cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | if a pep adds a mere 25-30 [C-API] functions or so, it's a drop in the ocean (cough) - Armin
<mattip_> see the discussion ^^^
<YannickJadoul> I saw something there, but I don't have a lot of knowledge about macOS
<YannickJadoul> I do have access to a new mac in the office. Mojave is the latest version, right?
<YannickJadoul> I could test some thing tomorrow, if that helps?
<mattip_> I think it is one back (10.14, 10.15 was just released)
<mattip_> that would be great if you have some time
<mattip_> I think creating a virtualenv failed
<YannickJadoul> Ah yes, you're right. So that one's got Catalina, already. But I'll give it a try, anyway
<YannickJadoul> To be sure: just the download from
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<mattip_> yes, the one from (that lives on bitbucket/pypy/pypy/downloads
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<mgedmin> morning!
<mgedmin> can anyone point me to the CI pipeline(s?) that build CFFI wheels?
<mgedmin> (also, I don't think Travis supports Mercurial, or Bitbucket)
<kenaan> arigo cffi/cffi 2d7c18be7ac6 /.travis.yml: Remove very old, unused file
<arigato> mgedmin: answered in
<mgedmin> ah, thanks!
<mgedmin> changes the windows job configs to drop the explicit enumeration of all python versions
<mgedmin> so I expect linux 3.8 wheels to be built, but probably not windows 3.8
<arigato> mgedmin: yes, I came to the same conclusion too
<arigato> I fixed my azure-pipelines.yml now
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<arigato> I didn't push so far because the 3.8 wheels for Windows for the most recent cffi have already been released from the other wheel-builder
<arigato> I'm waiting for the previous run to finish
<YannickJadoul> mgedmin, arigato: All cibuildweel's Python versions are now installed through NuGet, including 3.8
<YannickJadoul> (At least on Windows)
<YannickJadoul> The one catch is that there's not been a new release yet
<arigato> as I have no windows issue right now (rare!) then it doesn't affect me directly, but I see
<YannickJadoul> So the best option meanwhile is to `pip install git+`, I guess
<mgedmin> aah!
<mgedmin> well, it'll only be an issue if the next cffi release predates the next cibuildhweel release
<YannickJadoul> There's quite a bit of pressure from people to build 3.8 wheels, so I expect it won't take too long :)
<mgedmin> yeah, I want my dashboard to go back to green :)
<YannickJadoul> While I'm here, and talking about Windows:
<YannickJadoul> PyPy doesn't install pip.exe to the `Scripts` subdirectory, like CPython?
<YannickJadoul> But rather, it seems it goes to `bin/`? Is that correct? And is that intentional?
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<Dejan> bin/ makes more sense, right
<Dejan> pip.exe is definitely not a `Script`
<cfbolz> Still, makes sense to follow CPython here
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<YannickJadoul> Dejan: I agree
<YannickJadoul> But it does make it harder to just plug in PyPy to replace CPython
<Dejan> that is a good point
<YannickJadoul> Do you know if just replacing `<install dir>/Scripts` by `<install dir>/bin` will also work for all the other installations?
<YannickJadoul> (I mean other things that CPython would put in Scripts/)
<mgedmin> thank you very much for your time, arigato, and apologies for creating extra work for you
<arigato> my anger was not directed at you :-)
<arigato> this wheel was really missing and at some point someone else would have complained too
<kenaan> arigo cffi/cffi eebc6733b38d /: Tweak the '-Wno-*' arguments passed to gcc during tests
<arigato> YannickJadoul: so the git head of cibuildwheel now builds manylinux2010 wheels, and the latest release builds manylinux1, is that right?
<mgedmin> my issue wasn't really "I need this wheel", it was more "oversight or decision? when is the Python community finally dropping support for i686 / manylinux1?"
<mgedmin> (I suppose "technical difficulties" is a midpoint choice between oversigth and decision-to-drop)
<YannickJadoul> arigato: Yes
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<arigato> possibly a bad idea
<YannickJadoul> Though you can make manylinux1 wheels by setting `CIBW_MANYLINUX_X86_64_IMAGE=manylinux1` and/or `CIBW_MANYLINUX_I686_IMAGE=manylinux1`
<mgedmin> ooh
<arigato> OK thanks
<YannickJadoul> Sorry, lots of changes coming up in the next release, so the master's README's in a weird state
<mattip_> it seems pip is smart enough to prefer "Scripts" on windows if it exists, but then defer to bin if it doesn't
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<mattip_> but then who adds it to the windows PATH?
<mattip_> I guess the appveyor/azure build script needs to add it?
