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<DocScrutinizer05> so will Neo900 establish prior art to defend against this patent?
<DocScrutinizer05> Neo900 feasibility study came 5 months after patent got filed, but you could argue at this point the concept already been established. Plus Neo900 goes way beyond the patent by employing dedicated hardware features designed for monitoring, taming and deception of the rogue modem blackbox, while GSMK has not even a concept of "modem is a rogue blackbox" and instead seems to consider the modem a trustworthy component of the phone that
<DocScrutinizer05> may help defending against threats from "the outside" - if the data acquired from modem (channels etc) is trustworthy seems not even be a consideration
<DocScrutinizer05> so while GSMK follows a cooperative model, Neo900 follows a strict defense and sandboxing model
<whitequark> i've looked at the website recently and there were no updates for 2 years...
<whitequark> that's not really inspiring
<DocScrutinizer05> there's no inspiration in Neo900 anymore
<DocScrutinizer05> a year ago I was busy founding a new "joint venture" company together with PrivateInternetAccess, to build STEP2 streamlined and solidly funded by 7 to 8 digit capital, and compensate all Neo900 customers. Alas I wasn't allowed to speak about it back when, so no updates for the website and no joy of sharing the good news with community for me (would have helped a lot to cure my burnout and community frustration). Then a few months
<DocScrutinizer05> later PIA realized that their HR plans were not implementable because for one key position the planned person wasn't available, and they put the project on hold until the issues solved. They kept sponsoring Neo900 to keep the UG alive so eventually they could restart STEP2 and the company merger. Now PIA changed their mind probably since business changed for VPN providers and they stopped sponsoring me / the UG. This means Neo900 UG
<DocScrutinizer05> is definitely at an absolute dead end now. And so am I
<whitequark> I see...
<whitequark> that's too bad
* DocScrutinizer05 honestly ponders to file a patent for Neo900 concept now
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<DocScrutinizer05> but that again costs quite a bit of bucks. Like the preparation for company merger did
<DocScrutinizer05> so, no funds, no patent, Simple as that
<DocScrutinizer05> meanwhile, searching for a new job
<kyak> DocScrutinizer05: do you think maybe you can get in touch with guys from purism? It looks like their Librem 5 phone is on a good track:
<kyak> here's the update on recent progress:
<DocScrutinizer05> wouldn't know what to do. They told me they don't need an engineer.
<kyak> that's a pity...
<DocScrutinizer05> tbh I would rather like to contact cosmo
<kyak> cosmo?
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, planetcom
<DocScrutinizer05> /index.php/Gemini_Firmware#NEW_Gemini_Multi-Boot_Firmware_.28Debian_Linux.2C_Sailfish_OS_3_Beta_Community_Edition.2C_Kali_Linux.2C_Standard_and_Rooted_Android.2C_TWRP.29
<DocScrutinizer05> err
<kyak> interesting stuff
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