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crystal: a language with the blazing speed of haskell, the elegant syntax of c, and the type safety of ruby
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?crystal rubinnius
rubinnius: Please join #crystal-lang for help with the Crystal programming language.
or rather
?crosspost rubinnius
rubinnius: Please do not crosspost without at least telling so and mentioning provided suggestions and their outcome in all channels. Experience shows that people don't do either, and not doing so is considered rude.
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good evening im trying to learn ruby by coding a blog would it be wise to use sinata or rails ?
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Hello. I'm thinking how I should use RSpec to define a set of tests against a public api so that I would have a list of api endpoints and that the test group would be executed against each endpoint in the list
I'm familiar on using RSpec for simple unit tests, but I'm not sure how I should approach this.
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Garo_: you shouldn't hit live endpoints in your tests
If only I could live by that rule. :(
you can, we all can!
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ljarvis: I have a full separated unit test suite, but I also want to build a test which I can run every 5 minute against all of my different production clusters to verify that they work. I figured that rspec could fit fine if I bend the rules a bit, but definitively open to other ideas also
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I have this line in a method: self.slug = self.name.parameterize
However, sometimes I need to create a slug for a city, not just a name.
In that sense, not that syntax, obviously.
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Hey, I would need to run a method and get a report of all methods that were called during its execution. Ideas on what to use for that?
hightower2: TracePoint
Nice one, thanks
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has someone ever worked with the gibbon gem here? its a gem for asking mailchimp for data
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and im trying to get the content of a mailtemplate, and that does not seem to be possible, can anyone help?
community has really gone wild with those module names...
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hightower2: idd
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If I wanted to make a Gem that can be required by a Rakefile, what should I search for to read up on how to do that?
instead of including rakelib/ in every project I wanted to make
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haylon: You don't really need to do anything special... but you could probably find some relevant examples by searching rubygems.org for 'rake'
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I figure looking at RSpec's RakeTask woudl be a good example as well
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Hello @here
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hi arki
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how does one create a paged each on an array
with chunk while?
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oh each slice, yes i remember
x-post from #eventmachine: is it possible to close a tcp listener in EM? i have a listener created by EM.start_server, but i'd like to be able to close the listener, i'd also like to be able to get its file number, but i can't really find any object i can manipulate
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Hi, Can I talk about Rails here?
nardo: #rubyonrails
I've tried to access but I can't
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register your nick i guess
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I've got an interesting issue with RDoc: For some reason, it's not parsing files in my CI environment. It's listing the files, but it doesn't seem to read them. Same commands works perfectly on a local machine, though. Has anyone seen something like this before?
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Crote: just a guess. locale settings maybe?
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hi all. just wanted to check if anyone has a Ruby certifications and those who do how this cert impacts their carreers. thanks
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@darix: No dice :-/
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Okay, this is a simple question but I can't think of the proper terms to google it properly. When I have a method that returns a class in Pry, pry prints a representation of the class with detail. What method does it call to generate this representation? It isn't to_s.
try puts Obj.inspect
and you probably dont mean class, you mean object
You're right, I do mean object
That's what I'm looking for, thanks
you're welcome
I'm having a case of the Mondays, sorry for the bad terms.
i have a case of 'why didnt i become mailman' like always
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why does logger not work in trap contexts?
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it's always puzzled me
trap context is a weird thing
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Whammy. Figured out how to make my own rake_tasks gem.
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Can anyone think of what this code is useful for: if hash.respond_to?("#{key}="); hash.send("#{key}=", value); end
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trying to puzzle through an uncommented 1.9 codebase and wondering if this is an old idiom or something
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btw that code is in an each for a param hash
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well, it depends if hash really is a Hash instance
ljarvis: thanks, double checked and hash isn't actually a hash instance :P
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makes sense. It should still probably be public_send (unless it's an internal feature)
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Any Faraday users in here?
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I'm trying to switch some code over to it to take advantage of faraday-http-cache
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I'd like to know if it's possible to get Faraday to impersonate Net:HTTP for my code, or do I need to adapt my code to do things the Faraday Way
after all its whole point is being an abstraction above different client libraries
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jhass: :/ ok
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also stay away if you need content streaming btw
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jhass: nope, just trying to be a better github citizen
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just foundout there's Timeout api in ruby. got excited about implementing it and being all slick. and then found out its bad idea. :( #sadday
it's an old desire that's just not solvable ;)
any form of timeout needs corporation by the code that's being timeouted
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jolamb: what are you trying to do?
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zenspider: cache API responses, take advantage of conditional responses to cut down on my rate limit abuse
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zenspider: the code I'm adapting has some idiosyncracies, and a lot of it depends on Net:HTTP
why not use the official github client?
zenspider: the app is already written. Lots of processes depend on it, and there's no unit tests
and I didn't write it so don't hit me. :D
NIH for the win... sad
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zenspider: we're working on replacing it Any Day Now, but until that happens I'd like to make it a bit better-behaved
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I am trying to create a function that returns the next prime number. (ex: next_prime(53) => 59) -- I was wondering if anyone could check out the gist. I think line 5 is sketchy. I'm not sure how I'd go about returning a value beyond the argument. https://gist.github.com/eightlimbed/563842405cee72f6ccbea2ce5d8f495d
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eightlimbed: is this homework?
It was an interview question that I got stumped on
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the easy answer: Prime::EratosthenesGenerator.new.take_while { |i| i <= n }
hi all! what's the most elegant way to include something in a string if (some logic) is true, and exclude it if that logic is false? ruby noob here just trying to make some little things more elegant
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Depends how much text you want to include/exclude.
for example 'puts "hello my name is biox" if X = true, otherwise puts "hello my is biox" if X = false. Is the most elegant way using if-statements?