hsbt_away changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release ftp.ruby-lang.org:/home/yugui/ruby-1.9.1-r26021+1.tar.bz2
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] The build has errored. by @kazu: See http://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby/builds/7585117
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:28929] naruse:r40981 (trunk): GC before running test_copy_stream_socket7 - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=28929
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] The build passed. by @naruse: See http://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby/builds/7587529
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:28930] usa:r40982 (ruby_1_9_3): * lib/yaml.rb: documentation updates, patched by zzak. - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=28930
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:28932] ko1:r40984 (trunk): * gc.c (gc_profile_enable): rest_sweep() to finish last GC. - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=28932
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:28933] svn:r40985 (trunk): * 2013-05-30 - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=28933
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<zzak> _ko10: ping
<_ko10> morning
<_ko10> happy birthday (slow)
<zzak> hi!
<zzak> :D
<zzak> i have japanese question
<_ko10> http://rvm.jp/t.pdf is my presentation. if you find any engrish error, please give me a feedback.
<zzak> thank you for birthday wishes :)
<_ko10> sure
<zzak> is 'Ruby 会議 ありがとう!' valid?
<_ko10> birthday wishes == birthday present?
<zzak> sorta
<zzak> birthday wishes == "happy birthday"
<_ko10> only "ありがとう" is enough
<zzak> wow 100 slides
<_ko10> 100p slides
<zzak> what day are you?
<_ko10> sorry, what does it mean?
<_ko10> today, is answer?
<zzak> talk schedule
<_ko10> yes, today
<zzak> :(
<_ko10> maybe you are also busy
<_ko10> so, you don't spend time on my slides
<zzak> im on day 3
<_ko10> you don't need
<zzak> its ok, i can speed read!
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<_ko10> if you find an error at a glance, please tell me
<zzak> p15, font seems squished
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<_ko10> i use italic for quoted sentences
<zzak> p26
<zzak> "I haven't touch about GC"
<zzak> maybe you mean "I don't work on GC"
<zzak> hmm
<_ko10> Yes
<_ko10> re-write!
<zzak> on p32
<zzak> "Record filename, line number, creation method’s id and class"
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<zzak> maybe say "Record filename, line number, creator method's id and class"
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<_ko10> i see
<zzak> or "origin method"
<zzak> small change, maybe leave it
<zzak> p35: "New GC algorithm allow mixing"
<zzak> allows mixing*
<zzak> and "so existing codes work well"
<zzak> "so existing code still works"
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<_ko10> thanks!!
<zzak> on p50, good so far!
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<zzak> "CRuby core code uses C-APIs"
<zzak> instead of "CRuby core codes uses .."
<zzak> small change
<_ko10> ah
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<zzak> last bullet point
<zzak> "We can't rewrite all 3rd party C-exts"
<zzak> more precise
<zzak> p51: "Give up GenGC", maybe "Give up on GenGC"
<zzak> :( :( :(
<zzak> p54
<zzak> "In Ruby-core, we can chnage.."
<zzak> change*
<zzak> and.. "How to care about WB?"
<zzak> maybe you mean "What care about WB?"
<zzak> err
<zzak> not what..
<zzak> "What to do about WB?"
<zzak> i think
<zzak> "Give up on GenGC" on p56 too
<zzak> sketchy objects :)
<zzak> lol
<_ko10> what context ?
<_ko10> -> scketchy object
<zzak> sketchy means questionable
<zzak> slang term
<zzak> on p56
<zzak> 57*
<zzak> p59: "A class don't care".. to "A class doesn't care"
<zzak> and "A class care.." to "A class cares.."
<zzak> "Current... DOESN'T" should be "DON'T"
<zzak> p60 "doesn't" to "don't"
<_ko10> ah, I see.
<_ko10> -> sketchy
<zzak> p71 "Introduce two flasgs.."
<zzak> flags*
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<zzak> i have to catch the train
<_ko10> ok
<_ko10> thanks so much!!!
<zzak> np, im on p75
<zzak> i can finish before 16:00
<_ko10> cool
<zzak> see you there!
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:28934] nobu:r40986 (trunk): rational.c: use existing functions - http://mla.n-z.jp/?ruby-changes=28934