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<andreaa> ahhh String.split is sneaky, I thought it'd split using the given string as delimiter but it uses _any_ char in the delim string as delimiter!
<SeanTAllen> MagusOTB: pony is reasonably complex in the beginning, I'd suggest trying to read the tutorial so you understand the concepts or st least that they exist and then start back through again and try to write code then
<SeanTAllen> andreaa: what do you mean about split? I don't understand. It's the same as any other OO API I've used. What were you expecting?
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, I was expecting "foo\r\nblah".split("\r\n") to be ["foo", "blah"]
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, which OO Api? I guess I'm heavily influenced by Java and Python
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<andreaa> does anyone know how to dig into why the compilers exits with "Error: internal failure not reported" instead of giving a compiler error? (I replaced an invalid '==' with 'is')
<SeanTAllen> andreaa: and what did you get?
<SeanTAllen> andreaa: if you get a compiler error like that narrow it down to a minimal case would help us a lot. you can do a debug build of the compiler and run it in llvm to get the backtrace and more info.
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, I saved that on a branch, I'll try to reduce it to the smallest code I can. Is there any doc on how to do a debug build and how to run it in llvm?
<SeanTAllen> lldb not llvm
<SeanTAllen> you do a debug build by doing make install config=debug when building ponyc
<SeanTAllen> it defaults to config=release
<SeanTAllen> i dont understand your split statement andreaa
<SeanTAllen> for example:
<andreaa> sorry, lapsus :)
<SeanTAllen> that prints "foo" then "blah" for me. so i'm not sure how you didnt get what you were expecting.
<SeanTAllen> what did you get?
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, try to print the size of the array
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, what you get is ["foo", "", "blah"]
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<andreaa> SeanTAllen, and that is because it splits after '\r' and then after '\n'
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, it's easy to see if you also print a static string before each element of the array
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, or if you split with "ba"
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, it looks like this implementation should take a Set of char/runes instead of a string as delimiters - the current signature is rather confusing even though it's documented
<SeanTAllen> andreaa: i'd suggest opening an issue in GitHub where it could be discussed further
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, sure
<SeanTAllen> i'd consider that a bug
<andreaa> SeanTAllen, are you talking about the compiler bug or the split?
<andreaa> s/bug/crash
<SeanTAllen> split
<SeanTAllen> spkit
<SeanTAllen> the compiler one, once you narrow it down, you should also open an issue for that, that definitely a bug
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