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hello. i'm working on adding a "geometric mean" value to the compare_to command of the pyperf project:
i'm not sure that i'm computing the geometric mean of the right values
i'm computing the means of "speeds": ratios (benchmark mean) / (reference benchmark mean)
a benchmark suite is made of multiple benchmarks, and i would like to get a single number to easily compare two suites
in my PR, i consider that a geometric mean > 1.0 means "faster" whereas says that a geometric mean of 0.24 means "faster"
vstinner: what's the distribution you assume?
fijal: i don't understand your question, sorry. distribution of what?
vstinner: small numbers are better, no?
0.5 means you are 2x faster
if timing a finite number of instructions i'd go +1 wiht cfbolz
if 0.5 means "half the time" not twice computational amount in a given time
vstinner: distribution of consecutive runs
if you are doing a geometric mean, you are assuming something about the probability distribution, no?
cfbolz: maybe i'm doing it backwards :)
vstinner: above you wrote " ratios (benchmark mean) / (reference benchmark mean)"
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cfbolz: it will save your time if you consider that i have no idea of what i am doing :-D
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ok ok, i fixed my PR so now geo mean < 1.0 means faster and geo mean > 1.0 means slower, as on
Using the geometric mean to aggregate benchmark results was deprecated in 1988, but it is still popular. Possibly because no one could agree on what weights to give the individual components. ;)
Hodgestar: depreacated ok, but replaced with that?
Hodgestar: i'm trying to give a single value to summarize N benchmarks of a benchmark suite, when comparing two benchmark suites results
vstinner: The geometric mean is an odd way to combine run times together, right? It multiplies them (X1 * X2 * ...) where a real program would add the run times of the different things it does (X1 + X2 + ...). But even if the individual benchmarks are somehow representative, other programs will do different amounts of those sorts of work, so one would ideally want to add weights (w1 X1 + w2 X2 + ...) but the weights would be
different for each use case.
vstinner: Sorry that isn't a suggestion or a criticism -- I am just thinking about the problem out loud.
Hodgestar: it's not absolute timings in seconds, but normalized values
vstinner: I'm aware. The normalizing is part of the issue. E.g. If we set PY36 to X1 = 1 and PY37 to X1 = 2, that sweeps under the rug the issue of what fraction of time do programs actually spend doing X1.
Hodgestar: currently, people throw 60 lines of benchmark results: some are faster, some are slower. honestly, even if i'm used to benchmarking, i have no idea if overall if it means that the change makes Python faster or slower
Hodgestar: i expect that the geometric mean will help me to take a decision
i don't know what is the geometric mean when 10 benchmarks are 1.01x slower but 1 benchmark is 2.0x faster. overall, is it a good thing or not? :)
weights would take into account how common the faster action actually is in real life
but there is no "real life" for python
so just weighting everything equally is as good as any other metric
unless you have some heuristic to say benchmark A is ten times as important as benchmark B
mattip: i put a weight of 0 in pyperformance microbenchmarks that I consider as non relevant/useless: i simply removed them :-D
vstinner: Lol. Nice. :)
if you look at and what you do all day is readthedocs building sphinx documentation, then PyPy is not your tool
but if you do templating then definitely, PyPy is fantastic
vstinner, mattip: Maybe people could be allowed to specify their own weights, or there could be a few different weightings that are meant to represent common scenarios (but that sounds like a lot of work and complication for uncertain gains).
mattip: i don't want to have to both with weights
Hodgestar: i wrote pyperf for people running a benchmark in 5 min and then tweet the result. for people who have no idea of what they are doing
that's why pyperf writes explicitly "faster" and "slower". previously, people (including me) read a benchmark result backwards :)
ah, about the case 10 benchmarks slower (1.01x slower) and 1 benchmark faster (2.0x faster), I got my reply: geometric mean that overall, it's faster :)
by the way, the std dev is very large! 710 ns for a mean of 349 ns! i asked the author if there is something wrong with Python or the benchmark
context: bytes.find() is inefficient for a specific pattern, it's about fine tuning the Bloom Filter
so in most cases all you want is some relative measure of "did this make things better or worse"
and if the answer is "both" then
mattip: lol
"did this make things better or worse" => "yes" :-D
the change probably has some heuristic that is tuned, so provide a lever for people to tune it
e.g. gcc flags for all kinds of optimizations and projects that explore the optimization space and choose the best ones
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measuring something in ns sounds fishy to me, the whole benchmark is probably testing things like cpu caches and opcode pipelining
"measureing something high-level like bytes.find()"
for me the right part is that in the same process, the benchmark produces very different values:
- value 1: 9.72 us (+138%)
- value 2: 364 ns (-91%)
- value 3: 2.16 us (-47%)
sorry, the *strange* part
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mattip: i tried but failed to suggest to people to stop bothering about nanoseconds
mattip: but at least, i tried to make such benchmark a little bit more reliable :-p
not everybody on earth is connected to #pypy, most people run nonsense benchmarks :-D
benchmarks and reliable in the same sentence! cfbolz has a paper for you
numpy uses asv and has a ~20 minute benchmark suite.
Every time I try to run it, I get wildly different results
mattip: haha, i read it
i hate this paper
the paper or the idea that benchmarking is unreliable?
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so instead of benchmarking we just say "benchmarking is unreliable" and we give up :)
i agree with the statement ofc
I see two uses for benchmarking
short term a/b testing for a comparing two algorithms in a systems test
long-term stability testing on a set of benchmarks on a fixed machine (like where you can collect statistics over time and try to find regressions/improvements
mattip: i hate the truth that it's not possible to benchmark anything :-D it's not possible to get reliable and reproducible benchmark results
Worse (and ironically), benchmarking is possible on older hardware designs, but we long since have stopped using that hardware because it's relatively slow.
simpson: are you thinking at HyperThreading, Turbo Boost and things like that? both can be disabled (more or less easily)
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vstinner: I'm thinking further back than that, to the switch from in-order to out-of-order execution, and the switch from constant-access RAM to caches.
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(though the value of disabling things like SMT and CPU freq scaling is debatable, given then you're testing in a configuration nobody is actually running in prod)
Right. People shop for software like they shop for plumbing or screws in a home-improvement store; they expect hard qualitative numbers which aren't just internally/relatively correct, but which give them some objective hint as to whether it'll perform well enough for their needs.
CPU freq scaling especially is significant, though, given so much performance nowadays is gated behind it, especially in multi-threaded/process situations
but yeah, it's useful to give _some_ indication, but it can be totally misleading
simpson: we always struggled with "how many cores are actually running the program"
because depending on that, your settings should likely be quite different
fijal: Yeah! And before that, it was "how much L2 do you have?" and etc.