<YannickJadoul> mattip_: We do it inside of cibuildwheel :)
<kenaan> arigo py3.6-exc-info 2857fcf6b913 /pypy/: revert some parts, fix the rest
<YannickJadoul> But I solved it by making a symbolic link
<kenaan> arigo py3.7 63e99c51c669 /pypy/module/math/: Merged in py3.7-bpo-29962 (pull request #681) bpo-29962: Implemented app-level math.remainder
<YannickJadoul> Two more things, and we have PyPy support for Windows wheels on cibuildwheel :)
<YannickJadoul> 1) The pypy3 wheel's filename is 'spam-0.1.0-pp372-pp372-win32.whl' instead of the expected 'spam-0.1.0-pp372-pypy3_72-win32.whl'? (For
<YannickJadoul> ... For manylinux, that's 'spam-0.1.0-pp372-pypy3_72-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl', and for PyPy 2 on Windows it's 'spam-0.1.0-pp272-pypy_41-win32.whl' so that feels like a bug?
<kenaan> arigo py3.6-exc-info 7e2152a405d6 /pypy/interpreter/ oops, fix
<YannickJadoul> 2) On Travis CI and Azure, I get an error OperationError: LookupError, cp65001 encoding is only available on Windows
<mattip_> YannickJadoul: 1) was changed on HEAD for both default and py3.6
<mattip_> if you could do a sanity check with binaries that would be really cool
<arigato> 2) is likely the same as
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<YannickJadoul> mattip_: Thanks! Build running for 1):
<YannickJadoul> arigato: 2) Is there a known workaround to make the cibuilwheel PR succeed?
<arigato> YannickJadoul: I have no idea, sorry
<kenaan> arigo py3.6-exc-info a5983abcf08b /: close branch, ready to merge
<kenaan> arigo py3.6 251b47698e8e /pypy/: hg merge py3.6-exc-info Generators need to store the old current 'exc_info' in a place that is visible, because in o...
<kenaan> arigo py3.6 2a48a020ef28 /: merge heads
<mattip_> it seems like a startup issue: something is read before it is initialized
<YannickJadoul> It doesn't happen on AppVeyor, somehow
<mattip_> YannickJadoul: you might be able to work around it by proactively setting the codepage to non-utf8 before startup
<mattip_> with "chcp 437" or so
<mattip_> (we should also fix it)
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<YannickJadoul> mattip_: Thanks; I'll give it a shot
<YannickJadoul> On the wheel file name: unless I'm messing up something, it doesn't seem to work
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<Dejan> ss64 is missing `coproc` BASH command :)
<YannickJadoul> mattip_: The official releases both work on my macOS machine with Catalina
<YannickJadoul> (virtualenv can be installed, an env created, and activated)
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<arigato> snow, snow!
<Dejan> snow where
<arigato> outside my window
<phlebas> we had exactly one morning of snow last thursday, and since friday it went up to 12 degrees and rain :(
<Dejan> I haven't seen snow in London for longer than few hours
<Dejan> actually only once it did survive for longer - few days :)
<Dejan> it was in 2007 if I remember...
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<kenaan> Yannick_Jadoul py3.7-pep564 b2be19ccfa88 /: Using r_int64 to handle nanoseconds in time module without overflowing
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<arigato> ronan: re py3.7-pep564
<arigato> I think it's fine to write int(CLOCKS_PER_SECONDS) as that should round-trip in most reasonable use cases
<arigato> ...which is what you said basically
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<bbot2> Started: [ronan: force build, py3.7]
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<kenaan> rlamy py3.6 1c7a09311e66 /pypy/interpreter/test/: Convert into
<kenaan> rlamy py3.6 537aeca90e39 /pypy/interpreter/test/ clean up some tests
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<bbot2> Failure: [ronan: force build, py3.7]
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 8d5616349f10 /pypy/module/_cppyy/test/Makefile: use cling-config to get the cpp flags
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 7c7fd9713e04 /pypy/module/_cppyy/test/ add test_regression file with regression tests
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 971d12f69dba /pypy/module/_cppyy/capi/ fix backend name selection
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev dbc11284f2b1 /pypy/module/_cppyy/: bring capi to 1.10.6
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev ef9d9c6bea09 /pypy/module/_cppyy/ add new builtin types needed for 1.10.6
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 466fe5506d3d /pypy/module/_cppyy/ simplify iteration over std::list/map
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 78794b47737d /pypy/module/_cppyy/: fix string naming (basic_string<char> -> string)
<kenaan> wlav cppyy-dev 8f3cf9c3225b /pypy/module/_cppyy/: rtype fixers to make test_zjit run