since the gem versions are dates, we can see that the 2014 versions have been deleted before that blog posts, and the gems were not kept
am I missing something?
renatosilva: Two of the three versions have been yanked. The 2015.2.28 hasn't been yanked. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're asking?
first, I want to remove those removed 2014 versions
they have been yanked
workmad3 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
I want to remove that list
it's like rm file; ls => file.deleted (instead of empty)
havenwood: I want to remove the leftovers, those version records, is there any way to do that?
renatosilva: Other than unpublishing the gem entirely by yanking the last version, I don't know any way to remove the historical record that those versions were published then yanked.
havenwood: I see, so if I yank the latest version the gem will be gone and the page will give a 404?
or will it display "this is a removed gem, its name can't be used again, forever"