then they yanked the fork after Joyent complained about trademark
I have no reason to use that crap that is MyISAM
apparently Joyent holds node.js but not node and they're waiting till that gets resolved
yorickpeterse: did not mean that either :>
yorickpeterse: shouldn't you be using hadoop or cassandra?
brixen: we're not cool enough for that
I've calculated we only need ~10GB for our entire DB
instead of the 150 we have now
so we're no longer cool
actually because of the analysis we want to run a SQL DB makes perfect sense
No more Mongo aggregations \0/
Also no distributed hodge-podge-pig-map-reduce-whatever
being boring is awesome
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[rubinius] brixen pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Pe4KIw
rubinius/master 5eabb95 Brian Shirai: Rearrange deleting VMs after fork.
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some company paraphrased that nicely lately, cannot recall which
See, if I get hit by a car I'd never forgive myself leaving behind a Mongo cluster
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(ignoring that I might be dead)
With Pg/MySQL I at least know it will (sort of) work
Though I wouldn't trust MySQL with my sister
Pg, maybe
I wonder if taking trains makes one more or less likely to be hit by a car
brixen: over here you don't really notice that unless you're 1) in the car 2) at the front of the train
But I think not, at least in my town it's far more likely to get run over by a car when biking
people drive like drunken donkeys
for me the main issue with SQL is usually dealing with replication latencies (becomes relevant once you have intercontinental this and that in the mix)
RDS doesn't do Pg replication anyway so problem solved :D
Right now we do have Mongo replication, but I don't think we really need it
Writes happen twice a day on larger scale, in between that it's almost only reads (and some small changes like session info)
Plus most of our apps need write access at some point, so setting up a read-only replica would only work for a small percentage
what's happening with rake these days?
* brixen
clones repo, tries bundle, no Gemfile, tries rake -T, no hoe WTF throws computer against wall
so, who is using 32bit?
apple announced that by feb 1, uploads to app store must have 64bit support
for good reason too - the performance boost of being able to do magic with embedded pointers is quite hefty
tempted to remove 32bit support from rbx in a few months
there's that, yes
there's also a bunch of memory layout stuff I want to do
but yeah, with 64bit you basically get 2 (32bit) word CAS
which makes a lot of lock-free stuff a bunch easier
there were some fears that 32bit might make one revenge of a comeback in arm blade servers, but 64bit is going to be the way of those if they ever pop up
I thought ARM was pushing 64bit
currently, sure
~4 years ago it was just an idea, though
well, what's the worst that would happen if we remove 32bit support?
while arm really wanted to push into low power servers then, but the market of those did not catch on, due to PaaS and cloud offerings tickling beancounters the right way
also, I'm only talking the runtime here
the native code stuff would support 32/64bit
intel is going full on super-low power support but afaik it's all 64bit
i come from ye olden unix with larger memspaces and wacky stuff that allowed so i am quite anti-32bit to begin with, i might not be a sensible party to discuss this with as i have a clearly biased stance based on past technological arrogance
brixen: we've gone all in - Graal is 64bit only
Rotonen: I'm most interested in supporting people like you :)
rake is so ugh
brixen: how about bringing back the concept that you can just span memoryspace across computers via pointers if you point outside your own space, then? :-)
would someone just rewrite it in Go already so we can be done with it
Rotonen: I'm most interested in smaller, meaner, faster little things and better messaging
all running on 64bit :)
a mainframe could have some subunits where pointerspace was simply a table of what pointer goes where, usually in a repeating hierarchy of cache->ram->disk->tape->cache->ram->disk->tape...
so you simply had to know, apart from the tape bit, what you are directly poking
I'm a proponent of safe, selective poking
especially if it's direct
but unlike these days you did not much have to care about what and how things were connected so long as they were in the same memoryspace
apple is actually doing something a bit like this with how the game center turn passing feature has been done
you actually just plop objects from one obj-c virtual machine to another
but the manipulation is limited, of course
merely mostly just passing it around
technically that is just serialization and HTTP (or such), but what the programmer is presented is reminiscent of older things
mobile code has a long and sordid past
yeah, i've seen some object caml used in cell tower routing :>
well, looks like I fixed the fake array specs for rake
but is the fix worth it?
such a nasty pile of code
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hm, the other failures look related to backtrace text mining
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rubinius/rubinius/master (5eabb95 - Brian Shirai): The build was broken.
another language fork, also possibly vaporware
"However, there is one area where you are falling behind Google, and that's in openness."
"google" "openness"
openness is not a binary scale (in this frame of reference). While google certainly has more than a few issues, isn't apple about as far from being open you can get?
