chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at Discord:
<reynir> hi Harzilein
<Harzilein> wouldn't it be nice if one could have javascript output in utop, like a combination of the bucklescript playground and the reason transpiler popup?
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<chenglou> Harzilein: yeah that'd indeed be neat. I personally don't use utop/repl that much; I have a bs playground tab open
<reynir> s/transpiler/compiler/
<Harzilein> reynir: i guess the approach to preserving the semantics made me think of a transpiler. i'd really like to see a confirmation in rtop when i replace stdlib modules with Js equivalents
<Harzilein> reynir: at least that is needed for the 'looks like handwritten' marketing to work out ;)
<Harzilein> tangential thing wrt marketing: The ways in which 'reason' can be used for puns are nicely offset by getting to annotate your code with [@bs] :D
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