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<impermanence> Is there triple quoting in Ruby or not? Zed Shaw's book has an exercise covering it, but the internet seems to suggest that this is not actual Ruby syntax.
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<matthewd> impermanence: Nope
<impermanence> Some parts of the internet would disagree.
<cerulean> meaning """?
<cerulean> i think that it starts a multi-line string
<cerulean> am i wrong
<impermanence> for starters
<matthewd> impermanence: Wait.. are you suggesting some parts of the internet are wrong? ;)
<impermanence> asking...
<impermanence> k, check this out: https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ex10.html
<impermanence> I mean...wtf...
<cerulean> ahh my eyes hurt
<cerulean> ok here's the facts
<cerulean> don't do it
<cerulean> ever
<cerulean> use '' and ""
<cerulean> the end
<matthewd> It *works*.. but it's not a thing
<impermanence> okay.
<impermanence> but did you check out the Zed Shaw link? I mean...he has a whole exercise in there...wtf?
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<matthewd> """foo""" is actually three strings next to each other, which get auto-concatenated
<matthewd> >> """foo"""
<ruby[bot]> matthewd: # => "foo" (https://eval.in/771510)
<matthewd> >>> "x""foo""x"
<impermanence> """bar"""
<impermanence> >>"""bar"""
<ruby[bot]> impermanence: # => "bar" (https://eval.in/771511)
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<impermanence> yay!
<cerulean> he does what i told you to do, use it for multi line strings
<matthewd> >> "x""foo""x"
<ruby[bot]> matthewd: # => "xfoox" (https://eval.in/771513)
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<cerulean> """ makes it obvious you're doing a multiline
<impermanence> cerulean: k. Why?
<cerulean> makes it obvious to your eyes whats going on
<impermanence> ah
<matthewd> Do not do that.
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<matthewd> It makes it obvious it's been written by a python programmer who doesn't understand ruby syntax
<impermanence> oh fuck.
<cerulean> yeah fair enough
<cerulean> you can do <<---HEREDOC or something as well
<cerulean> just google ruby multiline strings for the correct syntax
<matthewd> Yeah, if you want a really multi-line string, use a heredoc
<cerulean> i agree with matthewd and i never see """ in 7 years of ruby coding
<impermanence> maybe I shouldn't use his book then. Fuck.
<matthewd> For a simple case, just use ordinary quotes
<cerulean> yeah isnt zed shaw from python?
<cerulean> his python book is huge in the python community or something
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<impermanence> Well he apparently wrote Mongrel...
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<impermanence> not apparently, he did.
<cerulean> yeah i know he wrote mongrel, its a foundational piece of ruby architecture
<impermanence> sarcasm?
<cerulean> nope
<cerulean> look how all the modern ruby webservers are based on it
<cerulean> i remember when i first got monrel
<cerulean> from webrick
<cerulean> huge speed difference
<impermanence> Well...his book is probably okay for a Ruby quickstart then...
<cerulean> probably fine
<cerulean> """ will work for multiline string. ultimately its up to you. there's no one true way of coding
<cerulean> i dont agree with this string tho """""""""hi""""""""
<impermanence> helicopter
<cerulean> yea
<matthewd> (Part of) the point of triple-quoted strings in python is that they can contain quotes -- because they're not a real thing in ruby, and more just a quirk of the parse rules, that doesn't apply
<cerulean> oh i c
<cerulean> depends on what you need
<cerulean> code at your own risk
<cerulean> no life guard
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<matthewd> So, """x""" is effectively "" + "x" + ""
<impermanence> okay. got it.
<impermanence> thanks for the insight as usual :)
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* flips just started reading the Eloquent Ruby book. Seems helpful for getting good habits and better understanding
<impermanence> is it true that while loops are rare in ruby?
<volty> as it is true that goto's are rare
<impermanence> what's a goto?
<volty> is your a quiz ?
<matthewd> impermanence: Yes; most loops will generally be using Enumerable methods
<cerulean> yeah you dont use while much
<cerulean> ... ever?
<cerulean> instead of while i == 1 do you can do (0...x).each do
<impermanence> matthewd: eh, I don't know what Enumberable methods are yet so I'll have to come back to that. But okay. no while loops.
<impermanence> oh that's cool. yeah, cool syntax. okay.
