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<ewanchic> havenwood: Hey, I wanted to thank you for all of your help. Sorry this is such a struggle.
<havenwood> ewanchic: any time!
<ewanchic> havenwood: You mentioned earlier that you are in charge of the RVM project? Is that right?
<havenwood> ewanchic: I'm one of the maintainers, but I wouldn't say "in charge." I do have the commit bit. I'd say mpapis is inn charge, if anyone.
<havenwood> ewanchic: Or pkuczynski—but it's a community effort.
<havenwood> ewanchic: Note, I don't have anywhere near the most commits: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/graphs/contributors
<havenwood> ewanchic: mpapis has the most, followed by wayne - who created the project
<havenwood> then pkuczynski, who i'd consider the current primary maintainer
<ewanchic> havenwood: oh, ok. Either way, I'm incorporating usage of RVM into my gem and I ran into some hiccups. I'm wonder if you could have time to help me out. Not today, I'm re-writting the gem a little bit at a time...with Tests. I'm moving code from my freight to the 'fr8' gem.
<havenwood> ewanchic: sure, happy to help with RVM
<havenwood> ewanchic: I actually use chruby and ruby-install, which I contribute more to
<havenwood> ewanchic: let's go to #ruby or #rvm
<havenwood> this channel is really about the RubyGems library itself
<ewanchic> havenwood: That's! I might just start with rvm part of the code first. Basically, it involves using the rails new script (I'm paraphrasing here). My gem starts by generating a new rails project, and creating a new rvm gemset based on specs, and then going back in to run a bundle install. For some reason I end up using certian commands (paraphrasing again) to make it work in the gemset...and then it's like the rails project doesn't reco
<ewanchic> ngize the bundle installed gems....it was a month ago I was working on this...sorry
<ewanchic> havenwood: oh, course. Thanks.
<havenwood> ewanchic: perfect question for #ruby - happy to help there
<havenwood> 👍🏽
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