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<RandomResearcher> Hey peeps, good morning. I was wondering if there is a publication on the pony language that outlines the general language. I've found the pony papers on the website under community/papers but, just going by the titles, they seem to be focussed on one particular aspect of pony (which is to be expected).
<RandomResearcher> As a side question: does Pony support something like inheritance or trait composition for actors?
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<dave24> randomresearcher: There is a good tutorial as an introduction to the language:
<dave24> and yes, traits do work with actors and can be combined with the intersection operator: &
<RandomResearcher> I'm interested in that mechanism. Is this mechanism discussed somewhere in a paper?
<RandomResearcher> Aha. Just made a guess and found info on intersection types in "A Principled Design of Capabilities in Pony"
<RandomResearcher> Thank you!
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<RandomResearcher> Please correct me if I'm wrong. Traits in Pony can define both functions and behaviours, can be inherited from by both actors and classes. Traits are stateless. Is it correct when I say that a trait cannot reference its composer, e.g. via a "this" reference?
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<dave24> randomresearcher: Your first two statements are true.
<dave24> I don't know about the last two.
<dave24> I just tried it, you can reference `this` in a default implementation of a trait function.
<dave24> Note also that of course a class can never satisfy a trait/interface as soon as it has behaviours.
<dave24> And about stateful traits, I'm not sure what you mean. I know nothing about the object and can therefore not access any of it's fields in the default implementation. But that does not apply to the specialised implementation.
<RandomResearcher> Indeed, a class 'inheriting' from a trait that defines a behaviour is a compile error (as expected). I tried invoking a function on a class via "this" in the default implementation of a trait in the Pony Playground, and it threw a type error at me: "can't find declaration of ..."
<RandomResearcher> That's why I asked if traits can reference "this". Perhaps I am doing something wrong?
<dave24> You can reference `this`, but you don't know what fields it has so you can't access them.
<RandomResearcher> Aha so "this" in a trait refers to the trait, and not the object that the trait is composed into.
<dave24> hmm
<dave24> this does refer to the object
<dave24> but you only have limitied information about the object, because several classes could use the trait
<dave24> so you can only use the thing you know the object must have: the ones also in the same trait
<dave24> traits don't exist at runtime. So `this` could not possibly be a reference to the trait.
<RandomResearcher> Indeed, so that's why I found it slightly confusing that a trait could not call a function on the object via "this", but your explanation makes sense. Still it leaves me wondering whether it is possible for a trait to call a function on the composer, since this was a pretty important thing in the original definition of traits
<dave24> It can call a function on the object, as long as that function is also declared in the trait (It does not need the default implementation like in my example).
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<RandomResearcher> Ahhh so the function in the trait is really a "default implementation" in the true sense of the term
<RandomResearcher> That makes sense. Thank you very much!
<dave24> np
<dave24> Traits are just requirements that classes/actors may satisfy, they are not objects themselves.
<dave24> Same for interfaces.
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<vaninwagen> dave24 great explanation
<SeanTAllen> There was a lot of discussion of possible changes to traits and interfaces (and talk of mixins) in a recent Pony developer sync. in particular the one from 6/20. You'd need to be a member of the "pony dev" mailing list to access the files:
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<SeanTAllen> Pony 0.24.0 has been released. It contains both breaking changes and high-priority bug fixes. Upgrading asap is recommended:
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<winksaville> @SeanTAllen, nice getting 0.24.0 out! I answered dipin's questions, do you have any questions on PR #2812 ( "Add LLVM_BUILD_MODE fix issue #2776"?
<SeanTAllen> winksaville: havent had a chance to look. probably wont have time to look anytime today
<winksaville> OK, when you have time, txs.
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<pzel> What's the rationale for this function in socket.c?
<pzel> I was surprised today when Pony told me it was listening on, but netstat told me pony was listening on
<pzel> Turns out map_any_to_loopback was just rewriting the name.
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<SeanTAllen> what are you looking to do pzel?
<SeanTAllen> what did you expect to happen?
<pzel> I was looking at the wallaroo code that prints out the current listener addresses
<pzel> For control ports, etc.
<SeanTAllen> is literally any address
<SeanTAllen> loopback is an address
<SeanTAllen> so i'm not sure how to answer your question
<pzel> because while any is a superset of loopback, the reverse does not hold
<SeanTAllen> is a non-routable and invalid address so netstat saying strikes me as somewhat surprising
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<pzel> well stands for 'any interface'
<pzel> and is specifically about lo
<SeanTAllen> that is an interface
<SeanTAllen> that satisfies "any"
<SeanTAllen> and to say it stands for any interface is not really true
<SeanTAllen> depends on the context
<SeanTAllen> but again
<SeanTAllen> is your problem with Pony reporting which is what it decided to listen on when was provided
<SeanTAllen> or the fact that it does line up with in netstat
<pzel> the latter
<SeanTAllen> note that is often used to mean "I DONT CURRENTLY HAVE AN ADDRESS" is some applications
<pzel> I just want to know for sure whether the program will only be accessible from the local loopback or from outside.
