dwradcliffe changed the topic of #rubygems-aws to: RubyGems.org Ops | Log: http://irclog.whitequark.org/rubygems-aws | https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems-aws
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<dwradcliffe> samkottler qrush evan: Talking about setting up a new list/group for rubygems.org contributors
<dwradcliffe> samkottler suggested two new lists. one private for security, one public for contrib stuff
<dwradcliffe> any thoughts?
<qrush> I feel we only need a private one for security, etc
<qrush> The existing group will be fine for announcements, coordination, etc
<dwradcliffe> you want deploy instructions sent out to the existing list?
<qrush> Well it's not like they can access it :)
<qrush> I just prefer to be public first, if possible
<qrush> If it's a matter of getting shit done, then just make the lists
<qrush> I'm +1 for progress in any form so if you want to start it, go for it :)
<dwradcliffe> qrush: cool - hopefully we'll see some progress this weekend
<dwradcliffe> hoping to be able to deploy via capistrano very soon
<qrush> Yay!!
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