closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
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hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
nagachika has joined #ruby-core
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hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44369] nobu:r56442 (trunk): [ci skip] -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44370] svn:r56443 (trunk): * 2016-10-18 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44371] nobu:r56444 (trunk): option for linux [ci skip] -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44372] nobu:r56445 (trunk): compress debug sections -
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
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hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
enebo has joined #ruby-core
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44373] svn:r56447 (trunk): * 2016-10-19 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44374] nobu:r56446 (trunk): addr2line.c: boundary checks -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:44375] kazu:r56448 (trunk): Update comments in prelude.c [ci skip] -
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nagachika has joined #ruby-core
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hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
nagachika has joined #ruby-core
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