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<SeanTAllen> woo-hoo!
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<autodidaddict> I have a weird issue where when I invoke a behavior on an actor to fulfill a promise, it appears as though it's creating a new instance of the actor and _not_ fulfilling the promise
<autodidaddict> ` let p = Promise[ExaminationResult][None](recover this~ex() end) _currentloc.examine(p)` by sprinkling Debug.out in enough places, it looks like the actor that is _currentloc is calling create ... every time I invoke examine
<SeanTAllen> do you have a minimal example autodidaddict? i can look in the morning. Watching TV w. Stephanie for the rest of tonight.
<autodidaddict> not really. I can check the broken code into the repo
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<cquinn> I updated my current code as I was fixing other things that were broken from a refactor. Not too bad overall.
<cquinn> It did make me think a bit more where I wanted errors to be popping out from, and where they should be handled.
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<jemc> cquinn: remember that we have an automatic migration script you can use if you want to - see the release notes
<jemc> of course going through by hand is probably also a good mindfulness exercise
<cquinn> It wasn't very many places, and it gave me a chance to rethink where errors really should be handled.
<cquinn> but thanks. I'll use it on other code that just needs updating
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<autodidaddict> test
<SeanTAllen> hi autodidaddict
<autodidaddict> Yay it works. Maybe I'm not a robot
<SeanTAllen> well....
<autodidaddict> Still going around in circles on my actor problem. It looks like this actor is being instantiated every time I call a behavior which makes no sense
<autodidaddict> .. unless the fact that it's constructor takes no parameters is confusing the usual sugar for construction
<autodidaddict> .. but that shouldn't happen with a field. Ugh I'm going back to playing captcha
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<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: where would i be looking in your code?
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<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: You dont have to do "Room tag", because Room is an actor, it defaults to tag. Or TCPConnection tag etc. Just an FYI.
<autodidaddict> room isn't an actor, it's a type alias
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> TCPConnection is an actor though
<autodidaddict> type Room is (Container tag & Examinable tag)
<autodidaddict> Container and Examinable are both traits
<autodidaddict> I started out putting tag on everything, but now I've been able to find where I have to use it - when treating something being passed as a trait object as an actor
<SeanTAllen> what is `this~ex() ` ?
<SeanTAllen> ex() comes from which trait?
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<SeanTAllen> o dur
<SeanTAllen> right below it
<SeanTAllen> how can i recreate this so i could test autodidaddict ?
<autodidaddict> check out the "noworky" branch, run it. telnet to the port, enter a username. after you've entered a few commands (good or bad), the server console should spew the debug output "the void created" more than once.
<autodidaddict> obv build in debug mode
<autodidaddict> the ex() method there was just a hack for me to test. I was starting to explore how to build game objects that are examinable via promise... this is when I noticed that my examine promise never comes back ... yet I create multiple instances of the void, which should only be created once when the player connects
<SeanTAllen> "the port"?
<SeanTAllen> ah i see it spits it out on startup
<autodidaddict> the commands it knows right now are "who" and "cmds" (to list the commands it knows)
<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: according to Dipin Hora, who has been lurking on this, your problem is a bug that was introduced about a month ago
<autodidaddict> whaaaaat
<SeanTAllen> ```
<autodidaddict> let me guess, it's sugaring incorrectly on the behavior invocation
<SeanTAllen> @Praetonus this according to dipin is when the bug was introduced:
<autodidaddict> so what's the workaround and is the fix written for 0.17.0 ?
<SeanTAllen> work around would be use an earlier version of ponyc at the moment
<autodidaddict> ouch
<SeanTAllen> there's no fix at the moment
<SeanTAllen> dipin figured it out about 10 minutes ago
<SeanTAllen> the "what"
<SeanTAllen> part anyway
<autodidaddict> well, feel free to use any and all of my code for repro purposes
<autodidaddict> though I suspect we could probably repro it in a single file
<SeanTAllen> probably ya
<autodidaddict> I feel a little less stupid knowing that it was a language bug and not my own newbsauce spilling all over everything
<autodidaddict> but cranky because I can't work on my MUD ;)
<SeanTAllen> sorry about that
<SeanTAllen> could you open a bug and reference all this here?
<autodidaddict> will do
<SeanTAllen> if you wanted to work on it in the meantime autodidaddict, you can revert your 0.16.0 compat commit and rollback to an earlier ponyc and keep moving forward
<autodidaddict> I should probably be finishing my copy edits for the .NET book ;)
<SeanTAllen> seems reasonable
<autodidaddict> heh, I've got a totally different behavior now
<SeanTAllen> bug behavior or correct behavior?
<autodidaddict> I tried creating a single-file repro and I can't create an instance of a parameterless-constructor-actor ... at all
<autodidaddict> let me make sure it's not just me
<autodidaddict> ok, can't repro in a single file .. promise to an actor works fine
<jemc> autodidaddict: are you able to build ponyc from source?
<autodidaddict> jemc: haven't tried yet
<jemc> you could see if `git revert 9b9c084` for ponyc gives you a working compiler
<autodidaddict> if I get a chance I'll try that
<SeanTAllen> morning jemc!
