kyak changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben/atusb 802.15.4 wireless, anelok and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
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<Oksana> Is IDA Systems down?
<Oksana> Is GCW-Zero a Qi hardware? Aka, open-source software, open-source hardware, and patent-free?..
* Oksana wonders if it would be doable to have Ben NanoNote with, say, JZ4770 CPU, and possibly a touch-screen in addition to keyboard? Or are touch-screens patented all around?
<wpwrak> Oksana: you typically get the touch-screen as a building block, so if there are patent worries, they've already been sorted out. also, resistive touch-screen have been around forever, so at least these should be untroubled
<wpwrak> it seems that it would nowadays be difficult to source a similar CPU, though. but then, some nice little arm should do as well
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<whitequark> topic
<whitequark> er, typo
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<babaa> hello, I don't know wtf is wrong with IDA systems but it worries me
<babaa> still no package in the mailbox, nor any tracking number from IDA systems and their website is down
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<wpwrak> babaa: so far, i haven't heard anything bad about ida systems. but of course, companies can go down, for a variety of reasons. and sometimes they're just slow. how long ago did you order ? and did they confirm your order ?
<babaa> Well yes they confirmed, I ordered on the 19th or the 20th of october, I asked them on the 27 about the tracking number, Zoheb Ansari then sent an email to me and Mr Rakshat and Surendra but no replies since
<wpwrak> maybe send them another mail. two weeks isn't all that long, and who knows what kind of holidays and vacation schedule they have in india. e.g., many a western company would also be eerily quiet when ordering around the 24th of december :)
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<babaa> yeah :/ if you think they are not scummy then I will wait a bit more
<wpwrak> i don't know them but they've been around for a while, and apparently without a bad reputation so far
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<babaa> oh okay thanks
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