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<phvse> Hello! Is Pony development still strong? I'm interested in the language but I don't want to create a big project in a dead/dying language.
<SeanTAllen> phvse: we are making regular, steady progress
<SeanTAllen> you can see the release cadence and commit cadence in the github repo
<phvse> The project I have in mind is an advanced TCP proxy. Is Pony built up enough for this? I've been looking at the stdlib and I copied the sample TCP project, but I want to do packet decoding and such.
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<SeanTAllen> you get the rawb bytes phvse, you can do whatever you want with them.
<SeanTAllen> if you need a lower level interface than what you get from a normal socket read, you have c-ffi handy and can use that to do what you want.
<SeanTAllen> its hard to say more without knowing specifics
<phvse> okay, that'll work
<phvse> I want the connections to scale well, so would making an actor to handle each connection be a good idea?
<SeanTAllen> that is how you would want to do it, yes. per actor overhead is low.
<phvse> okay perfect
<phvse> So I'm thinking of having a class called ClientReceiver that extends TCPConnectionNotify and holds a map from TCPConnections to "Proxies" (the actor that manages the packets)
<SeanTAllen> So there's a flaw in the Actor/Notify pattern that currently exists that we are trying to figure out how to address (so far, no luck, best idea can't always prove safeness).
<SeanTAllen> So...
<SeanTAllen> if those connections need to be added dynamically, there's no way to do that
<SeanTAllen> because you can communicate with the enclosing TCPConnection but not the TCPConnectionNotify
<SeanTAllen> so, you might need to "fork" TCPConnection into your own version and add behaviors that you need in order to add new proxies to the notify.
<SeanTAllen> We hope to address this eventually but so far, as I said, our best idea didint turn out to always be concurrency safe.
<SeanTAllen> phvse ^
<phvse> I was thinking that the TCPConnectionNotify would check the address from the TCPConnection in TCPConnectionNotify#received and then send the `data: Array[U8]` to the actor in the map
<phvse> oh and the proxy actor would need to send data back to the client connection
<phvse> SeanTAllen ^
<SeanTAllen> the way you could do it is have an actor that acrs as a router between things and can get new maps additions sent to it. that would work, but there's the overhead of an extra hop.
<SeanTAllen> anyway, its all doable and you'll see once you start and can decide which approach is right for you
<phvse> couldn't I have my class that extends TCPConnectionNotify be the router?
<SeanTAllen> no
<SeanTAllen> you wont be able to add new connections to it dynamically
<SeanTAllen> TCPConnection provides no way for other actors to communicate with the TCPConnectionNotify
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<phvse> I don't think the actors would need to communicate with the TCPConnectionNotify though
<phvse> only from TCPConnectionNotify to the proxy actors
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> then that will work
<SeanTAllen> how will the TCPConnectionNotify know about the proxy actors?
<SeanTAllen> thats the big question you'll need to figure out
<SeanTAllen> but, i am off to bed. ttyl.
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<phvse> `couldn't find 'has_next' in 'Array'` well that's annoying
<phvse> okay .values() exists
<phvse> hmm now I want to print out a u8 in hexadecimal
<phvse> oh well I can't have one TCPConnectionNotify router because TCPListenNotify#connected expects an ios^ (which I believe means it can't be bound to a variable, and thus must be created in the method)
<qweo> phvse: would your project be open-source?
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<dave24> phvse: It can still be bound to a variable, as long as you either (a) no longer use it after returning it from `connected` (either the variable goes out of scope or you assign something else to it) or (b) the variable holds only a tag.
<dave24> However it is true that you cannot reuse a TCPConnectionNotify for multiple connections, since it is iso and exactly one must exist per connections.
<dave24> s/connections/connection
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<phvse> qweo: it will be open source, yes
<phvse> dave24: So I have the TCPListenNotify spawn a new TCPConnectionNotify which spawns a new Proxy actor? The middle man doesn't seem useful.
<phvse> wait what if I made the TCPConnectionNotify the Proxy actor?
<phvse> Will there always be one TCPConnectionNotify per connection?
<SeanTAllen> phvse: you don't spawn a TCPConnectionNotify
<phvse> well it needs to "create" one
<SeanTAllen> And actor of type TCPConnection is spawned and you provide a class that implements TCPConnectionNotify to specialize it
<SeanTAllen> I don't know what "it" and "one" refer to
<qweo> phvse: post a link to a repo or something when you're ready please
<phvse> TCPListenNotify needs to create a TCPConnectionNotify
<SeanTAllen> No
<SeanTAllen> Can you explain how you think it works?
<SeanTAllen> Then I can correct where you are going astray?
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<phvse> Well I (think I) want one TCPConnectionNotify to delegate connections to the Proxies. I currently have a TCPConnectionNotify field inside my TCPListenNotify, but TCPListenNotify#connected expects a TCPConnectionNotify iso^and I'm having trouble returning the TCPConnectionNotify field in the function
<SeanTAllen> can you step back and explain what you think the relationship between TCPConnection and TCPConnection is?
<SeanTAllen> Also have you looked at the echo server example?
<phvse> I got the example running but I'm failing to see why a TCPConnectionNotify is needed
<SeanTAllen> have you read the documentation for TCPConnectionNotify?
<phvse> (The names for these classes are a little confusing too. Is it a notification or a notifier or a notification handler?)
<phvse> the docs say "Notifications for TCP connections."