<cerulean> .each is an enumarable method. .map is one too
<cerulean> they are methods which iterate an array (an enumerable) and run a function, passing your block
<cerulean> for each item
<cerulean> yes it is a a cool and good syntax for you to use :)
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<cerulean> check out #each #map #reject #collect
<cerulean> and #sort
<matthewd> 134 'while', 1416 '.each', 846 '.map'
<matthewd> So yeah.. rare
<cerulean> where'd you get that statistic?
<matthewd> (and that's without trying to exclude mentions of 'while' from comments/strings, for example)
<matthewd> rails/rails
<cerulean> i see i see
<cerulean> they probably SAID while and not used it
<cerulean> i doubt they used while
<cerulean> at all
<matthewd> We do use it a reasonable amount
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<cerulean> you're on rails team?
<cerulean> nice 8-)
<cerulean> i love rails 5
<matthewd> Yes, I am
<cerulean> nice
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<cerulean> what could be the reason to use while?
<matthewd> Some crude exclusions suggest it could be in the 40-50 range
<cerulean> 40 lines using while?
<cerulean> i'm suspicious of zed's titles of books. "the hard way". obviously it is the hard way if he's gonna teach you to use """ lol
<matthewd> Yes, 40 lines contain 'while' and don't contain '#' or '"'
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<matthewd> Sometimes it just fits what we're doing, and sometimes we're in enough of a hotspot that it's worth writing the ugly fast thing
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<matthewd> And in one case, I use `while true` to avoid the stack frames from #loop
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<volty> stack frames? what goes on the stack ?
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<cerulean> i get to that point matthewd too and go the fast way as well
<cerulean> i think he means #each requires more frames than a simple white true
<cerulean> because it uses a #loop which is more complicated than while true
<matthewd> >> loop { explode! }
<ruby[bot]> matthewd: # => undefined method `explode!' for main:Object (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/771523)
<matthewd> >> while true; explode!; end
<ruby[bot]> matthewd: # => undefined method `explode!' for main:Object (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/771524)
<cerulean> >> `ls /`
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<cerulean> heeh
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<cerulean> >> puts rand(256)
<matthewd> Ugly backtrace, nice backtrace
<cerulean> oh, im not authorized
<cerulean> i believe you
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<matthewd> I was answering volty
<volty> yes, thanks
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<volty> but that's only one extra call per loop
<impermanence> is there a name for just a basic .rb file? rube, gemmy, something? Like in python it's module, in java it's class file, in puppet it's manifest, etc...
<cerulean> "dot rb file" is what i call it?
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<matthewd> volty: In this case, it was literally about preventing the lines in the backtrace
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<impermanence> k. regarding gets...what part of the language is this of?
<volty> I see
<cerulean> impermanence: i/o
<impermanence> I assume there are a ton of methods associated with it?
<cerulean> line based i/o
<impermanence> k.
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<matthewd> &ri Kernel#gets
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<impermanence> So is gets like a package or a gem or a module...or what would I call that?
<impermanence> class?
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<matthewd> impermanence: It's a method ^
<cerulean> it's a method
<cerulean> inside module Kernel
<cerulean> # means it's a method in the sense of <class/module>#<method>
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<impermanence> oh, it's a method. I assume class: gets ; method: chomp => gets.chomp
<impermanence> assumed.
<matthewd> Being defined in Kernel, which every object contains, it's effectively global
<impermanence> kernel of MRI?
<matthewd> Yeah.. no. Method #gets returns a string, which has a #chomp method.
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<matthewd> Kernel, yes. Kernel is a module.
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<impermanence> So in Ruby a module is a bunch of classes...?
<matthewd> No.
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<cerulean> module is where you put methods that dont need to have an object
<cerulean> classes are for when you need an object
<impermanence> module is a bunch of functions.
<matthewd> A module is a collection of methods that can be included into a class
<impermanence> interface.
<matthewd> (and also a namespace that can contain nested constants)
<matthewd> No; methods with implementations
<impermanence> ah. But these methods are static...?
<volty> nothing static here
<cerulean> not necessarily
<matthewd> >> module X; def hello; "hello from #{self}"; end; end; class String; include X; end; class Integer; include X; end; ["world".hello, 17.hello]
<ruby[bot]> matthewd: # => ["hello from world", "hello from 17"] (https://eval.in/771527)
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<impermanence> Is the concept of Ruby module equal to concept of Python module? Because in Python methods that don't require an object are called functions...
