dwradcliffe changed the topic of #rubygems-aws to: RubyGems.org Ops | Log: http://irclog.whitequark.org/rubygems-aws | https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems-aws
GitHub129 has joined #rubygems-aws
<GitHub129> [rubygems-aws] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/a3_qkQ
<GitHub129> rubygems-aws/master dd623c9 Sam Kottler: Temporarily route CN/JP traffic to au-m.rubygems.org since tokyo-m.rubygems.org is currently down
GitHub129 has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
GitHub65 has joined #rubygems-aws
<GitHub65> rubygems-aws/master 5cfec92 Sam Kottler: Send https traffic to au-m, too
GitHub65 has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
<GitHub65> [rubygems-aws] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/HdSNDA
<dwradcliffe> qrush: can we get a paid pingdom account? I'd like to add checks for the mirrors
<dwradcliffe> or maybe that's a question for evan
capistrano has joined #rubygems-aws
capistrano has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
<capistrano> david deployed rubygems.org @ bd7fc33b0ce32b105a9df51ad29c983959eb8c42 to production (app02-aws.rubygems.org)
<qrush> dwradcliffe: i was thinking of paying for one for me personally