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<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05:
<nicksydney> [Get cast in Ogg/Vorbis format] [Get cast in MP3 format] 0x49: Why Free Software Phone Doesn't Exist
<DocScrutinizer05> so?
<DocScrutinizer05> I doubt I will learn anything new (which I also would be willing to believe) from such a talk
<DocScrutinizer05> I've been *inside* business of development modem firmware, I think I know why there never will be a Free Software Phone
<DocScrutinizer05> nobody can pay for, nor assure integrity of the mandatory certifications
<wpwrak> time for the roguephone ;-)
<whitequark> time to kill cellular as a technology
<DocScrutinizer05> when a company like ST-E employs 1200 engineers for 24 months to develop a LTE firmware, why would they want to put it into public domain?
<whitequark> every time you tell that story, the amount of engineers and months grows :D
<wpwrak> maye we should talk to the fine folks at ISIS, or make friends in north korea. they may be less reluctant to ignore western restrictions :)
<DocScrutinizer05> depends what you count in
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: sure, and they have an abundance of highly qualified software engineers
<wpwrak> consider it a job opportunity ;-)
<wpwrak> man ! that kinetis oscillator sucks !
<DocScrutinizer05> where will they build the 60nm chip fab?
<wpwrak> they will _occupy_ it ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, and then cut into little pieces and ship from Dresden to North Iraq, eh?
<wpwrak> how to crash a KL26, method #651: OSC0_CR |= whatever; // change some harmless-looking field in that oscillator control register. this will read a "1" from some "unused" fields. that same "unused" fields really hates it when a "1" is written to it ...
<DocScrutinizer05> ooooold
<whitequark> uhhh, never touch "unused" fields
<wpwrak> or at least i suppose there's a "1" somewhere in there. 'cause the whole critter goes south if i use |=. it's happy enough to accept everything i send it if i use =
<whitequark> microcontrollers 101
<DocScrutinizer05> man i2ctools
<wpwrak> whitequark: tjey'
<wpwrak> lert's try this again
<wpwrak> they're supposed to read back a "0" ...
<DocScrutinizer05> never do bit operation directly on control registers
<whitequark> you can do that on some architectures
<whitequark> e.g. STM32 specifically supports it, and most cortex SoCs do
<DocScrutinizer05> depends on your ALU and how it works
<whitequark> it's more due to the way register responds to writes
<whitequark> especially flags that get reset on writes
<DocScrutinizer05> well, kinda, but also how CPU does a read-modify-write
<whitequark> yeah, there's some wankery with byte- and word-sized reads and writes
<whitequark> and peripherals that react to reads/writes directly
<whitequark> and the way your bus divides/groups requests
<DocScrutinizer05> yep
<wpwrak> i do it with perfect impunity on any other register so far ...
<whitequark> anyway, cortex-m socs are explicitly designed to be completely compatible with C
<whitequark> you can even do interrupt handlers without a line of assembly
<wpwrak> yup, and this is an M0+
<whitequark> because its interrupt controller knows C ABI
<whitequark> (it's also faster because of that, as it can switch to an interrupt of higher priority without repushing registers)
<whitequark> (if it arrives while pushing them)
<wpwrak> well, in a bit, i'll make my code return that register value. then i'll know for sure what's cooking there.
<wpwrak> for now, all i gave is a lone LED :)
<wpwrak> s/gave/have/
<whitequark> hook a scope there
<whitequark> then shift it out
<wpwrak> also found that my rfkill switch kills a bit more than just RF - i flipped VRF and VSYS and didn't notice. so it either connects VRF to VSYS (rf enabled, all is well), or VSYS to GND (system not happy)
<wpwrak> ah well, that's why we have sharp knives and those yellow wires ...
<wpwrak> mean while, i'm learning the dark secrets of the FLL. seems that it runs a tad too fast ...
<whitequark> fll?
<whitequark> frequency-locked loop?
<wpwrak> yup
<wpwrak> the chip has PLL and FLL .. and some tricky rules when to use which
<wpwrak> the whole clocking system is actually a mess. it consists of no less than five subsystems with documentation on a module basis. so the word "external" can have a great many meanings.
<wpwrak> and you have a while army of clock gates and clock mode bits
<wpwrak> and of course no overview diagram that would give you the whole picture. just one that at least tells you where some of the muxers are lurking.
<wpwrak> just enough information that you can eventually figure things out within a small number of days of trial and error ...