<matthewd> No
<impermanence> okay.
<impermanence> thx. I'll keep reading.
<cerulean> gl
<volty> and breaking :)
* cerulean pets the #ruby cat
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<volty> >> loop
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => #<Enumerator: main:loop> (https://eval.in/771529)
<cerulean> >> loop
<cerulean> :(
<volty> what can be done with this enumerator ?
<cerulean> its the equivelent of while 1
<volty> ops, what could
<cerulean> an infinite loop
<cerulean> any recursive stuff
<volty> recursive ? how that ?
<volty> though I understand the useless 'infinite'
<cerulean> maybe not recursive
<cerulean> just infite
<cerulean> you can call break or something when you wanna break
<volty> also inside a simple loop
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<impermanence> so are there methods on chomp? I mean...if there are method on gets the maybe there are methods on chomp?
<matthewd> impermanence: There aren't methods on gets. gets is returning a string. There are methods on String.
<matthewd> chomp also returns a String.
<impermanence> oh. chomp is a String method.
<impermanence> from the String module, presumably?
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<volty> impermanence is a double expert — expert in ruby, and expert in stupid question on ruby (and I have a good nose and good memory :) )
<impermanence> volty: not sure you need to act like in that in either here or life in general. but I have no control over that. later then.
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<volty> never mind, dear. I have to add that I find you useful since you force people to articulate well their knowledge on ruby
<matthewd> volty: That seemed quite uncalled for
<volty> I don't know what you mean, matthewd. I can only repeat that I have an expert nose and excellent memory of benevolent trolls
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<volty> (I didn't know what 'uncalled for' means; went for a dictionary - that english is not my mother lang)
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<cerulean> he wasn't a trol
<cerulean> troll*
<cerulean> try to be nicer, you scared off a n00b
<volty> loop enumerator could find a use in functional programming constructs, but I can't imagine a case usage now.
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<volty> cerulean: no way
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<cerulean> he wasnt asking stupid questions, he was just learning
<cerulean> don't be so paranoid
<volty> though the next time I can state the same with other words
<cerulean> k
<volty> nothing to do with fear (paranoid).
<pwnd_nsfw> loop enumerator? an enumerator enumerator?
<volty> >> loop
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => #<Enumerator: main:loop> (https://eval.in/771532)
<pwnd_nsfw> rite..
<volty> cerulean: anyway the next time you see somebody that seems a bit too noob, try to give a look at the coherency of his not-knowledge
<volty> anybody here tried scala ?
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<cerulean> ok
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<allisio> >> loop.first 3
<ruby[bot]> allisio: # => [nil, nil, nil] (https://eval.in/771533)
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<allisio> >> loop { 1 }.lazy.first 3
<ruby[bot]> allisio: # => (https://eval.in/771534)
<allisio> I feel like that should work?
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<volty> no, it returns enumerator only without block
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<allisio> Makes sense. It'd be nice if `loop.lazy` were an Enumerator over the naturals, though.
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<volty> >> (1..Float::INFINITY).first(5)
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (https://eval.in/771536)
<allisio> >> (0..Float::INFINITY).map { |n| n * 2 }.first 5
<ruby[bot]> allisio: # => (https://eval.in/771537)
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<volty> >> (0..Float::INFINITY).lazy.map { |n| n * 2 }.first 5
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] (https://eval.in/771538)
<allisio> Right; block-less `loop` as a synonym for `(0..Float::INFINITY)` would be nifty.
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<volty> >> def loop_naturals; (0..Float::INFINITY).to_enum; end
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => :loop_naturals (https://eval.in/771542)
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<matthewd> loop is intended to be used in places where it will loop ~infinitely
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<matthewd> .. which means it would count high enough to get into bignums, at which point every iteration is an allocation. That would be bad.
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<volty> yes, but that is a limit of ruby trying to mimic the true functional languages
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<impermanence> In Learn Ruby the Hard Way it is suggested that to take an integer from STDIN to use gets.chomp.to_i? but is this bad practice? because can't I just use gets.to_i? Or I suppose that the latter takes in the integer and then converts it to a string?
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<volty> Hard Way brings hard questions. How can a newbie doubt the words of the 'hard way'?
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<matthewd> impermanence: bad practice how?
