Hi, I'm new to ruby, I would like to know how a block is implicitly passed to a method? Is a reference to the block implicitly passed to the method when the method is called?
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how to learn ruby
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RainBowww: what have you tried?
including typing that into a search engine
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soulisson: what do you mean by "implicitly"?
i think what i need is how to program in object oriented way
i dont understand it
soulisson: when a block is passed to a method, a reference to it is included as one of the parameters
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drbrain, when there is only yield in the method and no &block in the method declaration
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i know basics but how to use it
Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby - Sandi Metz
baweaver ok
drbrain, that's what I thought
the more you give us to work with in a question, the better the answer.
soulisson: so for the implicit one where the method yields, there's a hidden block that is forwarded along
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soulisson: you can use block_given? to detect if one is there
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drbrain, ok, but when the method is called, a reference to the block is passed to the method, right?
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drbrain, thanks
you can send blocks to methods that don't yield or have &block in the parameters too
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drbrain, thanks, I just wanted to know the black magic behind the yield statement :)
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pragmatism: try trunk now, the latest commit should have the fix
i'm new to ruby and surprised that there isn't more interchangeability, and the main reason i could think that they wouldn't be is string mutability
i'm not sure about the future, but I've been using ruby for about 10 years
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that's approximately 9.99 years more than me
and here is my take on symbols vs strings -- they have useful distinctions
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symbols are useful for identifiers -- a chunk of data that will never be "operated" upon. we don't need to e.g. #reverse them, or append to them
where you might define a tuple or indexed array, where the index is meaningful -- for example the standard graphite metric format
(metric_name, metric_value, timestamp)
you could use an array and just know that index 0 is always the metric_name
or you could use a hash, e.g. { metric_name: foo, metric_value: 100, timestamp: now }
i don't see how these are points for strings vs symbols though
either would work
symbols are less flexible than strings
you'd rather use symbols here -- it indicates that we aren't going to operate upon the keys directly
my issue is that some hash-like structures use symbols and others like strings
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it's just a handy identifier that is better than e.g. graphite[0]
i'd rather use graphite[:metric_name]
and since they're not interchangeable, you have to know which to use, or .to_s or .to_sym :/
jbrhbr: true, but you should always "know"
and if you don't, that's a code smell that should be chased down
there are some libraries and and 3rd party code that make this tough
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and i tend to avoid those
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do you think that kind of knowing should be consistent across all gems or would you consider it fair game if it's consistent only within each gem?
it would be nice if everyone thought and wrote code the same way i do ;)
but I'll have to settle for consistency within gems
which manifests as inconsistency in the way your code has to talk to them :/
i don't know
yeah, there will always be gems that go against your grain
try to avoid them
or wrap them / modify them to make them behave
mongoid lets me do result.field, result[:field] and result['field']
yeah, reminds me of Hashie::Mash
which is an antipattern imho
it seems like people *want* interchangeability in these kinds of cases so they kind of fake it
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i see
for example, I'd like to do Hash#delete, but that means i can't use 'delete' or :delete as a key
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major orthogonality violation
i don't follow that one
things which are orthogonal don't affect each other
you mean the attribute access style?
