closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
urdh8 has joined #ruby-core
<urdh8> kaniini has invited you to join #litepub
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Richard_Cavell has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
guest3546 has joined #ruby-core
<guest3546> kaniini has invited you to join #litepub
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joycepao has joined #ruby-core
<joycepao> kaniini has invited you to join #litepub
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Please has joined #ruby-core
<Please> kaniini has invited you to join #litepub
Please is now known as Guest52239
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52072] k0kubun:r64280 (trunk): _mjit_compile_send.erb: refactor to share vm_call_iseq_setup_normal -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52073] k0kubun:r64281 (trunk): vm_args.c: stop requiring `calling` in vm_caller_setup_arg_block -
_whitelogger has joined #ruby-core
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52074] k0kubun:r64282 (trunk): tool/downloader.rb: retry on 502 and 503 error -
thevdude12 has joined #ruby-core
<thevdude12> watch the live defcon show
thevdude12 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52075] k0kubun:r64283 (trunk): _mjit_compile_pc_and_sp.erb: always move pc -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52076] k0kubun:r64284 (trunk): _mjit_compile_pc_and_sp.erb: update the comment -
erdic has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
erdic has joined #ruby-core
travis-ci has joined #ruby-core
<travis-ci> The build is still failing. by @usa: See
travis-ci has left #ruby-core [#ruby-core]
<Azure3> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
Azure3 has joined #ruby-core
<Azure3> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<Azure3> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52077] svn:r64286 (trunk): * properties. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52078] k0kubun:r64285 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: carve out worker-related code -
<Azure3> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<Azure3> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<Azure3> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
Azure3 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52079] k0kubun:r64287 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: prefix mjit_ to pch_status -
calcul0n has joined #ruby-core
<calcul0n> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<calcul0n> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<calcul0n> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<calcul0n> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<calcul0n> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<calcul0n> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
calcul0n has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
anderson6 has joined #ruby-core
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erdic has joined #ruby-core
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52080] k0kubun:r64288 (trunk): mjit.c: exclude mjit_valid_class_serial_p -
enchi has joined #ruby-core
<enchi> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<enchi> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<enchi> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<enchi> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
erdic has joined #ruby-core
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52081] k0kubun:r64289 (trunk): mjit.c: include mjit_worker.c -
OwenBarfield has joined #ruby-core
<OwenBarfield> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<OwenBarfield> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<OwenBarfield> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<OwenBarfield> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<OwenBarfield> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<OwenBarfield> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52082] k0kubun:r64290 (trunk): mjit.c: make some variables static again -
erdic has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52083] k0kubun:r64291 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: reorder functions and variables -
erdic has joined #ruby-core
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52084] k0kubun:r64292 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: resurrect more static declarations -
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erdic has joined #ruby-core
Victorsueca23 has joined #ruby-core
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zgrepc has joined #ruby-core
<zgrepc> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<zgrepc> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<zgrepc> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<zgrepc> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<zgrepc> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<zgrepc> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
zgrepc has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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drathir29 has joined #ruby-core
<drathir29> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<drathir29> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<drathir29> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<drathir29> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<drathir29> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<drathir29> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
drathir29 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
erdic has joined #ruby-core
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52085] nobu:r64293 (trunk): hash.c: env block size limit on Windows -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52086] nobu:r64294 (trunk): upgrade the default WINNT version -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52087] k0kubun:r64295 (trunk): test_iseq_load.rb: reduce timeout of test_stressful_roundtrip -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52088] naruse:r64296 (trunk): Solaris raises EAI_SERVICE if hints.ai_socktype=0 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52089] naruse:r64297 (trunk): Solaris 10 doesn't have getifaddrs -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52090] k0kubun:r64298 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: share MJIT warning logic -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52091] k0kubun:r64299 (trunk): test_rubyvm_mjit.rb: dump output on test_pause -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52092] nobu:r64300 (trunk): appveyor.yml: show the OS version -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52093] k0kubun:r64301 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: don't use ruby_strdup -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52094] k0kubun:r64302 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: never trigger GC on MJIT worker -
ravioli0 has joined #ruby-core
<ravioli0> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<ravioli0> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<ravioli0> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<ravioli0> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<ravioli0> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<ravioli0> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
ravioli0 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52095] nobu:r64303 (trunk): test_env.rb: a failure on appveyor -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52096] k0kubun:r64304 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: handle calloc failure -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52097] k0kubun:r64305 (trunk): mjit_worker.c: remove redundant cast for calloc/alloca -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52098] k0kubun:r64306 (trunk): mjit.c: drop obsoleted duplicated declaration -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52099] k0kubun:r64307 (trunk): mjit.c: stop defining alias for a very limited use -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52100] k0kubun:r64308 (trunk): test_rubyvm_mjit.rb: skip testing MJIT if not supported -
Guest47213 has joined #ruby-core
<Guest47213> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<Guest47213> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<Guest47213> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<Guest47213> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<Guest47213> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<Guest47213> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
Guest47213 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
GTAXL21 has joined #ruby-core
<GTAXL21> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<GTAXL21> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<GTAXL21> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<GTAXL21> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<GTAXL21> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<GTAXL21> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
GTAXL21 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
nortoh has joined #ruby-core
<nortoh> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52101] naruse:r64309 (trunk): fix r64296 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52102] svn:r64310 (trunk): * 2018-08-12 -
anthonyf20 has joined #ruby-core
<anthonyf20> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<anthonyf20> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<anthonyf20> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
anthonyf20 has quit [K-Lined]
nurse has quit [Quit: Quit Nadoka 0.9.2+git(v0.9.1-17-gb35c5f0)]
TBloemink6 has joined #ruby-core
<TBloemink6> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<TBloemink6> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<TBloemink6> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<TBloemink6> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<TBloemink6> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<TBloemink6> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
TBloemink6 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Xe3 has joined #ruby-core
<Xe3> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<Xe3> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<Xe3> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<Xe3> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<Xe3> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<Xe3> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
Xe3 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
labviking has joined #ruby-core
<labviking> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
labviking has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
barq25 has joined #ruby-core
<barq25> After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams
<barq25> "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
<barq25> Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
<barq25> Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights
<barq25> Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam
<barq25> Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even
barq25 has quit [Killed (Unit193 (Spam is not permitted on freenode.))]
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52103] k0kubun:r64311 (trunk): appveyor.yml: customize icon_url -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:52104] k0kubun:r64312 (trunk): vm_insnhelper.c: drop duplicated inline -