<impermanence> matthewd: After the triple quote thing when I ran into that I wanted to just check if there was anything strange with that because I've had a couple of doubts about continuing with hard way and starting with something else. But it sounds like that's normal use.
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<volty> our expert probably meant 'redundant' - since the chars removed by chomp do not change the result ? but his instinct tells him that we should always chomp, because chomp could change the result.
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<volty> >> $/ = "3"; s = "33"; [s.to_i, s.chomp.to_i]
<ruby[bot]> volty: # => [33, 3] (https://eval.in/771553)
<volty> did I prove that he is an expert ? :)
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<impermanence> volty: I guess I don't understand the difference between gets.to_i and gets.chomp.to_i ... I think chomp removes \r\n but is there any other difference?
<matthewd> impermanence: No; that is indeed what chomp does.
<volty> impermanence: I wanted so say the same you are asking about — how can a novice imagine there could be "other difference"
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<impermanence> matthewd: okay.
<volty> chomp removes whatever $/ 's value is
<impermanence> ah. I see.
<volty> seen :)
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<nofxxx> volty, actually nice is that it's kinda of beginning of /^\d regex... so "123-rocknroll".to_i -> 123
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<nofxxx> what's nice in #to_i*
<nofxxx> easy to make permalinks that way
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<PorcoRex> Good evening.
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<maum> hello
<PorcoRex> Hey.
<maum> how can I get author value from {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."} ?
<maum> This is hash
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<Radar> maum: So what have you tried?
<maum> h[:author]
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<Radar> maum: Did that not work?
<maum> yes
<Radar> How did that not work?
<Radar> >> {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr."}[:author]
<ruby[bot]> Radar: # => "Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr." (https://eval.in/771571)
<maum> anystyle.rb:21:in `[]': can't convert Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
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<Radar> maum: looks like you're calling [] on an array instead. Show us the rest of the code please.
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<Radar> maum: Output h for us please.
<Radar> I think it's an array, not a hash.
<maum> how to get the value from array?
<PorcoRex> It seems you're using Anystyle. Not sure what it is, but that may not be a raw hash.
<Radar> Example here shows it does indeed return an array
<maum> the output of h is {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}
<Radar> maum: I would suggest experimenting with how to get the first element of an array.
<Radar> maum: Did you use puts or p?
<Radar> maum: to get that output: did you use puts or p?
<maum> puts
<PorcoRex> There's also something, in the original input, there isn't an "author" key. Where should that be coming from?
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<Radar> maum: puts takes an array and iterates through it all, outputting each element
<Radar> maum: use `p` to get the actual object's representation.
<Radar> maum: It's an array. You'll need to find the first element of that array and then call [:author] on that element.
<Radar> bbl
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<maum> Radar: how? would you show me an example?
<Radar> maum: ?g ruby first element on array
<PorcoRex> h[0]
<Radar> ?g ruby first element on array
<ruby[bot]> Radar: I don't see no ruby, whom should I tell about g?
<Radar> one day I will figure out ruby[bot]
<Radar> maum: experiment in irb. Create an array and then try to get the _first_ element from that array. I'm sure you can figure it out.
<Radar> *gone*
<maum> h[0] shows {:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at La ke Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}
<PorcoRex> maum, interesting... How about h[0][:author] ?
<maum> PorcoRex: you are very nice commentor
<PorcoRex> Did that work or are you just stroking my ego?
<maum> it shows Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.
<PorcoRex> That's pretty close I think.
<maum> but why 0?
<maum> the output of h and h[0] are same
<PorcoRex> How about h.first[:author] ?
<maum> also same
<maum> it prints the authors
<PorcoRex> How about h.class ?
<maum> array
<PorcoRex> Ah, you should always print arrays with "p", not "puts".
<PorcoRex> Try now p h .
<maum> anystyle.rb:23:in `<main>': private method `puts' called for #<Array:0x00000002808610> (NoMethodError)
<PorcoRex> Uh oh.
<PorcoRex> Why are you using anystyle?
<maum> to parse references
<PorcoRex> How about puts h.inspect ?
<maum> it prints [{:author=>"Clow GD, McKay CP, Simmons Jr. GM, and Wharton RA, Jr.", :date=>"1988.", :title=>"Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at L ake Hoare, Antarctica.", :journal=>"Journal of Climate", :volume=>"1:", :pages=>"715-728."}]
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<PorcoRex> Ah, there's the array.