methods are methods, hash keys are hash keys
do people normally pronounce the # in method names
heh i got the orthogonality part
hashes have methods like delete
i think foo.x is the oddball
so if you want to have a pseudo-method for hash key access, you are forbidden from ever using 'delete' or :delete as a key
easily assailed, but supporting both foo[:x] and foo['x'] seems intuitive to me as a ruby noob
that is more palatable
because it's a code smell to mix symbol and string keys
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but even so, that makes the runtime do a lot of extra work
and i'd rather just be consistent. hashes can take any serializable object as a key
i think that's solvable
but not when you have mutable keys :)
that means symbols and strings are distince
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thanks for the discussion though
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i think my other reasoning is something like this: aside from the nice concise looking code, isn't the main justification of symbols one of performance? ie, you only have to allocate them once and there are probably some checks that can be avoided etc
basically, if you need to identify an internal component, i'd use a symbol. if you're taking outside input, then use a string. e.g. person[:arm] versus tags['some_user_input']
and then if that's correct, it once again points at mutability vs immutability. ie immutable strings have many of the same benefits as symbols, thereby weakening the case to have symbols at all
yes, since they are much more limited, they have better performance
in the world of mutable strings, at least, when someone chooses to use a string, I'm assuming they intend to do string operations on it
if someone uses a symbol instead, that communicates to me, as a reader, that this is a permanent sort of identifier
and… you feel like that communication is useful? :)
they're not going to e.g. reverse or append to it. match it against a regex, etc
the person writing the code should be communicating primarily to the reader (not the computer)
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being used to immutable strings, fiddling with them in weird ways seems like a smell to me
i look at code as recipes of a sort, codifying human knowledge of methodologies
jbrhbr: you're probably on the right track then. try using ruby 2.3 with the immutable pragma
it will be painful when using 3rd party libs and gems that aren't compliant though
like if i saw `d = {'foo' => 3}`, i would *extremely* surprised if someone decided to modify that key
[sometime later]
i gotta get ready to head out
i appreciate these kinds of chats. hopefully we can ramble together again sometime! :D
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when doing something like
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if average(:time).round(2) >= 0
is there a way to just get the value from that line and add it to a string?
without having to say:
all over again
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in the if block I mean
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bind it ?
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blub: to a variable you mean?
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hello all
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good idea
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diegoviola: there isnt really any way around it there because the part you care about is only part of the expression you're testing. if you were saying 'if expr.that.might.return.a.truthy.object' and then operating on that object, there are shortcuts
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dealing with time in coding can be confusing
just trying to get the average seconds
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and display it as 0.2s or similar
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unless its negative, in which case you want to just round it and return the number ?
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blub: it won't be negative
but yes
then why are you testing that it isn't
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the else part should just throw an error if anything, or just leave out the if and have the method just be "#{sum(:time).round}s" if you're sure
sum would actually sum all the numbers in that field
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I need average
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blub: I actually added the if check because .round results in error when average(:time) returns nil
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blub: the unless I mean
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Hey all! I'm trying to get a padded Array of bytes for int16 but it's not padding. [-32222].pack("v").bytes #=> [34, 130] .... I need to to be [34, 130, 0]
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blub: does that looks fine to you?
diegoviola: avg = average(:time); "#{avg.round(2)}s" if avg
use variables so you don't recompute things for no reason
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if you don't write an else and the condition is false, the whole if evaluates to nil anyway
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my mom just got a message on her mac: "Warning: OS CRASH REPORT - Due to a third-party application your computer has crashed, please call <18665377060> for an immediate fix"
valid or bunk?
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it's a modal in the middle of her screen.
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that's scary
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Probably bunk.
Srsly, just google it
bougyman: ^
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I told her to take it to the apple store.
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Thread.start{while true; puts s.recv(500); end }
s.puts("hi server")
i would expect the thread to print to screen?
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what's s?
a socket
put the rest of the code into a gist
not enough context
which socket, what library, what's the rest of the code, etc etc
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i know there is already gems doing, what im working on... but its only a example... this thing has puzzled me for a long time, how to read and write to a socket simultaneously.
ill post a server and a client example
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i dont see the option for sytax highlights
you do realize that in run all of your code is in a rescue block right?
you want it above that first rescue
indentation won't affect it at all
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I'm going to comment out rescue and see if it works
just move that logic above it
no need for that
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lines 52 and 56 in that gist are still broken
getting some error .. which is much better.. "Check failed to run: undefined local variable or method `totalMemory' for #<CheckSNMP:0x0000000282b408>, ["./check-snmp-mem.rb:58:in `used_memory'", "./check-snmp-mem.rb:76:in `run'"
blocks have a scope
they don't like sharing
[1].each do |v| a = v end
what's a?
guess what value it'll have if I ran that
>> [1].each do |v| a = v end; a
baweaver # => undefined local variable or method `a' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478721)
inside that block, things are trapped. They don't get out
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Now if you did something like this though:
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hi guys.. I've got ruby source from my team mate
With bundle install i got required packets
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now i got an error undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
what could cause the problem? :(
>> nil[]
baweaver # => undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478749)
though if you want a better answer we need more context to work with, such as the code that's giving you the error and the stack trace that results
I am working like 30 hours on this and can't find a solution
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I am starting to give up
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In some screencasts and examples in books, it's common to find places where the author uses "# =>" notation to insert return values into the code as a comment. Are there text editor tools to do this automatically? If so anyone know what the tools or the general name for this process is?
