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<elmarco1210> Hey everybody.
<CcxWrk> Hello.
<elmarco1210> ...using Sandstorm for several years and encountered today my first problem with Can't connect over HTTPS anymore. LOG: sandstorm/gateway.c++:998: error: refused HTTPS connection because no TLS keys are configured
<elmarco1210> I did not change anything. Already tried: remove HTTPS_PORT= entry from config, restarted sandstorm service, reentered HTTPS_PORT= in config, restartet
<elmarco1210> LOG: HTTPS mode is enabled but no certs found.
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<elmarco1210> LOG: Skipping unreadable HTTPS key information file while examining: /var/sandcats/https/<myinstance>
<elmarco1210> Has anybody an idea?
<CcxWrk> I have no clue about sandcats, sorry. Maybe whenever kentonv comes around he can have a look?
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<elmarco1210> ok, thanks. Try to contact him on another channel.
<CcxWrk> He's here, just ... idle.
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<xet7> elmarco1210: There was some Sandstorm GitHub issues about it, so now kentonv has rebooted SSL cert server, so it should be fixed now already.
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