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<PorcoRex> You'll notice it's different from puts h.first.inspect .
<maum> anystyle.rb:22:in `<main>': private method `puts' called for #<String:0x00000003548140> (NoMethodError)
<PorcoRex> Well, that's different, alright.
<PorcoRex> That gem doesn't seem to be too flexible, but to answer you question, it seems to parse several records. So, you want to get the first record (using h[0] or h.first) and then query the :author from that record.
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<msafi> Hey folks, I don't know much about Ruby, but Travis CI is telling me I need to use their gem to encrypt values for the CI. Thing is, I tried `gem install travis` but got a permission error. So I tried `gem install travis --user-install` and it worked.
<msafi> Then I don't know what I did, and it broke. Now I get this error when I run it https://i.imgur.com/auGJAga.png
<msafi> Any ideas how to fix this?
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<PorcoRex> Looks like it's not finding the gem where it expects it to. Also, are encripted values used for integration with code climate or something like that? I don't remember you needing to generate a key for Travis only use.
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<msafi> PorcoRex: I need to use Travis CI for an unrelated project on GitHub
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<PorcoRex> msafi, do you have a .travis.yml file in your project?
<msafi> Yes
<PorcoRex> Did you configure the travis dashboard to login through Github?
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<msafi> Hmmm, I found a fix. I needed to remove `export GEM_HOME` and `export GEM_PATH` which were = `~/.gem` from my environment
<PorcoRex> Good deal.
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<cerulean> i let some designers from twitter connect to my secret app without an NDA
<cerulean> am i a fucking idiot?
<msafi> Nah, you'll be fine
<cerulean> alright cool
<msafi> 👍
<cerulean> thanks :)
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<babykosh> greetings ruby makers…..noob question….is an easy to understand comparison chart between ruby 2.1.2 and 2.4? Trying to understand what differences exist. Thank you in advance.
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<Radar> babykosh: You could always look at the changelogs for 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
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<babykosh> @radar thank you
<babykosh> @radar looking now
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<babykosh> ok ruby makers…on github for ruby 2.1… where is the kernel module…I want to look at it with my human eyes.
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<herwin> `git grep Kernel`
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<wkoszek> So I'm still looking for testers for my reproducible Ruby builds: https://github.com/wkoszek/ruby_packages
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<dminuoso> Radar in here? :o
<Radar> dminuoso: yes
<dminuoso> ?seen Radar
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I don't know anything about seen
<dminuoso> Amazing. How did you find this channel?
<Radar> dminuoso: I've known about it for a while.
<Radar> Sorry for not telling you.
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<dminuoso> babykosh: Also be sure to look at the minor changelogs. Ruby has a tendency to shove syntax changes down your throat in minor versions. ;-)
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<babykosh> @dminuoso are those in the same location as the regular changelogs (on github)?
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<dminuoso> babykosh: Personally I would go for the announcements at ruby-lang.org -> they have summaries of the most notable features. The changelog from the git repository will usually contain a lot of technical things that are less relevant just to get an impression of the differences.
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<babykosh> @dminuoso oh this is good yes! combined with the general changelogs, I have a good place to start. Thank you!
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<ddffg> why i get such error libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<Lartza> ddffg, Probably because you have readline 7 but your ruby is compiled with 6
<ddffg> No such file or directory - /home/user/.rubies/ruby-2.3.1/lib/ruby/2.3.0/x86_64-linux/readline.so
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<ddffg> it wokred 4 weeks ago
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<jennyrgb> I hate racial mixing. Niggerapes and humans shouldn't mix
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<tobiasvl> !ops
<ruby[bot]> tobiasvl: ops currently in #ruby: adaedra, aredridel, havenwood, Radar, apeiros, baweaver, helpa, jhass, ljarvis, matthewd, miah, ruby[bot], zenspider and zzak
<matthewd> !ban jennyrgb
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<tobiasvl> thanks
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<halogenandtoast> Is there any good documentation discouraging the extension of ruby's core classes?
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<halogenandtoast> herwin: that's subclassing though, I meant reopening the class and adding `my_random_method` to that class.
<tobiasvl> monkey patching
<halogenandtoast> or duck punching, whatever your flavor is.
