic would solve it...
...by making sure those that implement it return an instance of the same class from `test()`...