<jemc> good morning :P
<SeanTAllen> dipin is lurking via the logs for this
<SeanTAllen> he says
<jemc> but, I'm talking about doing `git revert` - I trust dipin's bisecting, so I assume that `git checkout` of the previous commit would work
<Praetonus> I don't really understand what the bug is
<Praetonus> I'll wait for the issue to have full context
<SeanTAllen> apparently there is a "create" ending up in the IR for the promise code
<SeanTAllen> and its creating a new instance of the actor
<SeanTAllen> is that a reasonable summation @autodidaddict
<autodidaddict> I don't want to speak to what's happening with the IR, but the perceived effect is that the constructor is being invoked every time I send it a promise... and it never fulfills the promise
<autodidaddict> filing a github issue now
<SeanTAllen> thanks autodidaddict
<Praetonus> Not sure how that change could be causing that bug
<Praetonus> But I'll take a look
<SeanTAllen> Dipin knows more. I think he is going to comment on the issue
<SeanTAllen> rather than my playing telephone and getting it not quite right in here
<SeanTAllen> @Praetonus he commented on the issue
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<voldyman> SeanTAllen: what do you think about docs from ?
<voldyman> something like this for pony would be awesome IMHO
<voldyman> i have trouble skimming through the docs because "Parameters" , <func names>, "Returns" all look the same
<SeanTAllen> Do you have specific pages you are referring to voldyman ?
<SeanTAllen> i find the color scheme difficult when it comes to scanning etc
<SeanTAllen> i assume you are referring to something about layout
<voldyman> Any docs page
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<SeanTAllen> I dont find them particularly easy to scan, at least not initially
<SeanTAllen> if you could perhaps screenshot things and highlight what you like, that could help with discussion i think
<SeanTAllen> also remember, at the moment, markdown as a format is a requirement for our docs
<SeanTAllen> which can make a lot about those pages difficult
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<SeanTAllen> voldyman: do you want to put together a markdown based mockup of what you imagine some pages from the stdlib would look like?
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<vaninwagen> yo!
<vaninwagen> i do have a quick question about this small example:
<vaninwagen> is it possible to call secret_stuff on Public from another package (when use-ing the package listed in the playpen gist)?
<vaninwagen> secret_stuff is defined on a private trait ``_Private`` that Public implements. Is the method secret_stuff thus also also publicly available?
<vaninwagen> i guess i have to try it out :)
<vaninwagen> IT IS! :)
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<SeanTAllen> Yes vaninwagen. The method is public but the trait private
<SeanTAllen> So
<SeanTAllen> Only classes/actors in the package can implement the trait
<SeanTAllen> but those methods are callable outside the package
<SeanTAllen> We utilize that some in our codebase at Sendence
<vaninwagen> SeanTAllen i am thinking about it from the api-doc point of view. Should this trait then be documented in the api-doc with only public types?
<vaninwagen> i guess simply filtering only the public types is insufficient as it would leave the users with incomplete API docs
<SeanTAllen> The trait can only be used inside the package
<vaninwagen> reachability from other packages should be the criterion
<SeanTAllen> the only time it matters is on public classes that implement it
<vaninwagen> yep
<SeanTAllen> so public class, its publuc methods should be fine
<SeanTAllen> so filter out the private trait
<SeanTAllen> and everything should be fine i think
<SeanTAllen> good thing to test though
<SeanTAllen> make sure we are doing the right thing
<vaninwagen> even if it completely defines a "public" method?
<vaninwagen> like the ``_Private`` trait in my example?
<vaninwagen> the ``secret_stuff`` method is not defined on ``Public``
<vaninwagen> but is accessible from outside - and thus should be documented?
<vaninwagen> i know, pretty edgy edge-case
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<SeanTAllen> it should be documented on any public class that implements the trait
<SeanTAllen> that would be my thought
<SeanTAllen> not the trait itself
<SeanTAllen> which i believe is what currently happens
<vaninwagen> makes sense
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<autodidaddict> Just ran `make test` on the master branch of ponyc, 2 test failures
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<vaninwagen> say i have a TK_ACTOR ast_t and want to get all the classes it says it "is" explicitly - how to go about it?
<vaninwagen> here is some example printed AST:
<vaninwagen> this piece of code doesn't seem to catch the case of ``actor Main is TestList``:
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<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: net/Broadcast will fail if you have a firewall on
<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: are you on OSX? one of the sierra's?
<autodidaddict> no firewalls, just on my personal laptop
<autodidaddict> macOS Sierra 10.12.3
<SeanTAllen> net/Broadcast fails at my mothers house for me something about the network setup
<SeanTAllen> sierra broke signal handling if i remember correctly
<autodidaddict> sweet
<SeanTAllen> not just for pony
<SeanTAllen> like they actually broke signal handling
<autodidaddict> I dislike macOS with each subsequent release
<autodidaddict> I'd be using a linux laptop if I didn't need Scrivener for my writing
<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: im on... el capitan and will end up switching to linux
<SeanTAllen> ill keep this around for other things
<SeanTAllen> im not upgrading
<autodidaddict> good plan