<matthewd> halogenandtoast: That comes down to "there might be name conflicts"
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<matthewd> That makes it rather rude for a random library to be doing... but doesn't really affect the application author, or a library whose whole purpose is to make such extensions
<halogenandtoast> matthewd: right, I'm trying to find a good way to discourage my students from doing this arbitrarily
<halogenandtoast> I mentioned name conflicts.
<matthewd> In their end application? I'm not sure I necessarily see anything wrong with that.
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<matthewd> It's then an API design question: "does this method make sense on every String, or does it only really work for this particular one?", etc
<halogenandtoast> matthewd: It opens the door for unexpected errors. And these students will be contributing to our companies code base at some point
<halogenandtoast> *company's
<matthewd> i.e., exactly the same "is this the right class for that method" questions you'd ask about any other class
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<halogenandtoast> Sure in this case they've monkey-patched Integer to have a digits method, to return the number of digits a number has.
<matthewd> Well that's an ideal example
<halogenandtoast> Seems like its not an ideal example then...
<halogenandtoast> as this will conflict
<halogenandtoast> actually it depends on what you meant by example
<matthewd> I mean it's an ideal example for your "don't do this" argument
<matthewd> But, that conflict with the future notwithstanding, I'd personally be fine with the addition of such a method
<matthewd> Again, within the application -- not a library.
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<halogenandtoast> matthewd: thanks for the insight.
<halogenandtoast> I generally have a "no extending core classes" mentality, only because I've been bitten by it every single time I've done it.
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<halogenandtoast> but that's the result of library authors extending core classes (I'm looking at you rails)
<matthewd> *gulp*
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<matthewd> My counter-argument is that Rails is primarily a framework, so we play by different rules: we're generally present from the start, to adjust the base environment... not pulled in as some arbitrary dependency to stomp on your namespace unexpectedly
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<halogenandtoast> matthewd: yeah still not sure why rails needed to add Numeric#bytes
<matthewd> Admittedly, that doesn't work so well when you think about using activerecord in isolation, or similar
<halogenandtoast> seems like "not the frameworks responsibility"
<halogenandtoast> and of course that meant they added gigabytes, exabytes, and friends...
<halogenandtoast> </rant> heading home now, thanks again.
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<valkyrka> hi guys, a little bit of an odd one, I wrote a script which doesn’t behave as I would expect it
<valkyrka> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ade70d93dee45a08c13adceaab0cb8e7 is the script and basically when I call it script.rb 5, instead of printing the beers with more than 5 abv, I get odd results
<valkyrka> I mean, I don’t understand when I run it with the parameter 5 why it’s printing out a beer w/ 4.5 alchohol
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<dminuoso> valkyrka: ?testcase
<dminuoso> ?testcase
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I don't know anything about testcase
* dminuoso sighs.
<dminuoso> valkyrka: Let's clean up some things for readabilities sake.
<dminuoso> valkyrka: "#{beer["abv"]}" is ugly. Use beer["abv"].to_s instead.
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<valkyrka> ok, cool, let me do that
<dminuoso> And that puts is replaced best with sprinft using the following shorthand:
<dminuoso> well that last puts is fine
<dminuoso> valkyrka: For that second, please read the documentation of https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/String.html#method-i-3C-3D-3E
<valkyrka> thanks for pointing me in the right direction
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<AlienElite_> Whats up?
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<AlienElite_> Anyone seen a nigga on a bike lately?
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<conta> what's good ruby book these days? general intermediate stuff
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<impermanence> What module is ARGV in?
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<impermanence> found it :)
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<agent_white> Mornin' folks
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<impermanence> Why does the following fail: dir_to_create = gets.chomp ; ARGV[0] = dir_to_create ? (ignore the semi-colon obviously)
<impermanence> maybe it doesn't, actually.
<impermanence> heh. nevermind.
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<allisio> impermanence: How did that happen?
<impermanence> I'm new and was rushing. I didn't read the interpret output carefully enough.
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<Siyfion> Does anyone know what my issue might be here (http://imgur.com/a/QKsXZ)
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<Siyfion> I think I'
<Siyfion> *I've got all the gems installed that I need, but for some reason it comes up with this...
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<baweaver> !gist
<baweaver> ?gist
<ruby[bot]> https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
<baweaver> much easier to use than imgur
<Siyfion> baweaver true, but it's a bit of a mess with word-wrap
<impermanence> morning. Do I need to require anything in order for Dir.chdir("/tmp") to work? I'm calling it but my current shell does not change directory...
