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<whitequark> azonenberg_work: ping
<azonenberg> whitequark: ack
<whitequark> azonenberg: say I have 1 lane (2 pairs, bidir) of 10 Gbps over copper. I want to connect it to an Intel CPU. what's the easiest way to do it?
<whitequark> I am thinking 10GBASE-R to PCIe converter chip of some sort.
<azonenberg> When you say "10 Gbps" do you mean 10Gbase-T? or arbitrary protocol raw data?
<azonenberg> You'll have to be more specific :)
<whitequark> raw data that has no predefined framing i.e. I can use anything I want
<azonenberg> So 10G FPGA transceiver to PC?
<whitequark> yes.
<azonenberg> Easiest option is probably to use 10Gbase-R framing and then get a pcie to 10G SFP+ card
<whitequark> it's an embedded device, I think a card won't work.
<azonenberg> If you don't mind buying a chinese clone card rather than an intel OEM card, you can get a 1-port card for $106.99 on amazon (cheaper may be possible, i havent looked too hard)
<whitequark> needs a chip
<azonenberg> What's the other end of the link?
<azonenberg> and are there mechanical constraints?
<whitequark> other end meaning the FPGA?
<azonenberg> no the intel end
<azonenberg> custom board? does hardware exist yet?
<whitequark> yes, no
<azonenberg> You might be able to get an intel 82599ES
<azonenberg> which is the chipset used on the x520 card
<azonenberg> somebody in shenzhen probably has a tray full of them you can just walk up and buy one of
<azonenberg> the cpu facing interface is pcie 2.0 x8
<azonenberg> although if you only use one 10g lane i think you might be able to run it at x4?
<azonenberg> there may be a pcie 3.0 version that uses less lanes available too
<azonenberg> oh here we go, the x550-at controller is a single port pcie 3.0 to 10g controller
<azonenberg> And there's a 1208 page datasheet on intel's website with no NDA
<whitequark> oh? which?
<azonenberg> intel x550-at
<azonenberg> getting the silicon may be a challenge
<whitequark> oh, found it
<azonenberg> but if you can get it, you can probably figure out how to make a board for it
<azonenberg> At that point, it's a question of whether you're willing to pay the BOM cost and PCB area for a 10Gbase-R to PCIe bridge chip
<whitequark> thanks.
<whitequark> that's really helpful.
<azonenberg> if it saves you the trouble of writing PCIe code for the fpga and cpu
<azonenberg> i can't make that call, but consider both options
<azonenberg> (vs direct pcie to the fpga)
<whitequark> can't have direct PCIe to FPGA, that would have been preferable.
<azonenberg> ah ok
<whitequark> azonenberg: hm wait, X550-AT is copper
<whitequark> it has the PHY on die
<whitequark> 82599 works, though the power consumption is not low. 3-3.5 W
<azonenberg> yeah
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<whitequark> azonenberg: can you give me a link to your verilog style guide?
<whitequark> iirc you had one
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