[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/px66
rubygems-infrastructure/master 989a235 Sam Kottler: jank temporary hack to get collectd-core to cleanly get removed from the system
rubygems-infrastructure/master 9360469 Sam Kottler: single quote collectd-core to make david happy
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pxPV
rubygems-infrastructure/master b64f97c Sam Kottler: delete check_collectd_proc check
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler closed pull request #8: Include default sensu recipe (master...sensu-default) http://git.io/rac-aQ
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/px9K
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rubygems-infrastructure/master 4287ac6 Sam Kottler: sort search output to prevent flapping on the meg config and nginx upstream ordering
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pxHN
rubygems-infrastructure/master 5d8ffa6 Sam Kottler: remove collectd hack since it's been applied everywhere
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler created remove-users-outside-environment (+1 new commit): http://git.io/pxbc
rubygems-infrastructure/remove-users-outside-environment 1cda061 Sam Kottler: remove users that exists but don't have access to the node's environment
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler opened pull request #14: remove users that exist but don't have access to the node's environment (master...remove-users-outside-environment) http://git.io/pxb0
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rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler closed pull request #14: remove users that exist but don't have access to the node's environment (master...remove-users-outside-environment) http://git.io/pxb0
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pxx0
rubygems-infrastructure/master ab930aa Sam Kottler: remove cpan stuff since we don't need it
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[rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/pxh4
rubygems-infrastructure/master 96e7275 Sam Kottler: remove ganglia
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[rubygems-infrastructure] dwradcliffe pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ppUM
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rubygems-infrastructure/master 9fb3937 David Radcliffe: try username/password auth for uchiwa