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<baweaver> impermanence: It'll only "cd" inside the ruby process
<impermanence> baweaver: oh. so basically in the threads being executed...the cd is happening there?
<baweaver> yep
<impermanence> oh, wow. okay then.
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<baweaver> Siyfion: which OS / how did you install it?
<Siyfion> OSX / gem install
<baweaver> brew?
<Siyfion> or bundle install
<Siyfion> Ah yes
<baweaver> seeing some issues cropping around there
<Siyfion> Ah ha
<Siyfion> Good spot
<baweaver> though I'd go with another manager for it honestly
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<baweaver> brew ruby can be a bit off on occasion
<Siyfion> Okay, thats a shame.. I love brew :(
<baweaver> that'll get you ready for Rails, so you can skip a few steps if you won't need that.
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<baweaver> brew works for most things
<baweaver> languages can be finnicky, especially if you need more than one version
<Siyfion> rvm / nvm to the rescue?
<baweaver> I've used rvm in the past and currently use nvm
<baweaver> there's a lot of skepticism lately around RVM though it seems
<baweaver> something about 20k line shell scripts being dangerous
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<baweaver> I think ruby-install / chruby are the new favorites
<Siyfion> Ah... so at the moment you'd recommend chruby?
<baweaver> yeah
<Siyfion> Okay, I'll take a look
<baweaver> Radar's guide there does a good job of getting everything working
<baweaver> If you're only using the one version though it may not be worth the effort
<Siyfion> Yeah, I generally only use latest
<Siyfion> I only do a *very* small app in Ruby, everything else is Node.js/React/etc.
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<Siyfion> To create PDFs weirdly
<Siyfion> But it works well... so hey, why not!?
<baweaver> Wicked was it?
<Siyfion> No, PrawnPDF actually ;)
* baweaver wishes pdf would die
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<Siyfion> Haha... well for very accurate printing, it's quite useful.. ie. labelling.
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<baweaver> Never said it wasn't, but the caveats leave some things to be desired :)
<Siyfion> But it's not generated from HTML, due to the simple fact that I don't think I'd be able to position things as accurately as I'd like..
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<baweaver> namely playing chicken with Java for most exploits on record
<Siyfion> Oh there's a hell of a LOT to be desired from PDFs
<dminuoso> Siyfion: Such as?
<dminuoso> PDFs are actually one of the better formats out there.
<baweaver> uh oh
<baweaver> you summoned dminuoso
* Siyfion runs away and hides
* dminuoso growls
<baweaver> 'mornin
<Siyfion> Hey I like them... *for my use case
<Siyfion> But there are places where they are used that I'd prefer they weren't!
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<dminuoso> Siyfion: The thing that really triggers me about them if when companies start abusing cmap to make them un-copy-pastable, and then do positional tricks to ruin OCR attempts.
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<Siyfion> dminuoso: Couldn't agree more
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<Siyfion> For creating a document that you want printed in a *very* specific way... I love them, I don't think there's much else I could use...
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<dminuoso> Siyfion: They are at least truly portable.
<Siyfion> Yup, and fairly printer-friendly
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<Pierreb|home> system('perl /opt/ruby/sms.pl' "#{phone}") is there a way to add space between when sent to cmdline? it's sent as perl /opt/ruby/sms.pl11111111111
<apeiros> system('perl', '/opt…', phone)
<apeiros> (assuming phone already contains a string, then "#{phone}" is being pointlessly verbose)
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<Pierreb|home> just phone didnt work
<Pierreb|home> ill try that, thanks apeiros
<apeiros> "didn't work" doesn't work as a problem description
<apeiros> and it probably didn't work because you passed the arguments wrongly to system
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<apeiros> if phone truly is not a string, phone.to_s is IMO still cleaner than "#{phone}" (and that's just what that construct does anyway)
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<Pierreb|home> ok ill play around a bit
<lagweezle> I'm also noting that your call, apeiros, has commas, where as Pierreb|home just has strings following each other.
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<apeiros> lagweezle: yes, that's the main part
<Pierreb|home> i tried the commas between perl /opt/script, variable
<Pierreb|home> not sure why i didnt do it that time
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<lagweezle> Not just that, but breaking up 'perl /opt/...' into 'perl', '/opt/...'
