hmm, hard times for canon users. pick the total overkill tool, or just the grandmaster of the universe ? decisions, decisions. meanwhile, things seem considerably easier for other brands: tweak a few video parameters, drop a couple of restrictions.
and for nikon the hackers just started it seems
yeah. especially chdk has been around forever. most things are not that useful, but a few are. e.g., viewfinder improvements.
not that I'd already expect a DL24 firmware - actually I checked and I'm surprised that Saturn already offers them DL24-500, though that could be fake as well
ooh, motion detection, even scripting
* DocScrutinizer05
drools over those features
while for DL24 it's unclear if you could attach a remote trigger button
Nikon android app must be the damn worst app I ever heard of, according to customer rating
the few 5star ratings are clearly by accident
I'm still torn apart between Canon awesome FOSS firmware hacks and Nikon DL24 entire UX (minus the hackability and lack of obvious remote control features)
alas a Canon for same pricetag like DL24, with same (assumed) macro capabilities would be a 5DMk1 with only 12 Mpx and a primary lens with ~150mm
I forgot to add: used
and still, I don't know if that might be the smarter choice