Yeah, I read that thread. Asmod4n doesn’t point to the code, so I don’t believe them now. :)
Right on, I'll poke him for evidence and start testing 4.x myself
Need more information from them on what they think is wrong.
Thanks for the peek
Just keep making celluloid kick-ass and I’ll be happy to help with some zeromq stuff!
I'm happy to hear that, thanks - I will, and the reciprocal of that assurance backatcha
digitalextremist: i also hope you can test celluloid against my ffi-io branch on rubinius at some point. It isn’t quite ready yet, but soon.
is there any reference info or any diffs of what's changed I could skim?
no, no notes yet. but i’ve pretty much ripped out all of the C++ from the IO class and rewritten it in ruby with some FFI to bind system functions.
i’m passing most of the specs now, so it’s getting pretty solid.
the IO api should be exactly the same. what’s happening under the covers is a bit different but hopefully still correct.
oooo so this is on ::IO itself? I hoped that's what you implied but life may have made me less of an optimist and maybe I should resume
yep, all new IO
same shitty Ruby IO API :(
whoever designed that class and its hierarchy really didn’t understand OOP
then I ought to have no problem at all beating the crap out of that with gusto.. I've been migrating over to rbx nearly completely for more and more IO
cool, good to hear
is the fiber implementation in rbx holding up ok?
amazingly, yes
I am trying to cook up *actual* benchmark comparisons between rubies, including/especially that
i’ll be interested to see that.
per brixen's talking about Rubinus as a language platform, I've also been looking at a slight/serious fork of the ruby language to go a more Specialized Programming route, so maybe your ::IO pain points can be worked through without being encumbered by the Design Process -- without "leaving ruby"
I call it Phyr ... short for Sapphire... Ruby without the Sap
I like it.
I have a vague future plan to completely redo Ruby IO and make it sane. Maybe that could be part of Phyr.
I would be extremely happy if it would be. The specialization intended is actually prompted as much by you as by brixen
I pass so much over 0MQ with your bindings that I've hit a point where my bottlenecks are pure IO and over complication of Object / BasicObject in the case of just plain data
digitalextremist: when i was first starting to use zeromq, i was very interested in finding out if rbx could “ping” a bytearray in memory
so that i could rapidly share it among zeromq sockets
having to marshal/unmarshal ruby data over zeromq sockets is a giant pain and huge performance penalty
if the runtime could pin an object in memory and send a reference over a socket, that would be really cool
I think Bjarne Stroustrup was talking about something like this recently and I wondered something in the neighbor or at least the same city as what you're thinking
Are you talking about inproc:// type connections mostly?
digitalextremist: yes
it only makes sense for inproc. any other kind of socket could be talking to a different process that doesn’t have access to the originator’s memory.
I think this could be worked around using a document store or DB, but that'd be a lot less awesome
just fixed all failing specs for read_nonblock
( my work around implies different machines )
now to fix readpartial
WOOT! Well I'll just fade into the background for a bit while you rock out. I am always here for the most part, btw. I'll be in touch more often
I am about to omnirepo the celluverse
ooh, that sounds complicated
though i’ve been using git for a few years now, i am still very much a n00b
very much so -- I've got a gem about done that can do it for any family of repositories though... easier than actually just doing it once manually. I'm in the same boat with you RE: Git. I've learned a ton having to solve this problem. Managing 8-12 repositories just to release one series of gems is just too much of a downer
yeah, celluloid has a complicated gem structure
I think it's in the "got worse before it got better" phase, with the solution coming in 0.18.0
any change on the jruby front? that is, are they getting coroutines anytime soon or is each fiber still backed by a thread?
oh good, only one failing/hanging readpartial spec
I've not seen a change in RE: Coroutines yet. Still threaded fibers from what I've seen. Haven't gotten too far into 9k+ yet, but I actually have been watching for that
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digitalextremist is now known as celluloid
celluloid is now known as digitalextremist
GitHub192 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] chuckremes pushed 4 new commits to ffi-io: http://git.io/vcwJj
rubinius/ffi-io d17f9e0 Chuck Remes: modify this ugly hack a little to put struct in proper namespace
rubinius/ffi-io 4ce1738 Chuck Remes: add helper methods for raising EAGAIN and EAGAINWaitWritable
rubinius/ffi-io 99735d7 Chuck Remes: disable the C++ version of #readpartial
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GitHub178 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] chuckremes pushed 2 new commits to ffi-io: http://git.io/vcwZX
rubinius/ffi-io bd20526 Chuck Remes: disable the C++ code for write_nonblock
rubinius/ffi-io ced0230 Chuck Remes: write the code to support write_nonblock and clean up some style issues
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GitHub5 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] chuckremes pushed 1 new commit to ffi-io: http://git.io/vcwWC
rubinius/ffi-io a8ececb Chuck Remes: comment out all primitives that are no longer in use
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GitHub26 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] chuckremes pushed 2 new commits to ffi-io: http://git.io/vcwza
rubinius/ffi-io f4bd9c7 Chuck Remes: when reopening a FD flush buffer and seek to other FDs location; fix typo
rubinius/ffi-io 31b3df9 Chuck Remes: stub out a call to #pos for 2 specs
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GitHub189 has joined #rubinius
[rubinius] chuckremes pushed 1 new commit to ffi-io: http://git.io/vcwpA
rubinius/ffi-io 4072455 Chuck Remes: Support File#truncate and File#ftruncate correctly...