kyak changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben/atusb 802.15.4 wireless, anelok and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
eintopf has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<DocScrutinizer05> ~seen wpwrak
<infobot> wpwrak <> was last seen on IRC in channel #qi-hardware, 7h 5m 53s ago, saying: 'phew. > 30 minutes to cleanly shut down (= check all xterms for stuff that needs saving/closing/etc.) my workstation ...'.
<DocScrutinizer05> ~+help seen
<infobot> Desc: Report last seen time for somebody
<infobot> Usage: seen <nick>
<infobot> Example: seen infobot
sb0 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<kyak> !seen wpwrak
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Nik05 has joined #qi-hardware
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SopaXorzTaker has joined #qi-hardware
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