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<tjohnson> that's simple enough
<tjohnson> make that bigger, it finds the end of the string
<tjohnson> i thought I had ruled out string size as the (sole) cause
<tjohnson> `scanner.pos = 1874;` terminates at ` 7; P. 56\n"` with the low water at default
<tjohnson> gkellogg: any ideas? it seems like making `:low_water` arbitrarily large is maybe a bad solution
<tjohnson> seems like we need some way to recognize `"""` as opening a production, and not expect that it needs to be closed on the same line
<tjohnson> ah, understanding what's going on here better, now...
<tjohnson> seems like what we need is to feed the scanner and try again in `Lexer#match_token` instead of returning `nil`
<tjohnson> i.e. we should really only fail if we've reached eof and still don't have a match, right?
<tjohnson> ack. it's worse that that, we end up eating the start quotes
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