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ja: you there?
Sam0163141155: I think emacs org mode can do that
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mozzarella: thanks, I'll google that
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is there a concise way to match 'ab', 'ba', 'a', 'b', or '' with a regex
but not 'aa' or 'bb'
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When you will create a google account but don't upload image, google will set a default avatar for you. I will pull google user information from their API, and I would like to check if the image url I fetched is the default one that set by the google or not. I thought of to use checksum of the default photo. So everytime, I will pull data from google, before saving the image I will compare the checksum of the default one and newly fetched one, i
f it doesn't match I will save the new one or skip it. Is my approach to this problem correct ?
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Sam0163141155 I usually just copy/paste it manually myself :)))
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Hi all, I'm trying to install ruby2.2.3 on scientific linux 6.1, getting "./tool/rbinstall.rb:728:in `chmod': Operation not permitted @ chmod_internal - /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/ (Errno::EPERM)
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weird path
does rvm not install into home dir by default?
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Seems not, on my other server, where 2.2.3 was install successfully, its the same path but for 2.2.3
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OpenURI.open # NoMethodError: private method `open' called for OpenURI:Module
hmm is there another way to call it without .send, in the event that you already have a topnamespace method called open() defined that does something else?
ok found another one ... to call .open() on the object itself uri = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/"); uri.open
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hi guys
I've migrated ruby app on new server
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Now I get an error (see link) ... ANYONE?
shevy: Your calling me lier now lol... I have an application on the production server
I am just migrating it
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shevy: Why you doubt it?
don't put words that were not used into the mouth of others
shevy: I gave a fact... You doubted into the fact...
Can you tell me what's the reason for your doubt?
strehi that is what you claim it *would* be, a fact
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>> nil[]
shevy # => undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478828)
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shevy: When I excecute SQL directly on the database I get the value
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so change the code to handle nils; and find out why the layer you use there does not work properly. besides, if it works directly anyway, you could even hack-fix it with that nil check, that's like ... 3 lines of more code
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shevy: the problem is that I have like 1000 of MSQL selects hehe
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I will have to correct each if I don't find the reason
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norc # => "== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>==========\n== catch table\n| catch t ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478849)
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Apparently there is not so much of a difference between proc/lambda and blocks after all.
Or no... I think I have to look into how method calls are implemented.
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norc: arity checks
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xybre: Im actually looking deeper. Blocks are about the only thing in Ruby that are not first objects. They are rather species when it comes to how methods are implemented in Ruby
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Interestingly until the VM it accepts procs/lambdas as blocks though.
(Without calling some method to convert it into a block explicitely)
Well okay, methods are not first class objects either.
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blocks are just closures, nothing special about them
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norc: a lot of things aren't objects on the VM level, the OO happens at the compiler level.
ddv: Blocks set up catch points for break, redo, next. They are special when it comes to how they are passed to functions.
norc: do you have a specific question?
xybre: Difference is that methods and blocks are directly exposed to you. :)
ddv: Nah.
norc's business card: explorer of ruby internals ;-)
I wish I had the time for such stuff :(
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norc: so are numbers, which are not objects in the VM
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xybre: Sure they are.
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Addition and basic math isn't.
xybre: for the fixnum 1 the INS putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ is used to push it onto the stack
norc # => == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>========== ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478850)
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Interesting, that's not the same VM code I was looking at a couple of days ago.
The only thing in Ruby that is not an object is blocks.
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The stuff I was looking at was from pre-2.x I think though. I'll post it if I find it again, the interpretation of the bytecodes might just have been misleading.
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Yeah almost everything I said above is wrong, my memory sucks. :D
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batu: gsub(a, b) vs gsub(a b) ?