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<phvse> which is somewhat vague
<phvse> I've got every page open trying to figure it out
<SeanTAllen> ok good to know
<SeanTAllen> that needs to be improved
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> in Pony the "Notify" classes are how you can specialize an actor
<SeanTAllen> so for example
<SeanTAllen> TCPConnection contains all the generic tcp handling logic
<SeanTAllen> but at key points in the lifecycle, you will want to specialize
<SeanTAllen> for example, when connnected, when data is received, when data is sent, when the connection is closed
<SeanTAllen> does that make sense?
<phvse> So it's like a wrapper-handler-thing around TCPConnection that is called when certain actions happen?
<SeanTAllen> no
<SeanTAllen> other way around
<SeanTAllen> a TCPConnection has a TCPConnectionNotify
<SeanTAllen> there's a _notify field on TCPConnection
<SeanTAllen> So in the echo example...
<SeanTAllen> this line:
<SeanTAllen> that is called on a new connection
<SeanTAllen> and it returns a class called Server that is a TCPConnectionNotify
<SeanTAllen> the listener actor will then start a new TCPConnection actor and supply that Server class to it to use as its notify
<SeanTAllen> and for example
<SeanTAllen> any time that TCPConnection receives data, the `received` method on the Server class will be callled:
<SeanTAllen> And because notify classes are stateful
<SeanTAllen> and will be called by an actor, they have to be iso.
<SeanTAllen> If two TCPConnection instances shared the same TCPConnectionNotify instance, there would be a data race
<SeanTAllen> does that make sense?
<phvse> yes
<phvse> so would making the TCPConnectionNotify the Proxy itself be a good idea?
<SeanTAllen> This is a little outdated, there have been a few changes to the API but the basics are the same:
<SeanTAllen> phvse: that depends
<SeanTAllen> the connections you are proxying to, are they all known at startup?
<SeanTAllen> or are they added during the run?
<SeanTAllen> also note, that a connection can be closed so you probably need to reopen proxy connections so, those would be "added during the run"
<phvse> startup, there will be a configuration file with all the IPs to the servers. They will most likely be local servers.
<phvse> okay so I would just need to keep the state inside the Proxy (is TCPConnectionNotify)
<SeanTAllen> i think what you really want is
<SeanTAllen> you create TCPConnectionListener
<SeanTAllen> you create an actor called Proxy
<SeanTAllen> you create all your TCPConnections you are proxying to
<SeanTAllen> you supply them all to Proxy
<SeanTAllen> your TCPConnectionListenerNotify has a tag to Proxy
<SeanTAllen> it supplies that Proxy tag to the TCPConnectionNotify when a new one is created
<SeanTAllen> well actually wait...
<SeanTAllen> i dont know enough
<SeanTAllen> can you tell me more about the proxying?
<SeanTAllen> there are many outgoing connections yes?
<SeanTAllen> how do you match an incoming connnection to an outgoing connection?
<phvse> is the project I'm trying to replicate
<SeanTAllen> do the "outgoing connections" send information back on the "incoming connection"?
<phvse> yes, the servers and client will be communicating with each other
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> so what i was telling you wasnt correct
<SeanTAllen> sorry
<phvse> they'll be sending packets back in forth
<SeanTAllen> when you get a new incoming connection, does it only proxt to one server? or is this like a chat room and they are all sending to each other?
<phvse> and I might need to modify the packets and/or create new packets to send
<phvse> yes it's only connected to one server
<phvse> and then it will transition to other servers without disconnecting
<SeanTAllen> sorry, i didnt understand that
<phvse> my b for not explaining it properly
<SeanTAllen> theres a list of ips to proxy to
<SeanTAllen> but you only proxy to one?
<phvse> yes
<SeanTAllen> how do you decide which one of the ips to proxy to?
<phvse> the client joins the game, the proxy defaults to whatever ip is set as the default in the configuration, the client sends certain packets telling the proxy that it wants to travel to a different server, the proxy closes the connection with the server and opens a new one with the server specified
<SeanTAllen> ah ok
<SeanTAllen> how does the client know about the different servers?
<phvse> it'll request the server by name and the proxy will have a map from name to ip
<SeanTAllen> ah ok
<SeanTAllen> so things we need... a map from server to ip
<SeanTAllen> then we open a connection for that
<SeanTAllen> so...
<SeanTAllen> lets see
<SeanTAllen> ok, one more question...
<SeanTAllen> how much load are you planning on handling? how important is latency in all this?
<phvse> it should support 50,000 clients connecting to 10-20 servers
<phvse> I'd say that's the maximum
<phvse> latency should be minimum
<phvse> I was thinking if Pony was too slow in modifying packets then I could write the packet handling in Rust and the networking in Pony
<SeanTAllen> sorry need to step away for work
<phvse> no prob
<SeanTAllen> but the basics
<SeanTAllen> your TCPConnectionNotify has a list of proxies from name to ip
<SeanTAllen> when you get connectioned you create a new TCPConnection to the ip in question
<SeanTAllen> when a command comes in to switch, you open a new connection to the new one
<SeanTAllen> you need to store the connections in the TCPConnectionNotify
<SeanTAllen> and can close the old one at the appropriate time
<SeanTAllen> the outgoing TCPConnectionNotify would be supplied a reference to the TCPConnection that is incoming
<SeanTAllen> and you can pass info back and forther
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<phvse> okay gotcha
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