antocuni changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | "PyPy: the Gradual Reduction of Magic (tm)"
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* fijal is being annoyed again by pytest removing features
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<antocuni> like what?
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<fijal> like not showing me which test failed if I pass -x
<antocuni> :(
<fijal> can't make it happen
<antocuni> use -v
<fijal> yeah does not help
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<antocuni> ah
<antocuni> which pytest version?
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<fijal> 2.9.3?
<antocuni> this is the latest pytest
<fijal> the latest explodes on something inside pypy
<antocuni> fijal: still, even if I run python ~/pypy/default/ (which is 2.9.2), it seems to work fine
<fijal> where does it say btw which test failed on -x?
<antocuni> it says "test_c" in the line just after === FAILURES ===
<fijal> yes ok
<fijal> but that's like scroll scroll scroll scroll in pypy
<fijal> has tons and tons of traceback content and it's hard to find
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<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 e1df137224a1 /pypy/objspace/std/ write down _sliced version for unicode
<antocuni> fijal: right, but as far as I remember, it has always been like this
<antocuni> it's not a regression
<fijal> no, it used to be different
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<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 b80499557864 /: partition/rpartition
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<fijal> should we disallow buffer(unicode)?
<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 2137079f21c5 /pypy/objspace/std/ kill a bunch of no longer needed integrations with stringmethods
<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 196f5e9026d4 /: remove decode from repr function
<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 5ac470b3f3bb /pypy/objspace/std/ fix rpython
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<ronan> fijal: it works on CPython, so I don't think we can
<fijal> one can easily argue its a bug though
<fijal> (and does not work on Python3)
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<fijal> uh ok
<fijal> so I don't know python
<fijal> what does u"foo"[1:2] do?
<fijal> I mean, why does it not call u"foo".__getitem__(slice(1, 2)) for example?
<Alex_Gaynor> it does
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<Alex_Gaynor> (well, cpython internals are weird, I bet it calls tp_getslice)
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<fijal> yes, it does call __getslice__ and not __getitem__(slice)
<fijal> so who calls __getitem__(slice)?
<Alex_Gaynor> if you have a pure python class and you implement only __getitem__ it gets called with a slice
<fijal> right ok, but I have a unicode object
<fijal> is it ever called?
<fijal> short of calling it by hand?
<fijal> it's definitely supported and not tested in our own tests
<Alex_Gaynor> `operator.itemgetter` possible?
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<fijal> [slice(1, 2)] works
<arigato> fijal: or if you say u"foo"[::2]
<fijal> ok
<fijal> arigato: not a single own test does that FYI
<arigato> meh
* fijal wonders how hard it is to do hypothesis for app tests
<arigato> there is probably an explanation for that
<fijal> like?
<arigato> when we started pypy we thought we wouldn't need the mess of __getslice__ vs. __getitem__
<arigato> so we wrote unicode (and other) tests without caring
<fijal> heh
<fijal> I see
<fijal> and "of course" all the mess is needed
<arigato> i.e. we thought that u"foo"[1:2] would just call __getitem__() with a slice() argument
<arigato> yes, of course it doesn't work in practice
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<antocuni> I don't really understand how vmprof is supposed to resolve pypy symbols
<antocuni> this is soemthing which I executed a pypy compiled with "make debug"
<antocuni> so, why do I get all these "undefined"?
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<kenaan> mattip py3.5-mac-embedding 8d9cebe3885b /pypy/goal/ typo
<kenaan> antocuni extradoc eaef98c9e980 /blog/draft/2017-10-cape-town-report.rst: finish the draft
<kenaan> antocuni extradoc fc3e9ca8c4df /blog/draft/2017-10-how-to-make-50x-faster.rst: draft of a new blog post
<antocuni> new blog post :)
<antocuni> "How to make your code 80 times faster"
<antocuni> whoever feels like, please review
<antocuni> arigato, fijal, mattip, cfbolz: ^^^
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* mattip looking
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<kenaan> mattip extradoc c149e5d02b88 /blog/draft/2017-10-how-to-make-50x-faster.rst: edit a bit
<mattip> antocuni: feel free to revert whatever you don't like
<antocuni> mattip: thanks, I'll look at it later
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<LarstiQ> snow! snow!
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<kenaan> stian math-improvements 12d7e0578291 /rpython/: uint128_t test and a tiny optimalization
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<kenaan> mattip buildbot 2336f92eb562 /bot2/pypybuildbot/ move more rpython builds to filtered schedulers
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<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 84d1ebd9002d /pypy/objspace/std/: improve the slice tests and fix it
<fijal> eh some methods are just not tested
<fijal> like lower
<fijal> or upper
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<kenaan> fijal unicode-utf8 e5017df1fbdd /pypy/objspace/std/: implement lower
<fijal> arigato: getting there...
<fijal> the big missing part is codecs
<fijal> (utf-7 latin-1 and a bunch of fun ones)
<fijal> and the surrogates
<fijal> and optimizations
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<nanonyme> utf-7? Excuse me? Does someone actually use that?
<simpson> Email, I think?
<tumbleweed> some email. Most mailservers should advertise that they're 8-bit clean
<nanonyme> Ugh
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<nanonyme> Fair enough, that made me a bit more depressed than before
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<fijal> nanonyme: there is a bunch of far more obscure codecs
<fijal> nanonyme: guess what, they all come with C API!
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<nanonyme> fijal, "yay"
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<bbot2> Started: [mattip: test, py3.5-mac-embedding]
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