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<spacekookie> Mikaela: hey that's for reminding me. The website generally seems sad right now
<spacekookie> Gotta restart some containers
<spacekookie> the docker-compose setup has been really unstable lately for some reason >.>
<mathju> I'm restarted right now
<mathju> they are available again
<Mikaela> thanks, is there any comparsion to apps like Briar, Serval Mesh, Yggdrasil and Cjdns? I guess Briar seems the closest equivalent, but I get the impression that Qaul wants to do more
<mathju> mikaela: this is actually a good point, to do such a comparison sheet of the capabilities of the different things.
<mathju> I guess you are listing here very different things though. As they all are related to what is doing, they mostly only are one service of the let's say full communication solution that we are trying to build.
<mathju> Cjdns: routing protocol (but not really well suited for fast changing MANET - Mobile Adhoc Networks)
<mathju> Serval Mesh: started with an app, but gave it up and are now only doing the routing protocol and synchronizing service.
<spacekookie> mathju: ah thanks
<spacekookie> I should add my desktop ssh key to the servers. At the moment I'd have to get my laptop
<spacekookie> Mikaela: I think in a way what sets apart from a lot of other projects is that it aims to do everything
<mathju> Briar: is a real of the grid communication solution. But with a focus on security. has a focus and communication and usability. Meanign: people a visible in the network and you can communication with anyone. (in Briar you first need a manual handshake)
<Mikaela> 👍
<spacekookie> mathju: btw I'm picking up some phones from strangers on twitter tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be easier for me to test stuff then
<spacekookie> I think the Android 10 update just broke some stuff on my 5t :(
<Amy_Cupcake> spacekookie, just to confirm, yes, Mikaela is the woman i mentioned on twitter
* Mikaela wonders what has been said about her in Twitter
<spacekookie> Amy_Cupcake: ah hey, hello :P
<spacekookie> Mikaela: just that you like mesh stuff
<Amy_Cupcake> specifically Ygg
* Mikaela is not a coder and cannot audit things and #yggdrasil doesn't officially support Android and is currently possibly-forever-stuck in testflight on iOS and hopes that there are no expectations placed on her.
<spacekookie> Oh, no of course there's no expectations
<spacekookie> The app on android is extremely experimental at the moment anyway. There's a daemon you can run on a linux computer to join a network, although there's no network to join yet
<spacekookie> I would generally be interested to hear what kind of stuff you'd like to do with mesh networks. Is it just a neat idea or do you have usecases it fulfulls?
<Mikaela> mostly I am using Yggdrasil over internet to get through carrier grade NATs and having static addresses for my hosts and family devices as a faster and UDP capable alternative to Tor's Onion Services which I keep as backups
<Amy_Cupcake> Mikaela, nah, no formal expectations
<spacekookie> Mikaela: oh so kinda like a wireguard?
<Mikaela> I guess Tinc might be closer to compare, but I haven't used it. I think Wireguard would require me to have a central server up somewhere at al times while with Yggdrasil it's enough that everything can somehow connect to the Yggdrasil network whether through each other or public peers or Tor peers and everything just works. I firewall ports I don't
<Mikaela> need to access externally, so I consider it equivalent to "clearnet" IPv6
<spacekookie> Mikaela: wireguard doesn't need a central server but you do need to point nodes at the ips of each other (in mose cases) which in effect usually means there's a server (but also maybe multiple servers)
<qyliss> At least one Wireguard server in your network does need to be able to receive incoming connections from the public internet
<Mikaela> I see, it doesn't seem suitable for my limited resources as currently my server would be this limited RAM cheap OpenVZ with too old kernel for Debian 10 and monthly downtimes for unknown period
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