They say to start doing: bsb -init my-react-app -theme react-hooks; cd my-react-app && npm install && npm start; npm run server # in another tab
doesn't work right out of the box: There already is a file "Index.re", etc. And I'm wondering if the setting is compatible with the example.
I was wondering how to have an intermediary setting between `bsb -init my-reason-app -theme basic-reason`, which I think doesn't allow to go to http://localhost:8000/ right out of the box.
And bsb -init my-react-app -theme react-hooks, which provide a setting that might be overwhelming for a beginner:
Having "everything" doesn't mean you will be able to understand them, and that can be a drawback for some?
Like "look how magical it is", can hinder the understanding, IMO
I'll probably find way way around through, so no worries