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<anthropy> has anyone had this pervasive issue where new grains of some applications won't work? specifically with Wekan I keep getting it, it creates a grain and then loads in like 200-500kb worth data which keeps going up and down, but then it will eventually give a 'secure connection failed' and if I open the log it says "..[MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED]..." implying the wiredtigerdb fails to initialize or something? My
<anthropy> server is running on arch btw, idk if that matters
<anthropy> existing working grains do load fine, even a big wekan grain which is 100mb+
<xet7> anthropy: Do you have enough free disk space?
<xet7> anthropy: Please add new issue to
<anthropy> yea I'm at 162 of the 250gb allocated on the server, sorry for the delay I went afk for a bit, I'll add an issue, thanks xet7 !
<anthropy> I put the issue here , nice and round issue number :P hope the solution is as elegant, it seems pretty pervasive to me what's actually causing it considering what I already reinstalled the host VM and the hypervisor
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