chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at Discord:
apache3_ has joined #reasonml
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<chenglou> @ojtua not currently; soon though. In the meantime:
<ojtua> @chenglou thank you! Looking forward to giving reason a go.
after___ has joined #reasonml
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<after___> Hi, I'm pretty new to ocaml and reasonml and want to convert a toy project to reasonml. I use ocamllex/yacc today. Shall I let those be as they are in .mll/.mly format, or is there a .rel/.rey format as well?
nomicflux has joined #reasonml
FrigoEU has joined #reasonml
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andreas__ has joined #reasonml
FrigoEU has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<chenglou> @after___: we don't have rel/rey yet
<chenglou> Unfortunately
strykerkkd has joined #reasonml