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yxhuvud: Google certainly is less closed, but I'm not sure if it's a good company to compare yourself to
Code wise they open sauce quite a bit, but I'd love to see them be more open about the NSA stuff and such (so basically more on a political level)
Google also very much has this attitude of "Our way or the high way"
chrisseaton: I saw his rujit talk and noticed that the tracing engine must have a massive amount of overhead
chrisseaton: I'm pretty sure this is based on a version I tried a couple years ago
headius: It is not based on anything ko1 mentored
headius: and he claimed he started it this spring
enebo: that's bizarre if true...I find it fascinating that there'd be another trace-based offline profiling JIT that uses cc for MRI
it is certainly nice that the japanese fraction of the community has started to play with the concept though.
headius: offline?
well perhaps this one doesn't have that issue
in the other one, you had to pass a flag and run your app...it would run very slowly and profile that code, and then emit C to be compiled that represented it
it was able to get native numeric perf, for example, but it wasn't really practical for general use
headius: This one runs tracingng profiling JIT and when it fails it runs like 2x slower than without rujit
headius: This one currently also only targets loops
which perhaps is the common thing in a tracing JIT
oh, so it's even more limited than I thought
the other one eliminated dynamic calls, float boxing, some other stuff
it actually profiled the whole app, calls and all
headius: yeah I think so. I think he said he spent less than 2 months working on it as a side project
headius: but I think he is doing simple math
headius: The numeric results were very good in what he showed
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MRI needs a bog-standard template JIT that just emits some standard code for every YARV instruction to eliminate dispatch overhead - that would get something that could build on
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chrisseaton: I guess nobody wants to write that because it's not exciting enough :-)
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it also wouldn't achieve any kind of exciting speedup
probably not
they might be able to compile out a lot of branching in the interpreter
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[rubinius] brixen pushed 7 new commits to 1.8.7: http://git.io/A26PVA
rubinius/1.8.7 5cae6b0 Brian Shirai: Restrict Bundler to 1.6.3 for now.
rubinius/1.8.7 6ccff51 Brian Shirai: Restrict rubinius-toolset to 2.2.x for now."
rubinius/1.8.7 735272a Brian Shirai: Updated Changelog.
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rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (64f2394 - Brian Shirai): The build passed.
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racc conflicts щ(゚д゚щ)
makes no sense for the grammar to conflict here, but it does :/
yorickpeterse: I think you need the terminal in between
Oh, I guess that's where it's currently pointing to in said state
|jemc|: nevah!
If I add a terminal it makes other rules a lot more complex
yes, definitely the dot then.
Initially the terminal was T_SPACE
so I had
selectors T_SPACE selector
as it stands now, when it is looking for 'selectors' and it encounters a 'selector' it has no way of knowing if it is done with 'selectors' or not because you don't have lookeahead
but that messes up selectors such as "X > Y" which don't emit T_SPACE
since "X>Y", "X > Y" and "> Y" are all valid
jemc: doesn't racc do lookahead though? or isn't that applied automatically?
|jemc|: ehm, racc is LALR
it sure as hell has lookahead, otherwise it wouldn't be LALR
LALR(0) ;)
Racc is LALR(1)
well, that's one token further than it can look, I mean
when I was using racc and ran into stuff like this I always needed an 'end anchor' for rules like that
at least that's how I ended up solving them, there may be other ways
well, CSS makes this really fucking hard
".x.y#foo[bar]:root" this is one rule
".x.y#foo[bar]:root y" 2 rules
so there whitespace has meaning, and is the terminal
but for "x > y", "x ~ y", etc, it's not
is the 'selectors' rule intending to match either one or two rules but not zero or more than two?
As such, adding T_SPACE as a terminal means that "x>y" would not be valid, unless the lexer were to always emit T_SPACE in that case
|jemc|: yes, it's a dummy example before I add full recursion
since that adds more conflicts
You may have to break up the grammar into smaller parts, (while waiting for me to finish my implementation of marpa)
so the hack I can do is this:
is there some rule you can expect to always follow the selectors rule? that would make this easier
but then I have to hack the lexer to also do this:
so it would have to always emit a single SPACE in case of "X>"
or "X >"
hm, maybe I can rip Nokogiri's CSS parser
wait, in this grammar, selectors is always followed by EOF
because it's the entire grammar
(disregarding empty)
so you can use the EOF token as your 'end anchor' for the rule
I'll gist what I'm thinking
or, to be faster, I'll just show a comparable example
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I would say that it would not be an exaggeration to say that the JIT is not operating even near half as good as it could
which is to say, as it could with a very small number of tweaks and no major reorganization
on the other hand, debugging JIT issues may even top debugging GC issues
also, unix is stupid
I wish someone besides M$ would replace it already
GitHub58 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] brixen pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/mfB5dw
rubinius/master 8dfce37 Brian Shirai: Deal with liars like Rake....
rubinius/master 47c3aac Brian Shirai: More cleanup around fork+exec.
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rubinius/master 47380b8 Brian Shirai: Added proper logging to util/thread.
brixen: I did a review of the rbx jit when I started at Oracle, and if there is a reason that the JIT is not as good as it could be it's that the JIT doesn't get chance to see most of your code. I used the example of Fixnum::div. This is implemented in C++, right? So the JIT never gets to do anything with this most basic operation. It can't constant fold
through it, it can't turn the corner cases into uncommon traps, it can't be optimistic about it - it's just a black box that LLVM has to give up with. And that's for a basic arithmetic operation.
chrisseaton: now tell me something I don't already know :)
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[rubinius] brixen pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/QhBkPQ
rubinius/master 1d3ebe5 Brian Shirai: Re-open logger in the child after fork()....
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how do these damn files not get cleaned up...
oops, pushed that too soon
multitasking fail
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[rubinius] brixen pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/sNeppA
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rubinius/master 2a0ef47 Brian Shirai: Fixed variable declaration.
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rubinius/rubinius/master (2a0ef47 - Brian Shirai): The build was fixed.
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ahh if you HUP the process it dies and doesn't clean up