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Is comma the ew semicolo?
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everyone loves the colon, hates the semicolon
"Don't use semi-colons! They are transvestite hermaphrodites, representing exactly nothing."
I totaly missed that
thanks guys
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batu: when it says "undefined method 'term'" probably look for each instance you use 'term' :)
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Lie umers are also quite helpful.
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I've also lost the use of my right Alt key; how could this day get worse?
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I am trying to make a script that will parser several JS files, and it will substitute certain words (Lexicon). the script should take as an argument file name to be modified and outout the result on a file called filename+Modified
No particularly good reason to do it a line at a time.
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Line breaks are liable to cause some trouble, but maybe you don't have any between the multi-word terms?
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the input file will look like jQuery code. and I need to replace some deprecated method names with others. In order to speed up a conversion process from AS3 to HTML5 and createJS
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any suggestions on vim plugins to look at to help with writing in ruby? I know google can help me with that but wanted to hear first hand from ruby savvi people that are also vim users
mrgrieves: Have you come to Vim from an IDE?
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mrgrieves: I just use a syntax highlighter and vim-ruby
I have heard good things about the vim-rails plugin. but I don't do much rails dev at all so never needed it
yes, I've been looking at what vim-ruby gives me but it's very limited ... on mac for example if look for string methods I couldn't find an easy way to jump the long list of methos faster
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it would be nice to paginate the list
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vim-ruby-doc seems useful as well ...
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but it doesn't seem to be maintained
yeah would be nice to have the docs to hand in vim. I should adopt that into my workflow!
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hmm no open issues, last commit 3 yrs ago. seems pretty dead
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Under OS X you can look for the Dash app – not only Ruby-related, but it's a nice thing to have
Yeah Was just about to suggest that adaedra:
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I don't even understand how come this can be used as a block
info doesn't yield anything
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argoneus: Every method receives an implicit block.
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I just don't even understand what "info" even is, if it's an object or what
It's a method.
and why you have to put values in it so awkwardly
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Unless there's some magic hidden elsewhere (not particularly unlikely), that `info do` is superfluous.
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so the method "info" returns -some object-, and then I call that weird inject on it?
anyone know how I can generate a date range, reject some days for example sundays and extend the range with a next available day? Obviously I can do something like (Date.today..Date.today+5.days).reject{|day| day.sunday?} but this would remove sunday and make the range smaller
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argoneus: Given the two snippets to which you've linked, that block doesn't even get executed.
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Is my question so hard.. ? :)
are you sure?
`info` does receive it, but it's not invoking it, thus my suspicion that there must be some spooky action at a distance going on.
the question was worded as if he wanted to read the cert from the connection and then *trust* from there
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that would make little sense then, though. essentially the same as verify=none
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In IRB Array#take gives me all methods for Array and also renders Ctrl+D, Ctrl+C pretty useless. What am I doing wrong (OS X 10.9/rbenv/ruby 2.2.3)?
Sorry that should have been: help Array#take
press q
jhass: How do I get the help for just the one method?
use pry
ah, bot is on the other side of the netsplit
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ponzi: If you'd like to disable paging (where long results stop at the first page) in Pry add this to your .pryrc: Pry.pager = false
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jhass: PRY gives me: Error: No help found for 'Array#take'
jmonreal: let's try something different: Please try to answer the question, don't just say "i don't know": What is the difference between "class" and "module"?
class << self turns Limits into a singleton; you can only have *one* instance of a singleton, thus you can't create new instances of it
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tho my understanding of that is shakey. these other folks can tell more about it
jhass: modules provide methods that can be shared or used across multiple classes
pontiki: not exactly, but as I understand it ruby has trouble with implementing an actual singleton cleanly
pontiki: class << self doesn't turn it into a singleton
a library
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it opens the singleton class of `self` (could put another object there too)
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and classes are objects
jmonreal: okay, so that's what modules can do what classes cannot. Why would we use classes? What can they do what modules cannot?
an object is an instance of a class
and (almost) every object has a singleton_class, and that singleton_class belongs precisely only to that object
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and it's the place where methods which are only for that object are stored. like "class" methods.
hope that explanation was helpful :)
* apeiros
gotta run for the train now…
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jhass: Classes to encapsulate certain behaviours of our object.
