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<manveru> hey folks, i'm wondering about a difference in getting the executables from a gemspec
<manveru> on one hand:'t-3.1.0.gem').spec.executables #> ["t"]
<manveru> on the other: Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.spec_for_dependency('t', '3.1.0'))[0][0][0].executables
<manveru> returns nothing
<manveru> i also checked the rubygems API, and it doesn't contain the executables key when fetching a gemspec
<manveru> e.g. `curl -s | jq '.executables'` returns null
<manveru> so i guess i always have to actually download the gem to get this information?
<manveru> i'd just like to know the reasoning... couldn't really find anything about it online
<manveru> i also checked the v2 API, but same issue
<manveru> which doesn't seem to add the executables to the ES index
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