<pzel> s/program/socket
<SeanTAllen> if you only want on loopback you should indicate
<pzel> I'm talking about the reverse: I want to be publicly visible, but Pony tells me it's only
<SeanTAllen> ummm
<SeanTAllen> why do you say it only tells me its ?
<SeanTAllen> code please
<pzel> coming up
<SeanTAllen> where is the code that is displaying
<pzel> coming up
<pzel> << it's not the most minimal of cases, I copied a lot of wallaroo code verbatim
<pzel> run that, and run netstat -plnt in another terminal
<pzel> netstat lists it as listening on (what I requested), but the Pony output is
<SeanTAllen> there's multple oututs there
<SeanTAllen> what output?
<pzel> > hello external: listening on
<pzel> Is what I'm seeing
<pzel> and then I do ` nc 9001` and i get connected.
<pzel> So it's not only listening on, it's listening on ANY interface, which is not the same as the lo interface
<SeanTAllen> line numbers would have made that easier btw
<pzel> line 30
<SeanTAllen> thank you
<pzel> 29 actually, sorry
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> what should it do?
<SeanTAllen> you are asking for a local address
<SeanTAllen> is not a valid address
<pzel> yes, but it's a customary representation of INADDR_ANY when listening
<SeanTAllen> its also useless to end user code though
<pzel> Okay, that makes sense as rationale, okay.
<SeanTAllen> its not a rationale
<SeanTAllen> im making a statement
<SeanTAllen> and asking what you think the right thing to do is
<SeanTAllen> is pretty much only good for display
<SeanTAllen> nothing else
<SeanTAllen> if you wanted to make the argument that local_address should return an array of net addresses, that would make sense to me and then not return and would be one of many
<pzel> Here's where I went wrong: the pony code calls local_address().name(), and it's the output of name() which is used for display. I'd skipped over the fact that local_address() returns a NetAddr
<pzel> So I see the point about returning an actual address that the end user could do something with.
<SeanTAllen> i think you could have the case for a very good RFC that it should be local_addresses and return an array
<SeanTAllen> without in it
<SeanTAllen> but all the interfaces that are actually being listened on
<SeanTAllen> i wouldnt say what it is doing is wrong, much like returning wouldnt be wrong
<SeanTAllen> i think what it is doing is more useful than
<SeanTAllen> but neither is ideal
<SeanTAllen> an array makes a lot of sense there for a listener
<SeanTAllen> because it can be listening on more than 1 address
<SeanTAllen> same argument for tcp connection as well
<pzel> What if I start a listener and then a new iface gets added to the system? IDK what the behaviour of INADDR_ANY should be in that case.
<SeanTAllen> note "" is also "any address" in those classes.
<SeanTAllen> it will only be listening on the addresses at the time it was started
<pzel> Okay, so the array returned doesn't become 'stale'. Cool.
<SeanTAllen> which would make netstat misleading
<pzel> Right
<SeanTAllen> is... problematic
<SeanTAllen> i understand why it exists but its... yeah
<SeanTAllen> not so good
<SeanTAllen> So, i think you should write up an RFC
<pzel> Sounds good.
<SeanTAllen> im not sure what needs to change for implementation on that...
<SeanTAllen> im not sure if you can look up all the addresses that is on
<pzel> Okay, last thought: Why not make INADDR_ANY a legal address? As in (simplified) : type Address = (AnyAddress | (N.N.N.N))
<SeanTAllen> ugh yeah any doesnt let you find out what all of them are
<SeanTAllen> thats right you can only get 1
<SeanTAllen> and that's INADDR_ANY
<pzel> Right, there's only on s_addr on there
<SeanTAllen> im starting to remember to "we just jammed it in there" nature of the C apis
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<SeanTAllen> i think you can make a decent argument that it should be
<SeanTAllen> and have something for any address
<SeanTAllen> that seems like reasonable RFC pzel
<pzel> Sooo not as cool as acutally enumerating the interfaces, tho :
<pzel> Okay, I'll sleep on the topic. Thanks for the help SeanTAllen
<SeanTAllen> yeah cant really enumerate
<SeanTAllen> easily
<SeanTAllen> i forgot about that
<SeanTAllen> its been a while since i mucked with those bits of berkeley sockets
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