Modules can not be instanciated? only classes can create objects?
Kind of a long shot, but does anyone have experience with :force_quotes option in CSV
jhass: so what I would need here is a Class instead of a Module
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jmonreal: AFAIK, no.
kinda lost here
jmonreal: you would need a class
jmonreal: and drop the class << self stuff
jmonreal: now scroll up, you were told that like four or five times by now
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?anyone hxegon
hxegon, Just ask your question, if anyone has or can, they will respond.
how come you have to wear a seatbelt in a car but not in a motorcycle? motorcycles are more dangerous then car
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idjet: because you don't want to be attached to a motorcycle when it crashes
?offtopic idjet
idjet, this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related problems. Thanks!
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jhass: thanks, and is it possible to require 'ClassName' ?
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jmonreal: require loads files
hexagon you don't want to be attached to a car either with that logic
jmonreal: you give it filenames
ok, thanks
that files may or may not happen to define a class, module or whatever
idjet: no, a car is all around you, while you are very exposed during a crash on a motorcycle, but I'm moving this to offtopic
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tbh if you crash a bike at high speed you are probably dead anyway
argoneus: very true.
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and if you aren't dead you will wish you were
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Does anyone have enough experience with the :force_quotes option in CSV to show me a working example of it?
jhass: that better? :)
hxegon: a little bit. Even better would be to show what you tried and what your issue with your attempt is
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argoneus: #ruby-offtopic, for you too ;)
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what the fuck
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is freenode being ddos'd again?
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hi shevy
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is terrorism allowed in this chat room?
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where 0 is the initial value of accumulator (otherwise it's the first value of the collection) and each return of the block is the next accumulator
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so the first run it'd be acc = 0, i = 1, new_acc = 1
You don't need the 0 in this case, as `+ 0` is never modifying the result.
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what if it's empty?
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more of a safety thing
Ah, yes.
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it costs 3 characters so I just do it regardless as I don't trust users / code very much.
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ah, probably best practice ;)
but for now I know my source :P
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Does ruby core have a site somewhere to see the pass/fail status of tests and/or nightly compiles? Like a Jenkins setup or something?
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Nevermind it was right in front of my face and I'm stupid. http://rubyci.org/, for the curious
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or rather, individual fields should all be quoted
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anyone have experience sending file in a post request, need to post a PDF, but not sure how to serialize it
machinewar: depends on your HTTP library.
could I just open the file then send that object as request body?
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adaedra: was thinking net/http
depends on the service you're sending to, but usually files are sent throught multipart.
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that's what i was thinking, but not sure if its as easy as setting content-type to 'multipart/form-data' and giving path to file
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from docs "At this time Net::HTTP does not support multipart/form-data. To send multipart/form-data use Net::HTTPGenericRequest#body= and Net::HTTPHeader#content_type=:" *damn* lol
apeiros # => /tmp/execpad-dbe854ff7bf2/source-dbe854ff7bf2:7: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting ke ...check link for more (https://eval.in/479361)
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that's the straight translation of yours to correct ruby
MTeck: then go on, split the expression, and ask about parts you don't understand
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adaedra: Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I didn't think it was right. I 100% believe what you wrote is exactly what I need. I just prefer wrapping my head fully around anything I use just for the sake of learning.
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that's a good attitude to have!
MTeck: you didn't get me. I was telling you to tell me/us what you don't understand in the expression, so I/we can explain it.
ah :)
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Unfortunately, it's time for me to get away from the keyboard, but other people here will surely be happy to explain you what's happening above if you ask about it.
To be honest, I don't know what %w is, or how the whole thing expands in ruby logic. I think I just need to read and look at it for a while. I'll ask questions after that. I want to understand the regex one too.
Hey, i'm getting this when installing ruby 2.2.2/2.2.3 with ruby-build on debian testing. Is this a library version issue? Anyone know? Worked fine a few months ago http://paste.lisp.org/display/163730.