SeanTAllen changed the topic of #ponylang to: This IRC channel is no longer used. Please consider joining our Zulip community =>
Foaly has joined #ponylang
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Foxfir3 has joined #ponylang
<Foxfir3> trouble installing ponyc on the raspberry pi. Do I need to build from source? will It work?
<Foxfir3> zulip is terrible. seems to be no chat. I just need help installing Pony. Hope one of you still checks in here.
<Foxfir3> A shame really. Pony sounds interesting, so I want to check It out, but to run into crap software like zulip is a real downer. Big mistake to isolate the language like that.
<Foxfir3> sorry bout the rant. Its just so frustrating wasting time on stuff like that.
Foxfir3 has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
tankf33der has joined #ponylang