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<telmich> good morning
<telmich> I was wondering how much sandstorm is capabale of using an IPv6 infrastructure?
<TimMc> telmich: The only issue I can think of so far is whether or not sandcats will advertise an AAAA record.
<TimMc> Even if Sandstorm itself will only listen on an IPv4 public interface (e.g. rather than ::) you could still put nginx in front of it. So I think the only other question is DNS, which you might be using sandcats for.
<TimMc> (I don't have answers, but does that at least represent your question well?)
<telmich> I've probably to checkout the architecture a bit more -- but if all it needs is a proxy in front of it, I might be very interesting in running it
<TimMc> The Sandstorm config file has a BIND_IP option, which you can probably set to :: to support both IPv4 and IPv6, at a guess.
<TimMc> (Personally, I prefer to have nginx in front anyhow, for more flexibility, so that's moot.)
<TimMc> I supply my own DNS and TLS certs, so there's nothing that should keep me from supporting IPv6... except that my ISP is IPv4-only, bleagh.
<telmich> I'm trying to understand the system requirements
<telmich> Which OS should I have for running sandstorm? Does Alpine 3.10 sound like a good choice?
xet7_ is now known as xet7
<TimMc> I've been using Debian, but I don't know that the distro particularly matters.
<xet7> telmich: I have run Sandstorm only on Debian and Ubuntu. I don't know does install script work on Alpine.
<telmich> thanks for the hints, I'll try that then
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