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<MrCrackPotBuilde> Hi how is everyone? I'm curious how are some gems able to install certain things after you have added them. Like devise install etc
<MrCrackPotBuilde> Basically I just want two simple commands. install a javascript file to lib and if antoher command is selected install a different file to lib
<MrCrackPotBuilde> the installing of the file when its a sinle file is prety easy but im struggling how to split it
<MrCrackPotBuilde> if anyone has a tutorial that would be great or a term i can google for
<tycoon177> MrCrackPotBuilde: you'll likely have better luck in #ruby, but this should get you going on rails generators: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/generators.html. Other gems use rake tasks for those kinds of tasks
<MrCrackPotBuilde> Thanks ill keep researching, Thats not quite what i need. I need something like a install script so ater the gem is installed it will copy over.
<MrCrackPotBuilde> at the minute when my gem is installed it just installed both to the lib file
<tycoon177> what are you needing then? your question wasn't clear
<MrCrackPotBuilde> after the gem is installed i want the user to declare which file to copy to lib file1 or file2
<tycoon177> a generator should be able to do that
<tycoon177> or a rake task
<tycoon177> it's up to you, the developer, to make that functionality available
<MrCrackPotBuilde> Just needs more practice and research. I obviously dont know 100% what im doing and fluked it to here hahah
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