<apeiros> you have to either put everything into a single string (creates a subshell) or use separate arguments for each (bypasses subshell)
<apeiros> &ri Kernel#system
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<darwish_> Hi .. I see this line in some open-source project: execute_cmdstager(flavor: :vbs)
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<darwish_> Is the "flavor: vbs" part a hash short form?
<apeiros> yes
<apeiros> it's either keyword arguments, or a hash. depends on the method definition.
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<cek> Anyone knows how to use http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#section-String-Functions in nokogiri, so that it returns not a nodeset but an actual substring ?
<havenwood> darwish_: Either a "naked hash" short form of Hash or it could be a keyword argument with default value.
<apeiros> cek: I'm sure people over in ##ruby know
<darwish_> havenwood, apeiros .. yeah the method takes a hash; So it's 100% equivalent to execute_cmdstager(:flavor => :vbs)
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<apeiros> yes. which in turn is equivalent to execute_cmdstager({:flavor => :vbs})
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<darwish_> apeiros, hmm .. from a language design perspective, was it worth it to create new syntax for such a very special case?
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<apeiros> darwish_: yes. but I wish they'd done it differently.
<darwish_> apeiros, if you have the time, I'd be very interested to listen :D
<apeiros> I don't have the issues and IMO better solution at the ready anymore, sorry. you're about 5y late ;-)
<apeiros> it mainly boils down to me preferring to have explicit kwarg syntax, which is not mixed up with hash syntax
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<darwish_> apeiros, I see :-)
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<hays> what's the best way to compatibly integrate a ruby script into a logging facility like syslog? I know about Syslog::Logger
<hays> but it seems like maybe some Linux distros for example are shipping without syslog these days
* lagweezle lights systemd on fire.
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<matthewd> hays: You want the best way to integrate with syslog without using syslog? :/
<hays> i don't particulrly care about using syslog or whatever else, just looking for something as platform independent as practicable
<hays> something that would hopefully end up in syslog for a system running syslog, but end up wherever else is appropriate for a system running something else
<matthewd> AFAIK, the "whatever else is appropriate" is still syslog
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<eam> syslog(3) is a posix defined libc call. It's not going anywhere
<eam> the daemon that services the /dev/log socket is more or less irrelevant
<hays> ok. well that is helpful actually
<hays> so Syslog::Ruby is tying to a POSIX call
<eam> most likely
<eam> the posix call is, in turn, very simple and probably amounts to a particular string format and sendto() to /dev/log
<hays> erm Syslog::Logger
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<hays> I started down this rabbit hole because my Syslog::Logger messages look crappy in console.log (MacOS)
<hays> just trying to get a flavor at this point that its working..
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<hays> all my messages show up with the name 'ruby' instead of what I pass into the Syslog::Logger constructor
<hays> and levels don't seem to be coming through
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<hays> yeah, just verified that Syslog::Logger works with a Syslog module, that is an interface for syslog(3) which I think means POSIX
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<eam> hays: because /dev/log is just a regular old socket it's pretty easy to debug. Try attaching strace and looking at the format of the string being sent to the socket
<hays> not sure how to do that
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<eam> here's a pretty fun 'zine about how to use it https://jvns.ca/blog/2015/04/14/strace-zine/
<eam> strace shows you the system calls a process is making, easiest way to test it: `strace ls` to see what system calls the `ls` program invokes
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<eam> anyway, you can use it to see what data is flowing over a descriptor
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<mikecmpbll> anyone know any guides on writing protocols over TCP, in general or specifically in ruby?
<mikecmpbll> (TCP or UDP)
<dminuoso> mikecmpbll: RFC.
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<mikecmpbll> dminuoso : got a link? can't find anything
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<mikecmpbll> oh, do you mean the standards. i don't mean implementing existing protocols but creating a custom one
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<matthewd> mikecmpbll: 1. Don't; use an existing protocol. 2. Open a socket and read & write to it.
<mikecmpbll> yeah. i don't really know why i asked the question, i know it's as simple as that.
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<mikecmpbll> it's late, my brain isn't functioning good :d
<matthewd> Yeah, beyond that it's a matter of protocol design, in which case see 1.
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<mikecmpbll> hmm. lots of software implement custom protocols for talking between their various components
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