TimMc: its hard to say, that was years ago. I don't mind having a sandcats subdomain though, it was just a bit of vanity to get it under my domain anyway :P
well... shit sandcats is gonna stick around for the forseeeable future, right?
Thanks for sharing that, xet7. I was trying to consolidate my bills, and cancelled my oasis sub a couple months ago. But I might rethink that after looking at the graph!
I do also pay oasis accounts, I have there Wekan blog, some websites, stats, etc
I'm currently doing major updates to Wekan, with new Meteor 1.8.1 and MongDB 4.0.11. I did test that with those Wekan does work on my webserver, but I need to check database migrations for MongoDB indexes etc so that it would migrate all to newest version.
I mean Wekan for Sandstorm newest version does work, but I have not made release yet, because I need more checks etc
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