chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at
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<chenglou> sspi:
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<chenglou> copy pasted from gitter
<chenglou> the gitter paste is so clean
<switchcade> for a given release tarball, how does the build system turn the META file's %{version} into a number?
<switchcade> I'm trying to use some WIP PKGBUILD on ArchLinux and doing "make build" + "ocamlfind install reason /path/to/META /path/to/_build/*" and it's not getting properly registered
<sspi> chenglou: can you clarify? is the named arguments approach problematic for you?
<chenglou> well, we don't know how we'd pass them into e.g. ``render
<chenglou> and the various lifecycle events
<chenglou> since you wouldn't be able to do ``
<chenglou> unless you have a translation that takes named arguments and stuff them into an obj/record
<chenglou> which is cumbersome
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<sspi> I would prefer to keep named arguments, besides that I'm lazy it has certain benefits
<sspi> Would be nice if we could get all the arguments like a certain language can...
<chenglou> that'd require some rather sophisticated types I think
* chenglou but keep doing what you're doing, by all means
<chenglou> ^ oops IRC shortcut
<chenglou> thanks for the PR so far
<sspi> chenglou: no worries, we'll figure it out :-)
<sspi> we could go to records, but the question is how do you solve default variables there?
<sspi> with named arguments that part is easy
<chenglou> objects
<chenglou> muahahaha
<sspi> yikes!
<sspi> I think we can do better then that
<sspi> btw. you are building a interop with React.js?
<sspi> or React Native?
<sspi> ah btw. I'm also on Gitter will continue there
<sspi> with the cool kids
<chenglou> yeah Jared Forsyth too
<chenglou> and IwanKaramazow
<chenglou> reactjs binding is the new compilers todomvc
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